In 1938, Rene Dorand created the Societe Francaise Du Gyroplane, to develop a new aircraft with coaxial rotors, the GII, which was evacuated to Chambery in 1940 and finished in spite of the conflict going on at the time. After the end of the war, it was found that no one dared to start the rotors, which, one must admit, were very close to one another. The aircraft was donated to the French Air Museum.
At least no-one’s smoking.
I don’t know about that.
She’s a pretty smoking hot pup! π
It does not look like a happy new year at this moment for that pedestrian.
1978 – as in “Blizzard of?” Perhaps the Mass. Pike?
yes, the blizzard of ’78
From Alexi’s post below, I see that it was Rt. 128 (I-95) rather than the Mass. Pike (I-90).
Many more photographs of this blizzard’s afermath HERE.
Great timing. I can’t see a skip.
Back in the day they were drawn that way.
Just the clouds are changing at the βskipβ.
I see it now.
“Dizzy Divers” from 1935 (click anywhere on the cartoon for sound, and that will also bring up the full menu so you can watch full screen),
I kept hearing the Popeye music and no clue where it was coming from until I scrolled down this far. Thought I was losing what little mind I have.
Me too.
It starts soon after I open the page, before I see the gif Nighthawks posted, and long before I scroll all the way to the cartoon.
Him i know. I think i also know the movie.
This is undoubtedly
Couldn’t remember the character’s name, but I got the actor and film correct.
Yay, two out of three.
Natalie Wood gets pied-in the-face..on set ‘The Great Race’-1965
Like a DH in baseball, is he the designated pie-thrower for this movie?
Gotta double check the stitching occasionally.
Don’t light a match!
I couldn’t see it. I even blew it up.
One thing i can say, there are a lot of bunnies in that popcorn!
Found it immediately. Of course I remembered from last time.
Yup even faster this time!
Wish I had the lime Jell-O contract…
She ditched him, eh?
Yes…. from what I could find, it’s a little floating weed like duckweed ….
Alive, and healthy, so it doesn’t have a bad odor like a dying or rotting algae bloom.
You can see where it breaks up for a moment from the oars and the boats, but it’s not sticky.
I thought, perhaps mistakenly, that that much algae was supposed to really reek.
I’m thinking it might be duck weed.
It’s best when they serve it hot.
Great tie-in to today’s comic!
In 1938, Rene Dorand created the Societe Francaise Du Gyroplane, to develop a new aircraft with coaxial rotors, the GII, which was evacuated to Chambery in 1940 and finished in spite of the conflict going on at the time. After the end of the war, it was found that no one dared to start the rotors, which, one must admit, were very close to one another. The aircraft was donated to the French Air Museum.
It looks like it wants to be fast.
We’ve all seen “Directed by Chuck Jones” or someone else in cartoons, but what do cartoon directors do?
The answer is in the attachment below.
You mean… they don’t tell the characters where to stand, and how to say their lines?
Claude should know that their calamari soup is just for suckers!
Boo! π