April 10, 2021

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Famed Member
3 years ago

The first 8 were done in under a minute, the last one took close to 20 before I got it (leaving and coming back several times).
But then, it basically took me all day to finally make the connection between




in nighthawks’ picture yesterday. ☠

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

Thanks to *Katina Cooper*, I got that one right away. She mentions the Evil White Cat often.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

I’ll echo Perky. EWC is one of the few things I get right away, too. Thanks Katina.

Famed Member
3 years ago

 comment image (from yesterday)
Thanks for that link.
The pictures may be missing, but as Alice was wrong with her thought:
“…and what is the use of a book without pictures or conversations?”
I’ve at least got the accurate conversations.

Famed Member
3 years ago



(from yesterday)
Your complaints about your internet speeds have been going on for some time.
Knowing nothing other than that, I’m wondering if you are on a Wi-Fi type service plan or hardwired.
If you’re on Wi-Fi I know you would have set your security, but someone may have succeeded in hacking into your Wi-Fi. using a method you can’t see when you check for problems; and overloading your signal (remember that using the internet doesn’t count as a download so if you have been hacked there could be “x” number of signal stealers out there).
It may be worth your while to ask your server to check.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

Thanks Alexi… but I’ve posted about the reasons to the point of boring everybody..

And my isp has examined everything except my tonsils.

I’m hardwired to the phone line via DSL, but because my laptop has no convenient ethernet port, I use WiFi for the last few feet from my modem to the computer….

That signal is so weak it’s hard to pick up outside, much less in a neighbor’s house. My tablet has trouble getting it in the bedroom.

My isp has also won awards for its customer care and privacy… They use filters and encrypted signals… You have to tell them if you WANT to share your WiFi.

They’re also leaders in setting up their own fiber optic networks in other places.

I simply live in an underserved, mostly commercial, not very populated neighborhood… where my isp still rents and subleases ancient copper wiring belonging to the phone company.

Nobody feels like upgrading or replacing it, due to lack of a sufficient customer base to justify the cost.

A smart thief would rather hack one of my neighbors’ handy satellite or cable signals. If I could afford it I’d have one of those myself, but I have incredibly affordable phone and internet instead.

It’s just slow.

Famed Member
3 years ago

Here I am, my Puzzle People….

I guess too late for you, Alexi, but much earlier than on GoComics.

Before Cleo blows the kitchen apart with her bazooka, after which these tiny differences won’t be obvious….

Here’s the side by side version of today’s puzzle.


I also have to say, though, that it’s another w-i-d-e one…

Some differences may be easier to spot vertically.

Use either, use both….just do your best.

And yes… I too found one tiny difference harder than the rest to find. But I found it anyway, Nighthawks. So there! (Um… I hope. )

You’ll see later, in the solution.

Here you go…
comment image

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

Remember… to see it larger, you may have to right click and select “Open in a new window.

StelBel posted last week that just left-clicking on it in the normal way, and letting it open in the WordPress viewing window, gave her a sufficiently large image.


I think perhaps it depends on the size of your screen… Ok my little laptop, it’s still very small that way.

Of course, I always recommend downloading it to your drawing program, such as Paint, and marking the differences to keep track… But to each his own. Yeah yeah… Or her.

Happy solving!

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

I’m just wondering why the refrigerator magnet is telling Cleo to use a flyswatter.

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
3 years ago

I thought that too, for a moment.

Actually it would make sense… it’s begging for its life,

knowing what’s likely to happen to it, if Cleo is allowed to start her indiscriminate small object demolition campaign, with accompanying collateral damage.

Famed Member
3 years ago

What did Bonnie Tyler gargle with to get that sound?

Famed Member
Reply to  DennisinSeattle
3 years ago

I’d say this is before she gargles….

that sore throat sounds painful.

Can’t top Tom Waits’ growl though.

Famed Member
3 years ago

I think I got ’em but I did not get my micrometer to do the critical measurements that these puzzles now require.

Famed Member
Reply to  DennisinSeattle
3 years ago

I was just on my way to bed when I read your comment (about not having your “micrometer to do the critical measurements that these puzzles now require.”) and, I have to tell you that I was literally laughing out loud!!! (to be known as LLOL)

Thanks for the end-of-the-day (m-dash? n-dash? now, I’m gonna have to go back and check on yesterday’s comments. damn.) chuckles!

g’night, all!

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
3 years ago

Glad to give you a laugh for a change!

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
3 years ago

hyphens — you got it right!

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
3 years ago

Great way to go to bed — laughing and with gratitude. Hope your sleep is a pleasant one.

Famed Member
Reply to  DennisinSeattle
3 years ago

I had to put on my reading glasses!

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  DennisinSeattle
3 years ago

I’ll take my usual eight (the micrometer might have been a help…)

Famed Member
3 years ago

For years, long pre-internet, the only place I ever saw, heard, or heard of Roger Whittaker was in infomercials hawking his “greatest hits” albums…

Which I had to question, never having heard one before.

In fact I wondered whether he actually existed, except as somebody hired to make albums to sell on television.

But now we have the internet… And here he is!

Singing about how much he misses dear old England in an American Midwest accent.


Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

I swear I AM on my way to bed, but I just happened to read your comment, standing up, ready to click off. And, I got to wondering if this song had ever charted. I just happened to have Billboard’s TOP POP singles (1955-1999) thick book handy (pre-internet, it was our only way to look up music) and discovered that “The Last Farewell” reached #19. It debuted 4-5-1975 after a re-release (first released on a 1971 album A Special Kind of Man) and was on the charts for 15 weeks.

Whittaker was born 3-22-36 in Nairobi, Kenya and was known as a British Contemporary singer. I’m sure, if you want even more information than that, the internet can provide more. But, for me, this is it! On to bed…..for good, this time, I promise. No more comments until the light of day.


Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
3 years ago

I was wondering about his accent. The song was quite soothing.

Reply to  MontanaLady
3 years ago

I thought he was a Geordie!!! (English from the North East!)

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

Strange you hear that as a Midwest accent — I hear it quite clearly as upper-middle class English. (Very similar to Noel Harrison, Rex Harrison’s son.)

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

went to see Roger Whittaker twice in concert. small theatre in the round, I have a couple of his CD’s, I enjoyed his music

3 years ago

Clara takes all the fun out of swatting flies.

Famed Member
3 years ago

Wow. I didn’t need a micrometer for that last one; a straight line did the trick, but…
Yes; got them all. Nine, that is…

What is Clara complaining about anyway? Isn’t that a S.W.A.T.ter? And doesn’t the ammunition fly?

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
3 years ago


Katina Cooper
Katina Cooper
3 years ago

Clara should not stand in back of that bazooka. I was lucky today. It only took about 15 minutes to find all the differences. I guess Claude was scared to come in the kitchen.

Famed Member
3 years ago

For everybody waiting with bated breath…

I’m back with the solution… get out your micrometers and nano-gauges… and get ready to compare your solution with mine….

by clicking HERE when you’re ready:
comment image

For everybody waiting with baited breath….

Sorry… I didn’t bring any fish.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

Yeah! – Got them all right.

I’ll get some high quality fresh salmon (plus mussels plus frozen seafood) delivered this Monday – we’re one of only two private customers who get that service (plus free of charge) from our fishmonger – because we couldn’t hold our breaths that long.

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

I gotta stop eating bait.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

Okay, but I don’t see anything different about that eighth difference (the one second-from-the-left…)

Famed Member
Reply to  JP Steve
3 years ago

That’s the one probably everybody, including me, had the hardest time finding.

Look at it again in the puzzle without my red square around it, which kind of obscures it while pointing it out.

If you give up…

I explain it HERE.
Note the position of the left edge of the yellow sticky note(?), relative to the magnet (?) above. It’s a wee bit farther to the right in the 2nd panel.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

That’s the one that took me forever also! Finally saw that something was different but just couldn’t put my finger on it and then I saw that the edge was not lining up, boy he is tricky!

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

And that’s where a straight line helps.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

Wow! That one really did need Dennis’s micrometer to see!

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

That’s the one I missed as well. Thanks, Susan!

Yes, I needed Dennis’ micrometer, too.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

I kept looking at that one and finally convinced myself I was imagining it. I got the other 8, so maybe I finally got them all? Maybe? Kinda?

Famed Member
3 years ago



(again, only today this time)
If you haven’t heard of these, one may help.
TRIP•LITE can’t be the only adapter manufacturer, but (in my opinion) its site is so cleanly set up I’d bet its products are too.
Idea worth a try?

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

Again… thanks… but first…

my laptop came with an adapter like that.

it’s a little bulkier and probably heavier, because it has an HDMI port side by side with the ethernet one…

but would be the only one I could use because the computer has an otherwise useless dedicated port for its special connector, instead of a more-needed 4th USB port.

I have no USB to spare.

I’m not complaining… this inexpensive little laptop does have some surprisingly great features, like a dvd drive and light-up keys, and has hung in for seven years so far.

I totally recommend Acer.

Meanwhile, the problems are…

A. having a heavy adapter dangling off that side of my computer really gets in the way in my tight set-up, which is why I don’t use it…

and B. It can’t speed up a very slow DSL connection, or fix a weak WiFi signal that’s only due to that..

My modem is fine… it belongs to my ISP., specially configured for their filters and encryption protocols… but it can’t transmit what it doesn’t receive.

I even bought a signal booster (in case you’re going to suggest that next) but it doesn’t help either.

As I said… my DSL connection is SLOW. Measured in Kbs not Mbs.


But for the record… I’m usually not complaining when I mention it… I’m explaining. It’s merely the reason some things don’t work.

It’s not going to change unless I move… not likely to be possible…

OR the higher density sprawl of new strip malls and condos creeps close enough to my old urban outskirts neighborhood to give providers financial justification for installing better infrastructure…

which could happen, maybe not in my lifetime… but I can hope.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

Acer – check; copper – check…

We’re lucky internet-wise I guess; 50 Megabit guaranteed whenever possible. – That’s why we changed our contract a few years ago and don’t plan to “update” it…
Oh – and there are USB-adapters available. Choose an active-port one and get about 12 ports instead of one.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tigressy
Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
3 years ago

You’re very lucky.

As for usb hubs… Of course I know about them, thanks.

But inexpensive 14″ laptops are not like desktop computers.

I have 3 usb ports right next to each other on one side… ( The other side is taken up by the optical drive and sound ports.)

With the space saving economy of laptop construction, side by side ports usually means the three are already a hub, of sorts, sharing one internal USB connection, @⅓ each, and without extra electrical power, either.

No matter the hype about USB, you can’t just keep plugging hubs into hubs without degrading performance.

A wide one plugging in directly would cover the other two… and make all my devices share its ⅓ USB connection.

And if it’s on a cord, instead, to spare the other two ports, I previously said that I have no room to use a device that dangles from that side.

It’s ok.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

14.6 inches, 11 years old; power inlet, VGA, LAN and one USB-port on the left side, DVD (read and write) on the right side – and two USB-ports next to it.
Built-in Speakers and mike; socket for external ones plus SD-card reader on the front side.
And yes: It’s an acer notebook/laptop…

I use Ubuntu.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tigressy
Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
3 years ago

They make some great stuff.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

I’ll shut up for today after this comment   🤐   (really, I will):
I’m guilty of (for lack of a better term) “local blindness.”
The definition of “small” service area in California and Alberta differ by a fair bit.
Alberta’s one and a bit times the size of California but you’d have to multiply our population by 9 to approach California’s.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

You have to get MORE local.

California is 40 million but most of them live far south of me.

My county is half a million, my city is 180,000 people.

Dunno where you live but I checked, and that’s a little over half, and one fifth, the size of Edmonton, respectively.

I didn’t look, but I’m pretty sure Calgary is larger.

And I live in a low density part of town. I’d be surprised if there are two dozen households using my ISP within a block of me.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

I have an inland adapter attached to one of my USB ports which gives me 4 more USB ports, don’t know if you have or could use one

Last edited 3 years ago by bambushie
JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

I’ve been loyal to Acer for a couple of decades now. One tablet died young, but everything else has exceeded expectations!

Famed Member
Reply to  JP Steve
3 years ago

Oh my, I just looked and I have an Acer also, have only had for a few months, that’s what my computer geek sold me, guess I forgot what brand I had!

3 years ago

After a long rest I am no better at the Saturday puzzle!!! Its taken me a while ti find you again, I got olny 4, I need practice!!!

Famed Member
Reply to  SheMc
3 years ago

Good to see you again, SheMc.

Famed Member
Reply to  SheMc
3 years ago

Welcome back! You have some catching up to do!

Famed Member
Reply to  SheMc
3 years ago
Last edited 3 years ago by Tigressy
Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
3 years ago

Why doesn’t this work? I just copied and pasted the link to the puzzles and games!

Famed Member
Reply to  SheMc
3 years ago

Welcome back!

Famed Member
3 years ago

I still don’t see #9, even after looking at the solution. I guess I should’ve used coke bottles instead of reading glasses.

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
3 years ago

See my answer to JPSteve, near a post from you, in case you mean the same one.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
3 years ago

Even coke bottles didn’t help me! Tigressy drew lines, , Dennis used his micrometer (;o) and I still needed to cut-and-paste even after reading all the hints!!

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago

comment image

Err – S.W.A.T.’s up, Doc?

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago

Even though it is now Saturday night, I love it. Bugs is my favorite!

3 years ago

You’ve gone all high tech since I was last here, it’s going to take some getting used to!!!

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago



I mean… I know… it’s Wiley.

but over and over?

Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago


Famed Member
3 years ago

I finally got all nine after much, much looking, first time in three weeks, I kept getting only 8 the past couple weeks, discouraging! LOL

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x