June 8, 2023

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Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

I did a double take over what I thought was that whiskered alien head on the left.

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

Dunno what’s rare about it… Maybe footage of this live concert.

Not the song, cos it’s in “Hard Day’s Night”.

The guys were only in their early 20s.

The tune is simple and the lyrics are rather teenage, asking for promises and hoping his old girlfriend will cry when she finds out he has a new one.

But whether or not its my very favorite Beatles tune, all their songs had a whole new sound, that changed music forever, which they wrote completely on their own.

It wasn’t like anything I’d ever heard before, and I’ve never gotten over my admiration.

Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

Well, there are some risks involved in swinging.

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
1 year ago

sounds like a dance move …

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

Second row left, I detect a smile.

Reply to  dennisinseattle
1 year ago

I think that’s just the nose, but you may be right.

Famed Member
Reply to  More_Cats_Than_Sense
1 year ago


did i hear NOSE!

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

It was interesting to me to hear that the BTS video used The Rite of Spring as background music. I don’t believe The Rite was used at all in the movie.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

One million years B.C.; when, even though modern humans had not yet evolved from the apes, women all had hairdressers and makeup artists, and all shaved their body hair. Brought to you “with all its realism and savagery.” This absolutely had to be aimed at teenage boys and the drive-in movie crowd.

Famed Member
1 year ago

Grains of salt here, i read someplace that she had a hand in designing that suit.
The whole wraparound idea instead of a fur bikini was hers.
Like i said, grain of salt here. I read that a long tome ago. Someplace.

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
1 year ago

Whoa… i just looked it up, and there’s a whole Wikipedia page about that bikini!

Raquel is quoted, calling wearing it a “fate worse than death.”

(I think she should be grateful though, as it made her world famous.)

Under “Production” it talks about the designer and the process.

Also, I remembered right when I posted to Montana Lady below… the poster of it was in the Shawshank Redemption.


1 year ago

I know Susan will disagree, but I think the humans have the advantage in this one. Rachel Welsh-Corgi is outdone by her human counterpart. Not that humans existed one million years ago, or canines seven million dog years ago. Nor did eye shadow or Bernie Sanders. But if they did, I think Raquel Welch would still steal the show.

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
1 year ago

Well, Dennis, you’ll have no argument from me.

Not because I think the human actress is more attractive than the canine one… but because I don’t think anyone can tell anyone else to what or to whom they are or should be attracted.

As a straight, human woman, I’m not attracted to either of them in the way you probably mean; and I can certainly understand a straight human male experiencing certain feelings towards a human female, and not towards, you know… a dog.


So…yeah, if human Raquel were here, and interested in you, I wouldn’t expect you to say “Sorry, I’m with the corgi.”

But if you were NOT interested in physical closeness with that Raquel, for one reason or another, (like maybe your wife standing right there) … perhaps you’d choose an attractive pet.

Sometimes in these basset and other canine films we might understand a different sort of attractiveness.

Whether we can appreciate a quality the actor/actress obviously displays, which might provoke more lustful feelings in his/her own species, or an obviously platonic attraction we feel towards a pet that we’d like to stroke or cuddle…

It’s complicated, choosing which sort of attractiveness wins the day.

And being a straight female, I have to sit out this particular choice.

Famed Member
1 year ago

In “Seven Million Dog Years BC”…. (about 1,002,023 human years ago) Raquel Welsh-Corgi is giving it everything she’s got.. which is a considerable amount, for a corgi.

What adventurous times!

War between two different tribes of cave dogs who somehow lived at the same time as dinosaurs, though in reality, as far as we can tell (which is pretty far) there were millions of years in between.


I saw a review that said this film was “mostly not historical.” LOL
I had to wonder what part the reviewer did judge historically accurate.

I think, though, that a lot of males probably only watched Raquel, and didn’t really care about the rest of the adventures, the tribes, or their archeological authenticity.


And that guy on the hill… I knew Bernie was old, but I didn’t know he was THAT old…. I hope he’ll tell us what it was really like, when he and Raquel were young!

I thought this film was a departure, for Cleo and Company Productions….

They don’t do many movies without a basset hound… though there might be some in this film, even if they aren’t on the poster.

But I see that it’s 7 Arts-Yapper production.

StelBel does some artwork for other companies, as well as C&C Productions, and we see those posters here too. It’s good to have backup in one’s career.

I see that she has posted a human copydog version.

This human Raquel, the one Dennis was talking about, seems to my eyes to be ruining that poor abused costume.

I wonder why the costume department allowed it.

And I think she’s so uninteresting, compared to Raquel Welsh-Corgi, that they had to add all sorts of other creatures, mostly dinosaurs, just to make it exciting.

But to each his own.

Famed Member
1 year ago

mint Irish cream brownies

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

After Eight Cake?

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

mmmmmmm … sounds really good!

and yes, it’s an after 8 treat!

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
1 year ago

I wonder if the ice-cream parlor/cafe nearby still offers the after-eight-combo.

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
1 year ago

i haven’t been out to an ice cream parlor in years!

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
1 year ago

Nor have I.

In fact, after their huge popularity in the 1970s and 80s, they’ve mostly disappeared around here.

There’s one national chain, Baskin Robbins, that still has a couple in town, and a frozen yogurt place… Two more of those in the next town south…

But nothing cute or fancy or individual any more.

Oh yeah… Almost forgot two places that do those mix-ins, and plop ’em on a cone… no seats, just a counter, and I don’t pay $4.50 for an ice cream cone.

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
1 year ago

Most Americans are unfamiliar with After Eight mints and don’t get the reference.

I’m not, because we could mostly only buy English chocolate, way back when I was adolescent, in Libya, and I never forgot, and also because I have English friends.

I love After Eight, but they’re almost impossible to find here, and quite expensive if you do, so I haven’t had any in years.

Famed Member
1 year ago

comment image

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Green bean.

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
1 year ago

does this count as a vegetable?

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
1 year ago

Not according to that cute guy.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

It’s an anole, a reptile that can also change its color, but it’s an indication of its mood and not for camouflage.

Famed Member
Reply to  mr_sherman
1 year ago

I wonder what it looks like on New Year’s Eve.

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
1 year ago

comment image


Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

That one’s in what I can only describe as an expansive mood.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

somewhere in here I would expect Alex to give us the details on this little critter.
It has been a while hasn’t it?
I’m hoping whatever’s goin’ on it’s just temporary

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago
Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Mr. Sherman identified it as an anole, which is a different lizard.

I’m not taking sides… I’m no herpetologist.

Just pointing out that they’re not the same. I don’t know how either of you came to your conclusion.


Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

The one I posted is an agama, a rainbow lizard, different from either of those


Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

Bing image search.

Famed Member
1 year ago

yes. you can count me as one of those jealous females.

(i don’t think we ever saw this movie)

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
1 year ago

I never did either, but I certainly saw the poster.

In fact, I would bet many more posters were sold than tickets to the movie.

It was in almost every teen age boy’s bedroom or dorm room….

Wasn’t it the tunnel-hiding wall poster in the Shawshank Redemption?

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