Have i ever mentioned that i have a long standing thing for birds?
Endlessly fascinating.
Imagine my delight when paleontologists started to figure out that birds are dinosaurs. 🙂
I usually only have a couple, three cups in the morning so it never affects my sleeping. There have been times, though, that I drank it at night and still slept okay.
If you don’t mind a couple of suggestions relating to insomnia and caffeine. For the latter, try tea. Not the stuff that comes in bags, cause that’s what’s left after they’re done processing the real tea. Get fresh, loose tea and brew it properly.
As for the insomnia, since you live in CA, try a little of the local hemp products, in whatever form appeals to you. Flower, oils, tinctures, edibles, as much or as little as you choose. See if you can find something that works. It has helped my sister immensely.
Ken Faulks
looks like our driveway after yesterday’s snow!
I _think_ our snow is all gone ~ we are just getting rain. Of course, it has snowed here in July before, so who knows!
go figure…. it’s 44 today, and yesterday’s snow is all melted!
Where is this, please.
It’s in Michigan.
Photos: Frozen Lake Michigan lighthouse is breathtakingly beautiful (especially from your cozy couch) – mlive.com
ugh! we don’t have as much as that, thankfully.
It looks like a giant alien robot is emerging from the sea.
Klaatu barada nikto.
Do you come in peace?
Just when the ships at sea need it the most!
New wedding cake design!
Have i ever mentioned that i have a long standing thing for birds?
Endlessly fascinating.
Imagine my delight when paleontologists started to figure out that birds are dinosaurs. 🙂
us, too.
Is it really purple?
must be the male.
I think it is more of a purplie.
Your response just came up one the side where it shows how many comments. I knew right away what it was for. Your welcome!
Is that a flying tortoise following the dragon? Those are becoming as scarce as hen’s teeth.
It’s the Great A’Tuin!
…who is a female turtle.
Oh god no! I’ll be watching this thing forever! 😀
One place I worked asked me to fix something very similar to that.
i can follow along about a minute………
Somebody actually designed, drew and animated this.
And I bet they had fun doing it!
Good thing it is FRIDAY!!!
lets hope it doesn’t wind up in our puzzle!
“Can you spot the 10,000 differences”…
Who’s the wise guy who let Rube Goldberg back in the building?
Love that vid. 😀
And then, there was that hedgehog…
…and the toilet brush.
blueberry muffins
Two please, with butter, and a black coffee.
Actually I mostly gave up coffee, pretty much against my will, but when I look at those nice muffins I need some!
Why i still drink decaf.
I still like the taste. 🙂
and since it has only 3% caffeine, i can finish it by noon w/no problem.
I hope I never have to give up coffee. One of my few enjoyments in life!
I’m with you Perky! Been drinking it every morning for 55 years, except for a few weeks early in one pregnancy. No problems for the other two.
I tried giving it up one time ~ one of those times they said coffee was bad for you. Now I just ignore what ‘they’ say.
I’ve been told by doctors to give it up and couldn’t.
Love the smell and taste.
Hate the feeling of no caffeine, so decaf doesn’t cut it.
I even have a t-shirt, a gift from many years ago, that says “Death before Decaf”.
But I finally opted to stop because of my insomnia.
First I only drank it before 4pm… then not at all.
I’m not sure it helps, so every now and then I fall to temptation, and have a cup anyway. Aaaaahhh….
I usually only have a couple, three cups in the morning so it never affects my sleeping. There have been times, though, that I drank it at night and still slept okay.
I used to be able to have half a dozen cups… actually mugs, which are more than a cup… a day, but usually drank one pot which was about 3½ mugfuls.
I could go out to dinner and drink another cup or two and sleep fine.
Eventually I started noticing that it kept me up if I drank it in the evening.
But “evening” became earlier over the years, till I started stopping at 4pm. I could tell it helped.
I’d had insomnia in my youth, but learned to control it in young adulthood, and had no problem for years.
It came back in menopause, much harder to control, but I was gradually getting better at it, and still drinking a little coffee.
My current insomnia is supposedly related to a medication, and no methods I’ve tried seem to budge it.
I gave up the coffee, but I’m not really sure if caffeine makes a difference one way or the other this time, so it’s hard to stick to the sacrifice.
When I think about coffee I can smell it in my mind, and I want some!
If you don’t mind a couple of suggestions relating to insomnia and caffeine. For the latter, try tea. Not the stuff that comes in bags, cause that’s what’s left after they’re done processing the real tea. Get fresh, loose tea and brew it properly.
As for the insomnia, since you live in CA, try a little of the local hemp products, in whatever form appeals to you. Flower, oils, tinctures, edibles, as much or as little as you choose. See if you can find something that works. It has helped my sister immensely.
I’ve drunk PG Tips, a very popular English brand, as my tea of choice for many years.
I prefer the loose of course, but sometimes the bags are all we can get.
My closest girlfriend (sounds funny at my age) is from Manchester, and she drinks it, and I discovered I much preferred it.
We don’t get to see each other much these days but we’ve drunk gallons of it together over the years.
I used to have a cup every afternoon till just a few years ago.
But the doctors say no caffeine, not no coffee, so my tea is also relegated to occasional cups.
It seems to have about a third of the effect of coffee, but it’s definitely caffeine.
As for hemp products… there was a time in my life, but it passed very quickly.
A couple of bad experiences soon drove me away from all such things, though I never got very far to begin with.
It’s been many years since I wanted or could handle the herb.
I’m far too paranoid to even experiment with CBD, much less any active components.
I think I’m admitting that I failed Hippie 101
I’ve always thought tape dispensers looked like snails.
But a big one I had on my desk at work used to bite people.
If you ever go for round two…
My old staple gun looked like a rabbit. You squeeze its ears downward and it sticks its teeth in things.
And I’m sure a passing porcupine would be quite taken with a hairbrush like mine.
Or hedgehog.
what great nearsighted love affairs, NH! my favorite was the tape dispenser!
I love them all! That poor turtle…. or is it a tortoise? I guess love is in the eyes of the beholder.
They’re out there.
Yes, yes they are 🙀🙀
and they can vote
Is that sign held up with duct tape?
Good question.
I LOVE the “Nearsighted Lover”. Let’s have another series like that!!
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