September 2, 2021

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Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
3 years ago

this is also one of MMM’s all time favorites!

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
3 years ago

I was a rabid James Bond fan at the time and when this piece of fluff came out I was just horrified — I wanted my money back!

Famed Member
3 years ago

From yesterday.

As I said, I’m reading “Those Who Wish Me Dead” by Michael Koryta.
People, this guy can write!
I’m now just about halfway through the book, and there hasn’t been one disappointing page.
He writes the characters as he sees them. The villains are written so well, I shudder at the dialogue and descriptions of their actions Koryta has written for them.
And as many books as I read, I’m pretty good at determining if the author has done the research necessary for actions at the various plot points the characters go through. Koryta passes with flying colours.
There is some usage of George Carlin’s “seven words,” but unlike Stephen King they actually fit the plot (I still don’t like them, but as I say, they fit).
He hasn’t yet blended the three main groups of characters together, but I’m looking forward to that.
A good read, and I recommend it.
Again, the universe continues to look after me. I was at the library again today, and what should jump out at me but the latest Alex Delaware novel, “Serpentine” by Jonathon Kellerman; so I’ll now have four books on the go.
I got 42 minutes into the human…
…Casino Royale…
…and just couldn’t take any more. As always, close out the clutter and go full screen.


Famed Member
3 years ago

Another new poster from Stel! Somehow, the leg extension and the bottom outline in the human poster can’t match Cleo. No tail, for example. Can’t blame the humans for trying. Quite the cast of characters! Cursula Undress, woo hoo!

Last edited 3 years ago by DennisinSeattle
Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
3 years ago

This is a fabulous poster! The level of detail is off the charts. Kudos, Stel Bel.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
3 years ago

Did someone say “politically incorrect?”

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
3 years ago

I’ve always enjoyed the theme song for this movie. The singer does very well with the material, conveying that particular brand of English satire.
Whoever is playing the squeals in the trumpet section break, I can assure you it was not Herb Alpert. HA was a terrific businessman and marketer, but as a trumpeter he was, at best, mediocre. I could have played rings around him, and look where it got me.

Famed Member
3 years ago

Canine Royale!

Oooh, Stel… An armed Ursula Undress… quite undressed!… in full-body fur paint!

Swirling psychedelic designs…. plenty of stars from the Cleo and Company stable… some of whom were apparently not all that stable.

Nice job!

The James Hound movie that wasn’t a James Hound movie…. that was nonetheless based (albeit exceedingly loosely) on a real James Hound novel

and also had more James Hounds in it than SIX “real” James Hound movies… even if some were female.

A glorious mess of a movie, with a plot so convoluted you need a program, a scorecard, a notebook (the actual paper kind) and a pen .. preferably an erasable one… just to keep track.

That is, if you feel that you MUST keep track.

You don’t HAVE to you know.


You can just do what I did… let it wash over you, enjoy the characters, have fun sorting out the huge assortment of basset stars and character bassets, and their little vignettes, and trust that it will all work out in the end…

Though you may not know exactly WHAT worked out… or how we got from A to B, or sometimes P back to L … or was that G?

Oh, never mind… we got SOMEwhere… I think… And SMERSH is smashed…. oops… SPOILER!…. um, sorry, too late… Pretend you didn’t see that… and all is well.


Davey Nivhound is perfect as the original James Hound… wee mustache and all…

Woody Arfen is funny as his instinct-deficient grown-up pup… who will never be half the basset hound his sire was… having no nose for it.

Cursula Undress was perfectly cast as… well… Cursula Undress, as usual… But if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

There are many many more.
Imagine trying to direct them all…

Dogs romping everywhere….

Puppies underfoot, actors literally chewing the scenery.

A dozen canine stars, bringing their massive egos and petty feuds, all crammed onto various sets, in random order, nobody knowing the full plot …

Dogs who bit each other or wouldn’t work on the same set..

One hound even hired his own writer to give him better lines than the ones in the script … so he’d outdo two other male dogs.

And as always, there were other dogs who liked each other a little too much…

especially considering the number of sexy female bassets, and the assortment of swaggering males all competing to be alpha on set..


No wonder there were FIVE directors!


Last edited 3 years ago by SusanSunshine
Famed Member
3 years ago

human bowlers are obsolete
comment image

Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago

As a croupier at a Las Vegas crap table advised me one time, …

“A little lower and a little slower.”

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member

Kewl. Saves having to condition the lanes every week.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago

All the guys on here are going to be disappointed.
  â€”comment image
You’ll not see me now until at least Sunday, and more probably Monday, it could go to Tuesday, but I doubt it..

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

Come back safe!

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago

I wonder if it can throw a curve.

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
3 years ago

With that power, it can probably throw it across 2 lanes.

Famed Member
Reply to  Arfside
3 years ago

To you both…

It’s apparently a computer generated animation, not a real machine or robot… so it can’t actually do anything.

Alexi linked to the explanation but gave no description, so you may not have looked.

Here, however, is a link to a real one, which can learn and copy the styles of actual bowlers.

This was shot over 10 years ago… it’s probably even better now:

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

Oh yeah. Just take the fun out of it. ;-( You just have nooooo sense of the little boy in us. We can dream, can’t we.

Famed Member
Reply to  Arfside
3 years ago


Hey, I gave you a real one, that can bowl whole games….

Isn’t that better?

You can dream about that one, instead..

Its name is Earl.

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
3 years ago

Gotta love the psychedelic 60s! Woohoo! nicely done!

Good morning Cleo philm phans!
comment image

Y’all have a kewl day. (((((HuGz!)))))

Famed Member
Reply to  Old Phart Plods
3 years ago


Famed Member
Reply to  Old Phart Plods
3 years ago


Famed Member
3 years ago

oh neat! a new poster by our favorite poster maker, StelBel. and, it’s a movie i can watch with everybody else, too. hooray! I enlarged it, so I can enjoy alll the detales. loved all the music. ear worms all day today.

3 years ago

Good morning Balladeers, (((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan.

Famed Member
3 years ago

Super poster! Absolutely love all the names!! And the colorful pooch.

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
3 years ago

Yes, he’s right up front. Why?

Famed Member
Reply to  DennisinSeattle
3 years ago

Would you have noticed it if you hadn’t known it was there? – Most passers-by didn’t.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
3 years ago

Bird? What bird? Do you see a bird?
(old TV commercial…)

Famed Member
3 years ago

The human version was pretty good; I can’t wait to see the original.

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