May 25, 2021

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Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
3 years ago

Professor Fate: Are you sure you took care of everything?

Max: Just keep your eye on car number 2.

[car number 2 loses its steering wheel, and it spins through the crowd before crashing into a store]

Max: Now, at approximately the 50-mile mark, car number 3, it loses its transmission.

Professor Fate: Ha ha ha, transmission!

[at the 50-mile mark, the transmission drops out of car number 3]

Max: And in about five seconds, car number 4 bites the dust.

Professor Fate: Perfect! Ha ha ha!

[gears spring loose from all sides of car number 4, forcing it to a stop]

Professor Fate: Genius, Max, positive genius! What’s next?

Max: Car number 5, the engine falls out!

Professor Fate: Car number 5! Ha ha ha ha!


Professor Fate: Er, Max… *we’re* number five.

[the engine falls out of car number 5]

Famed Member
3 years ago

@ Happy, happy, happy!!!

I’m going to guess my method for your setting up your avatar did not work for you (or I screwed up the explanation of how to do it).
That method did work for me when I briefly changed my avatar to yours to make sure I was stating the steps accurately and in order.
It may be you’re not logging in at the correct box, and looking back at what I said on Sunday (re: setting up an account), I can see where what I said could easily be misunderstood.
Since I probably didn’t make myself clear, please see the attachment below.
Again, I hope it helps.
As a side note, I listened to “Carmina Burana” while doing this. It was well performed, and pleasing to my ear. Thanks for that post.

Proper Log in Box Attachment For Account Holders.PNG
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

I’ll try again tomorrow. I think that i have the membership done, so that’s good. My only problem with your directions is that i’m on a MacBook. I’m trying to navigate that issue as well. 😀

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
3 years ago

Either way, welcome to the crowd, Happy.

Or should I type “Hay”?

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
3 years ago

I run a Mac Mini with a pc keyboard without too much troubles. Anything I can do?

Reply to  Old Phart Plods
3 years ago

I’ll let you know. After i try it again a couple more times.

Famed Member
3 years ago

This is definitely a favorite poster. Just love the two in #16! They look so nonchalant.

Famed Member
3 years ago

The Wikipedia article on the the1914 Indianapolis 500 says the average speed was 82.474 miles per hour. I find the 0.474 part suspect.
What that means is a well maintained family “bus” of today with a reasonably skilled driver could have driven away with the prize.
They had mechanics in the car with the driver.
The winner was René Thomas from France who was also a “pioneer aviator.”
Wikipedia on the1914 Indianapolis 500

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

Further research indicates that car 16 was the winner in both the ” International Basset, and “International (human) Auto Races”
Picture of the Delage car model (French) that was the winner below.
 comment image
As you can see, the posters are both dead accurate.

Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

Yeah, but remember, open cockpit with no restraints. 80mph would scare the P out of me. 😀

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
3 years ago

Then you’d be “hayhayhay”?

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
3 years ago

I’ll vote for it!

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

The family bus could lap the field so many times, they could stop for lunch and still have laps to spare at the end.

.474 should be possible to measure with 500 miles divided by the time of the race. In this case it works out to 6 hours and (just shy of)4 minutes.

Famed Member
3 years ago

Ah, this is a favorite! The combination of open cockpit vehicles and basset ears is hypnotic!

Famed Member
3 years ago

Oh wow…

May 25th already… and racing is already in the air!

Can the Indianapolis Basset 500 be far behind?

This poster is beautiful, isn’t it?

I love the old cars…. and the clothes…


OH! Is the mechanic (riding shotgun) in No. 16 a lady basset?

I can’t quite tell, but it looks maybe like a lady’s hat.

then again… I don’t know every detail of 2014 basset fashion, and the races were THE place to be fashionable.

Oh my…. look! You have to admire how StelBel, in her excess of perfectionism,

painted every little basset ear on all 18 thousand teeny spectators in the stands.

It’s really too bad that it’s too big for WordPress to show at full resolution…..

after all that work…. you really can’t quite see it.

Well, you know it’s there.

Right, Stel?

Just look at the human race….

no, no…. not the whole “human race”… that’s not quite what I mean…

I mean… the human version of THIS race… in Stel’s first comment.

Not a single long ear is flapping in the wind.

How boring for the spectators… but how much easier for that artist to paint!

Humans or bassets…. I think the old races would be much more fun to watch than modern ones.

Except for, you know, the dangerous cars, and those fatal crashes and stuff.

Last edited 3 years ago by SusanSunshine
Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

And our driver looks as though he is getting a facial at the same time. See the cucumber slices over his eyes? I think he navigates, like any self-respecting basset, by sense of smell.

3 years ago

Good morning Balladeers, ((((( Plods))))) and Miss Susan.

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
3 years ago

Good morning, Cleo and race phans!

What an adaptation of the advertising poster today. Stel-lar accomplishment as always, although I’m pretty sure febassets weren’t allowed in the race.

National Wine Day!

Y’all have a glass for me. (((((HuGz!)))))

wine day.png
Famed Member
Reply to  Old Phart Plods
3 years ago

Come on ! ! !,
It’s also “brown bag it day.”


I think not.    😉

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

How do you get those boxes in a brown paper bag?

Famed Member
Reply to  Old Phart Plods
3 years ago

May 25th

National Missing Children’s Day
   National Tap Dance Day
    National Brown-Bag It Day
    Towel Day
    National Wine Day

Last edited 3 years ago by Tigressy
Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
3 years ago

Daffy Dancing.gif
JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
3 years ago

It’s the glorious 25th of May too! Wear your lilac…

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
3 years ago

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
3 years ago

comment image

Famed Member
Reply to  Old Phart Plods
3 years ago

Drink up me hearties.

Wine Costs.gif
Famed Member
3 years ago

Love today’s poster! And the big ole ears flapping in the ‘breeze’. What a way to celebrate the 500!

And to top it all off with the last Jim Neighbors’ singing of Back Home in Indiana! What a terrific tribute to the whole event.

Thanks. Stel.

Famed Member
3 years ago

This just might be my FAVORITE Clio poster! I LLLoooovvvveee the flapping ears. Great job Stel!

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