Amos ‘N Andy….Alvin Childress, Tim Moore, and Spencer Williams, for its run as a television show.
The originators, and stars on the radio, were white… Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll.
I loved the radio show when I was very small…
I was given an Amosandra rubber baby doll. I loved her too.
But I didn’t understand the connection with the show, so I gave her another name. I didn’t wonder why she was brown, or know that the characters in the show were acting like they were brown, too. (Or that the TV actors were different people.)
She was hollow rubber, and came with a glass baby bottle to give her water. Another thing I didn’t know was that you were supposed to put a diaper on her for that.
After she soaked my doll carriage and part of the couch, she got “put away for when I was older.” Uh huh.
I was probably 30 when I found out she was the baby from Amos N’ Andy, cos I saw one at the flea market.
It’s the ‘Money makes achieving things easier’ thing. It’s easier to study and get through college/university when you don’t have to work full time. It’s easier to get a better career if you can afford to meet the right people in the right places.
My brother told me, years ago when he was starting out with a large financial firm, that a lot of the opportunities were found, and deals were made, on the golf course. I don’t mean at the £10 a round public courses either, but the private members courses. As with a lot of these things, you’ve not only got to know the right people, but have the money to be able to meet the right people.
My brother was fortunate, he is clever and intelligent, did well at university, and caught the eye of the recruiters for the aforementioned financial firm. Because of this it opened the doors and meant he managed to move from the tall steps, to the smaller steps. If he hadn’t caught their eye, it would have been harder for him to achieve what he’s achieved. He’s done well for himself, I’m very proud of him and what he’s achieved. I’ve no doubt he would have got to where he is anyway, but moving over to the ‘money made’ steps helped him along the path.
The trifecta!
With their large head to body ratio, and short legs, they look like cute little cartoons.
Settlers on cresting the hill and seeing the snow covered mountain in front of them:
“Bugger! Let’s just stop and settle here!!”
Settlers had a hard time in Utah…
You might crest a hill and see a beautiful mountain…but not often water or trees.
So they didn’t get to come down into a verdant valley..
Or any valley, cos Ogden is at 4000 feet.
Most of the state is desert or mountains… these days punctuated by ski resorts and spectacularly mountainous parks.
But most of it’s not a place to build a cozy farmstead and raise chickens.
Ogden, Utah….
I never realized it was beautiful…. I always used to picture it as just a giant mailbox, for collecting tax forms.
Wheee! Do it again Mom!!
I thought I saw the string…. but that might just be the string to the Pooh balloon
You know there is one, though, cos AFAIK the rule of thumb is that a regular helium balloon can lift about half an ounce.
Maybe these slightly larger mylar balloons can lift twice that.
He might be a tiny little doggie…. but he still weighs more like 3 pounds than 3 ounces.
Looks like someone off camera lifted Pooh by the ear. The other balloons are flopping, but the ribbon to Pooh is taught.
The originators, and stars on the radio, were white… Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll.
I was given an Amosandra rubber baby doll. I loved her too.
But I didn’t understand the connection with the show, so I gave her another name. I didn’t wonder why she was brown, or know that the characters in the show were acting like they were brown, too. (Or that the TV actors were different people.)
She was hollow rubber, and came with a glass baby bottle to give her water. Another thing I didn’t know was that you were supposed to put a diaper on her for that.
After she soaked my doll carriage and part of the couch, she got “put away for when I was older.” Uh huh.
I was probably 30 when I found out she was the baby from Amos N’ Andy, cos I saw one at the flea market.
Brilliant! If you botch a taxidermy job, just hide it under a ton of paint!
(BTW, wasn’t Kingfisher one of the characters above?)
(Or did that used to be a woodpecker?)
Test this bird for intoxicants. I think it’s plastered.
Boo! 😀
A lesson about money making life easier?
Or that it takes money to climb to the top?
It’s the ‘Money makes achieving things easier’ thing. It’s easier to study and get through college/university when you don’t have to work full time. It’s easier to get a better career if you can afford to meet the right people in the right places.
My brother told me, years ago when he was starting out with a large financial firm, that a lot of the opportunities were found, and deals were made, on the golf course. I don’t mean at the £10 a round public courses either, but the private members courses. As with a lot of these things, you’ve not only got to know the right people, but have the money to be able to meet the right people.
My brother was fortunate, he is clever and intelligent, did well at university, and caught the eye of the recruiters for the aforementioned financial firm. Because of this it opened the doors and meant he managed to move from the tall steps, to the smaller steps. If he hadn’t caught their eye, it would have been harder for him to achieve what he’s achieved. He’s done well for himself, I’m very proud of him and what he’s achieved. I’ve no doubt he would have got to where he is anyway, but moving over to the ‘money made’ steps helped him along the path.
to me, it says money makes it easier to get higher learning
“The Education of Abby Normal.”
I figured that out…
find the pumpkin

I think this tukey just sat on the pumpkin!
I’m trying so hard not to say something.
Strange. That fellow doesn’t look like a goose…
Got it!
Here you go, pumpkin hunters….
me too
I know this place! Is Lando Calrissian still Administrator?
Do they raise giant chickens and cauliflower?
Poor mom with her Hungry Hippo®
Playing “got your nose!”
I always enjoy these.
Ladies, your evening(s?) is/are going to start later than planned (terrible music chosen again).
I guess piranhas must be good to eat if you’re not being eaten by them.
Piranas are perch. I understand they are very good.
I like the second video. My daughter used a regular rod & reel for piranha fishing on her Peru trip.
I didn’t know this existed until
mentioned it yesterday.
Robin Williams was TRULY a genius.
Why do the great ones always seem to leave us too early?
Because when they’re that good, it’s always too early.
True, too, that they are, in a manner, “time immemorial”. Truly a multi-faceted talent.
“Dementia with Lewy bodies” is such an insidious disease.
Any dementia is.
Sinkhole, Boston, 1930’s.
Mr. Curley has that sinking feeling.
The car in the background certainly looks a lot newer than the 1930’s.