the ‘sugar’ was simply moved from the front of the box to the ingredients list on the side of the box. the sugar is still there and as Happy said, plenty of it
Looks very strict on some things, less so on others.
2 oz of tea is more than you’d think… Supposedly an ounce makes about a dozen cups…
But that’s still barely more than 3 cups a day…. hardly enough for a British tea drinker!
I’m not sure why the meat prices say p instead of d, but I’d think it means pence anyway… So 1/1 would get you about 2 pounds, plus any canned meats you had points for. Not bad for 7 days.
But one egg a fortnight?
I love the cheese drawing, since the sign was probably copied by hand from a small printed version.
1 oz of cheese is about a 1″ cube…
but this sign might be so much bigger that the cube shows a whole pound of cheese.
There was rationing in the US too, of course. In fact the US sending food to Britain and other allies was supposed to be part of the reason.
But I think most individual items were not measured as precisely.
You got a ration book for perishables like bread, meat and cheese, and another for packaged and canned items, and could distribute them yourself, as long as the total wasn’t exceeded.
A few things like sugar and coffee were individually limited.
Fresh vegetables, fruit, cigarettes and liquor were not rationed!
But rubber and metal were, though they’re not food.
perhaps it was touched up with a little color?–I. agree, though,
as you gain altitude, bright colors are not so bright …
I went up in an ultralight airplane one October afternoon, hoping that the brilliant fall colors, so splendent from the ground would be even more so from a few hundred feet up….but no, as you got further from the ground the more they all kind of blended together and were washed out
A multipurpose pet… You can pet it, cuddle it, use it instead of a hot water bottle, or dust the furniture with it.
Or use it as a wig.
Tommy Atkins got a bird!
Did he get her, or is she trying to get away from his advances?
she appears to be leaning into him, not away from
Looks like she’s carrying his rifle (or is that hers?)
Wow, she’s lightning fast! Roger Mayweather himself wouldn’t stand a chance.
I always thought Ali was the fastest
Maybe among heavyweights. But to see real speed, watch the lighter weight classes.
shows what I know
No free prize inside???
Just the sugar. Plenty of it.
I remember getting some of my best prizes out of Sugar Pops! (I think…)
Nowadays you’ll never see the word “sugar” connected with a product, unless it’s “sugar-free.”
Or sometimes “low sugar”, occasionally “natural fruit sugar” or “date sugar”, but people are getting wise to those.
This cereal is still around, and just as sugary… but now it’s just Corn Pops
the ‘sugar’ was simply moved from the front of the box to the ingredients list on the side of the box. the sugar is still there and as Happy said, plenty of it
Yep…. I did say it was just as sugary!
Missed THAT landing. Hope he survived to fly again.
doesn’t look like it will end good
Depends — back then they built their planes tough and their men tougher.
Okay…. so who knew this was even from
And these are
The things we learn here!
me! me! me! I knew!
I had guessed the movie.
When that sort of rationing was still going on in 1953, my parents decided to emigrate!
One of my uncles on my father’s side did too.
Looks very strict on some things, less so on others.
2 oz of tea is more than you’d think… Supposedly an ounce makes about a dozen cups…
But that’s still barely more than 3 cups a day…. hardly enough for a British tea drinker!
I’m not sure why the meat prices say p instead of d, but I’d think it means pence anyway… So 1/1 would get you about 2 pounds, plus any canned meats you had points for. Not bad for 7 days.
But one egg a fortnight?
I love the cheese drawing, since the sign was probably copied by hand from a small printed version.
1 oz of cheese is about a 1″ cube…
but this sign might be so much bigger that the cube shows a whole pound of cheese.
There was rationing in the US too, of course. In fact the US sending food to Britain and other allies was supposed to be part of the reason.
But I think most individual items were not measured as precisely.
You got a ration book for perishables like bread, meat and cheese, and another for packaged and canned items, and could distribute them yourself, as long as the total wasn’t exceeded.
A few things like sugar and coffee were individually limited.
Fresh vegetables, fruit, cigarettes and liquor were not rationed!
But rubber and metal were, though they’re not food.
My Mom worked for the British Ration Board during the war. (And the only perk she ever got was permission to swim in the Duchess’s swimming pool…)
At least puppy didn’t push!
They have both done this previously. And are having fun doing it again.
I can hear Mama dog…. “Just because your friend jumps into the water, does that mean….”
They have really fun!
For the dog at least. Greg Louganis has nothing to fear from the dude.
last photo of the Titanic…until 1985

It looks just fine there. What was all the fuss about?
Aerial photo of 9000 people breaking the world record for the most snow angels in history
Bismark SD–2007
It says aerial photo but it sure doesn’t look like one… especially with such saturated color from a distance, and edge to edge.
perhaps it was touched up with a little color?–I. agree, though,
as you gain altitude, bright colors are not so bright …
I went up in an ultralight airplane one October afternoon, hoping that the brilliant fall colors, so splendent from the ground would be even more so from a few hundred feet up….but no, as you got further from the ground the more they all kind of blended together and were washed out
I doubt it. Though Bismarck, SD would be a good place to make such an attempt.
I would think that it would be in Bismarck, ND.
Especially considering that there is no Bismark, South Dakota…
And Bismark ND is the state capitol.
And you never find angels and politicians in the same town…
find the penguin
Got it!
Woo Hoo!
Aren’t they all?
Beg pardon? What are all those things if not penguins?
I’m guessing the rest are Toucans.
I’m wondering the same thing.
Maybe puffins?
Kinda looks like they all have candy corn noses.
Easy enough to find the one the artist apparently thinks is a penguin…
I’ve resisted looking at Alexi’s post…. But I’m sure
But surprise! There are penguins
Love ya Liza.
I’m thinking that you should all get the actors and the film, but when it was made might be the hard bit.