On an update note, my neighbour’s new cat used her voice for the first time in her new home yesterday when my neighbour was cooking some chicken. Turns out she’s quite a liker of roast chicken 🙂
Takes American kids forever to figure out (if they ever do) why Christopher Robin says “heffalump”, or what one is … or why he has a stuffed donkey named Eeyore.
I was about 10 or 11, and played with English kids… my neighbors in Libya … when I finally got it.
Ancient Romans had recognizable forks… though AFAIK mostly for cooking…. not many had personal ones like this for eating.
It took hundreds of years for them to become somewhat common in Italy for eating pasta.
And even then, it wasn’t till the 17th century that they became an occasional curiosity, and in the 18th century, fairly common, in Britain… and a bit later, in North America.
The Romans figured out a lot of things that disappeared and only came back centuries later.
I hope they’d figured out some sort of anesthesia for that dental work! Yikes.
From the looks of the bone loss, it looks like the center two were just knocked out, then drilled and wired together, before being wired back into the mouth attached to the other teeth. Maybe not great for apples or corn on the cob, but they were at least cosmetically there, if not quite as pleasing.
I don’t like websites or quizzes that estimate my remaining time…
I’m sure they’re usually wrong anyway, cos the science changes from day to day, from this nutrition or lifestyle theory to that, even from scientist to scientist.
Plus they don’t actually know enough about you, or you might not know enough about yourself, or your relatives and ancestors.
Nobody knows what diseases, what miracle drugs, or life-altering procedures, they’ll discover next week, and how they’ll effect your longevity.
But imagine if they’re right… Tomorrow a totally accurate, scientific website says you’ll live another 7.4 years.
How are you going to feel in May of 2032…. waiting for… what?
And what if you’re somehow still alive in 2043…. still wondering, still nervous?
Very pretty kitty, lovely eyes.
On an update note, my neighbour’s new cat used her voice for the first time in her new home yesterday when my neighbour was cooking some chicken. Turns out she’s quite a liker of roast chicken 🙂
She has fire in her eyes!
No problem. This is a heffelump…
Takes American kids forever to figure out (if they ever do) why Christopher Robin says “heffalump”, or what one is … or why he has a stuffed donkey named Eeyore.
I was about 10 or 11, and played with English kids… my neighbors in Libya … when I finally got it.
Americans pronounce “elephant” differently?
Pach your trunk and go home.
Tusk tusk tusk…
Are the previous seven just as riveting?
Now I have to go look up real butterfly flight videos to see if they got it right…
By this CNN ARTICLE, they do (there is video or a real butterlly flexing its wings / the above is exagerated).
Actually, the “clap” is missing!
They don’t have to visit the clinic?
Parallel parking might be a bit of a hassle.
I believe this is 5th avenue again.
on set , “Tall Story”-1960
I got him, but not her!
Darn! My Swiss Army Knife is missing a small.
Ancient Romans had recognizable forks… though AFAIK mostly for cooking…. not many had personal ones like this for eating.
It took hundreds of years for them to become somewhat common in Italy for eating pasta.
And even then, it wasn’t till the 17th century that they became an occasional curiosity, and in the 18th century, fairly common, in Britain… and a bit later, in North America.
The Romans figured out a lot of things that disappeared and only came back centuries later.
I hope they’d figured out some sort of anesthesia for that dental work! Yikes.
From the looks of the bone loss, it looks like the center two were just knocked out, then drilled and wired together, before being wired back into the mouth attached to the other teeth. Maybe not great for apples or corn on the cob, but they were at least cosmetically there, if not quite as pleasing.
If love to say I concur, or don’t…
But sorry…. I don’t even want to look at it!
I say: divide and concur!
Isn’t that like changing horses in the middle of the stream?
…Raymond Burr and Grace Kelly in “Rear Window.”
well yes—but not this particular shot
Or that particular actor IIRC…
The point form HISTORY of the “Gage Paul Thornton.”
didn’t know there was a story behind it, I just liked the picture
So much for it being unlucky to change a ship’s name. 71 years is a pretty good lifespan!
kitty looks little beat-up
We owned one of those old Austins — it’s why I thought at first everyone was pushing it…
This was apparently before they invented safety.
I wonder if any of them had to get their teeth wired together afterwards?
This looks like a contestant on “All-Time Dumbest Stunts.“
By the alamy site:
Boys and girls on sled’s (sled) can be pulled over the snowy street by a passenger car in Scheveningen. Netherlands, date unknown.
…”A” doesn’t fit( it is a country / Spain),
“B” is Africa (continent)
“C” is Europe (contintent)
Your typo made it funny 🤣
I even erred in my word separation; not that I have any idea what a “cont” is, let alone why it’s in a tent… 😁
Same as what I got, but
Photographed in 1925,
I don’t like websites or quizzes that estimate my remaining time…
I’m sure they’re usually wrong anyway, cos the science changes from day to day, from this nutrition or lifestyle theory to that, even from scientist to scientist.
Plus they don’t actually know enough about you, or you might not know enough about yourself, or your relatives and ancestors.
Nobody knows what diseases, what miracle drugs, or life-altering procedures, they’ll discover next week, and how they’ll effect your longevity.
But imagine if they’re right… Tomorrow a totally accurate, scientific website says you’ll live another 7.4 years.
How are you going to feel in May of 2032…. waiting for… what?
And what if you’re somehow still alive in 2043…. still wondering, still nervous?
The SciFi classic “Lifeline” by R.A. Heinlein…
aka blondies.
Montana lady used to say that
The attatchment is from today’s London “Daily Mail.”
GREAT music selections today!!!!
sometimes I get lucky!