August 10, 2022

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JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

comment image

Famed Member
Reply to  JP Steve
2 years ago

The quote below….
NOTE: During the Second World War the American land-based air forces, the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF), were part of the U.S. Army. Therefore James Doolittle was awarded the Army version of the Medal of Honor.
Comes from     HERE.     This     LINK     leads to a detailed biographical article about James Doolittle.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

Yeah, me Pa-In-Law joined the Army in WWII, managed to get into the Army Air Corps, and retired a Major in the Air Force.

Interesting stories about crossing The Pond in a Troop Carrier.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

I crossed on her eight years later (1953)

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago


Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

A picture link of the actual plane on the program guide’s cover, leading to an article containing a description of the 1932 air race and some specifications for the plane.
comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by Alexikakos
Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago


Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

The Gee Bee R2 was a similar plane, but slightly more normal dimensions and safer to fly. The R2 was for the cross-country race. I saw a R2 replica at Reno in 1994.

Thank you for posting the Cleveland Air Race Poster and the information about the R1 and Jimmy Doolittle.

Famed Member
Reply to  P51Strega
2 years ago

Someone in central Oregon has one. You can sometimes see it off a strip off I5.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

was he hit by a car? what a moving picture!

Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

That’s a scary sight! More anesthetic, please!

Reply to  dennisinseattle
2 years ago
Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
2 years ago

Sorry Dennis…

All I get is a 404 error.

Looking at the URL… are you trying to link to something in your own Google Photos account?

Other people can’t access that.

You have to be logged in to your Google account to see it yourself.

You can create a usable link to it using the “Share” menu but I’ve never tried to post one online to know how well that it works.

I do know it’s more secure to download the photo, if it’s not already on your computer, then go to a site like

Browse your computer folders for it from there, let it upload, then use the link they provide (the 2nd one in their list is the right format for WordPress).

Then they’re hosting it, on their servers.

If you know all that, or you weren’t trying to link to something in Google Photos… I apologise.

Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Thanks, Susan

Reply to  dennisinseattle
2 years ago

postimages gave me a big “FORBIDDEN” notice so somehow it can tell it is original art that may be copyrighted. I have dragged photos from my pictures file to post in the past, I think, but that is not working now.

I will go ponder for a while.

Last edited 2 years ago by DennisinLeschi
Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
2 years ago

That’s very strange.

We’ve all posted plenty of copyrighted images, but I’ve never even seen a “Forbidden” notice on postimage.

I’ve even uploaded images there from my Google Photos app, when using postimage on my tablet…

Another person wouldn’t have been able to see them, but postimage had no problem with access.


I hate to even mention it, but.the site does forbid …um… a certain kind of images, that it used to be full of.

But I doubt you’d be using anything X rated, and I have no idea how it could tell to forbid one anyway… I thought it was the honor system.

I’m about to go out, and I won’t be back till we’re commenting on tomorrow’s strip.

But if you like, you can email me the picture and I’ll try uploading and posting it, just to see if I can tell what’s going on.

I’d put it either on tomorrow’s comments, with explanation, or late here on today’s, your choice.

Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Little girl with flowers? Not x rated.

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
2 years ago


It’s posted now on tomorrow’s comments.

No problem.

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
2 years ago

You can’t copy the picture in question to your machine, click on the image-symbol bottom-right in your comments field there and upload it from there?
Important note: The size (length/height) of the picture is limited, and you have to type at least one visible character in the comments field.

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
2 years ago

If a picture is on your computer, PostImage has no problems navigating to it and uploading it.

For various reasons, I prefer an image hosting site to a direct upload, but to each his own.

But if, it’s in your Google Photos app, as it appears that this one may be… it’s stored online.

That’s where photos from an Android device camera are automatically uploaded. You view them in the Google Photos app on your device, or via your browser on a desktop computer.


You can download them to your hard drive, of course, as I suggested in my first comment that Dennis do…

But until then neither PostImage nor WordPress seem to be able to navigate to them when you’re on a PC.

You seem to be suggesting that if he can’t “copy” the picture to his PC, he upload it via that WordPress button…

But I don’t know how WordPress will find it if it’s NOT on his computer.


The Photos app used to be duplicated in Google Drive, the cloud storage from Google, which also keeps a mirror copy on your hard drive, if you want to, so everything is in both places.

The two used to be automatically synced, but a couple of years ago, Google separated its online and Google Drive photo apps.

I wish they were still synced.

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
2 years ago

Having uploaded and posted it without a hitch, the only thing I can think of to ask you is whether instead of navigating directly to the image and clicking “open”…

you entered the URL you used in your first post.

Hey, trying to copy it in here… it just says

which was my surmise when looking at the long form.

That’s a protected URL, and PostImage would indeed find it forbidden.

YOU can get inside your folder and let PostImage upload something… on its own it can’t enter.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

me, too

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
2 years ago

I actually had to set up a Google Account.
404 as well.
I don’t think I set the account up properly though. Google took my chosen user name and now lists that as my gmail address for the account. I don’t have a gmail account or a password for it in that user name.
Too, Google is really getting snoopy, wanting all kinds of information about its users that is really none of its business.
Don’t forget to go into your account and set everything to private so unless someone is Google, your account isn’t visible unless you want it that way.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

Count backwards from 100. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to 98.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

An all girl surgery team? Okay.

Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

This is very cute, until you look at the condition of the deck.

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
2 years ago

My research says they’re twins.
You can purchase a copy of the print for $37.62 Canadian plus shipping and 5% gst and (if applicable) the appropriate pst on price and shipping or hst (hst includes gst and pst of “x” %).
I agree with your “…very cute, until…” sentiment.

Famed Member
2 years ago

Think about it for a minute, Claude. You’ll figure it out. Just don’t give him a match!

Reply to  perkycat
2 years ago

To the Moon, Cleo!

Famed Member
Reply to  perkycat
2 years ago


Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Excuse me!!! I don’t often think…………. She acts like a him.

Famed Member
2 years ago

He’s about as dumb as my puppy. (I should have named him Brick.)

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
2 years ago


Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
2 years ago

Who is? I’m confused.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Claud! With Cleo any match is likely to lead to some kind of pyrotechnics. 😀

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
2 years ago


I was tired, sorry.

I guess I didn’t associate Claude with a comparison to a puppy, so I thought maybe you meant Cleo,

but Cleo’s a girl (except to Perkycat… LOL.)

Also sorry your poor puppy’s not playing with a full deck.

Would be funny if his name were Brick but he were actually a few bricks short of a load.

I have to say I used to know a particularly unintelligent cat… We’re talking the train left the station without some very important parts of his brain.

He’d run into walls while chasing things, try to eat bees, and get stung.

He’d escape from my friends’ apartment and meow at the wrong door to come home. The neighbors had to learn where he lived.

But he was incredibly sweet, and much beloved.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

I can only hope he gets smarter with age. 😀

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
2 years ago

Got a match?
A) Your face & the south end of a north-bound horse.
B) Not since Jesus died.
C) Your breath & a buffalo fart.

Famed Member
2 years ago

@ â€”comment image


From yesterday.
how the heck did you pull this one out of your archives?–have the recipes alphabetized?
To answer your question simply; yes.
There is a site online I found that carries most, if not all, the MLB, NCAA football / basketball, NFL and NBA games.
As you know by now I like cooking and recipes.
So to keep my mind from going squirrely while listening to Blue Jays, Crimson Tide, and whatever N.F.L. team’s game caught my attention (primarily Green Bay) I just went in and sorted both “Cheap Thrills Cuisine,” and “Kitchen Capers” into alphabetized folders a few years ago.
I now use Ken Ken 6  Ã—  6 all four operands, hard, or a series of chess games, set for very easy, to do the same thing (it’s amazing the blunders one can make when something going on in the game catches one’s ear).
Major League Baseball caught up to the site where I listened to the Jays’ games a couple of weeks back, so I had to wait a few days before the site finished its reset and moved to a different set of electrons before I could watch games again. I’m not sure if they’ve done the same with the other three sites yet. I’ll find out as the seasons start (except for the NBA / as I said more than once in my comments on “Frazz,” “Watching basketball is so painful even snakes close their eyes.”).

@ â€”comment image

JP Steve

Also from yesterday.
I’m not sure what you meant (I’m guessing formatting).
“Cheap Thrills Cuisine”, dropped by GoComics in February 2021, and “Kitchen Capers”, (although now in re-runs still is) are or were cooking comics in the GoComics line-up I just cut and, paste(ed) and sort(ed) them into “Picture” folders as I said above.
The formatting is the authors and GoComics.
And finally

@ â€”comment image   StelBel   and â€”comment image   SusanSunshine

Also, redundantly and repetitiously, from yesterday too .
The article I linked to states that the pool is indeed bone-shaped. The end at the top of the video is shallow for “….non-swimmer or more vertically challenged pooches….”.

I meant to put this in with the above for StelBel, but I forgot to. So I’m editing it in now at 09:57 hours E.D.T.
StelBel you have said elsewhere you like both rice and sausage. Here is Kitchen Capers’ recipe for ‘Ravishing Rice.’ I find recipes for things I like fun to read and sometimes make. I hope you do too (it’s the actual comic).

comment image


Last edited 2 years ago by Alexikakos
Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

I never saw those two comics, dang it! I would have liked them. I’ll need to look for the rerun one.

Famed Member
2 years ago

There is no match for Cleo.

Claude is certainly no match for her.

And considering her affinity for war toys and weaponry….

Let’s just keep Cleo matchless, shall we?

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Ummm….she does own at least one flame thrower.

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
2 years ago

Famed Member
Reply to  Old Phart Plods
2 years ago

it just wouldn’t be hump day without you!!

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
2 years ago

Just a little levity and light makes every day a good day.
That and no one throwing dirt on me 😂

Famed Member
Reply to  Old Phart Plods
2 years ago

For the next month Wednesday is my weekend.

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
2 years ago

Famed Member
Reply to  Old Phart Plods
2 years ago

She is amazing, but I don’t like the slow-motion effects. It’s a dance, it’s created to flow with the music. Since it was created as video clip, anyone wanting to see a move can go back and replay it.

Famed Member
2 years ago

why-ever would cleo want a match?! sure hope claude won’t give in this time!

Famed Member
2 years ago

Famed Member
2 years ago

Waiting for the animation on this one!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x