April 2, 2022

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Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

For a short description of the habits of the Rufous-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher (plus more pictures and a recording of its song) follow this     LINK

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

Beautiful bird. And its beak is as big as the rest of it!

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

Very much a thumbs up. 🙂

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

The Dowry of the Moon

Famed Member
2 years ago

Look what’s on sale.
Ignore the picture, and look inside the red oval.
And I don’t have room for one, let alone four (sigh).

13 10 kgs $9.99 March 31, 2022.PNG
Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

A 10 kg bag of sugar is the last thing you need, anyway, on your stated quest to lose weight.

Just think of not buying it as evading an attempt to sabotage you.

Famed Member
2 years ago

Hello puzzle people… and Cleoites, of course… Hopefully there’s overlap.

Well, tonight you can lay another puzzle over your lap… and find nine differences.

Um… unless you’re on a desktop computer… I don’t suggest laying one of those over your lap…

I guess that’s why they have that hole in the desk you stick your legs into, chair and all.

But I digress.

Tonight’s puzzle is, I’d say, somewhat more subtle than last week’s…

But you CAN solve it.

In my test, it was quite solvable…

or soluble, as I was taught to say, but I don’t want anybody thinking I mean you can dissolve it in water.

That makes a mess, if you printed it out… But it’s even worse if you’re doing it to something electronic.

Nor do i want anybody giving up too soon and peeking, just because I’m dropping off the solution rather early.

The choice I have is now, or maybe not for an hour or two.

I chose “now”… but I’m going to have Cleo keep watch.

For one thing, she has a bazooka, as you all know…

For another, if she reports too much peeking, next time you’ll just have to wait.

So…. Give it some time…. and some work….

And not till you have to….

Check your answers against mine HERE!
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Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Your digressions are delightful!

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
2 years ago

Aww… Thanks!

I appreciate that… cos sometimes, y’know… I do wonder about me…. LOL

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

The difference is there in the new upload.
The speech balloons in the old version seem identical to me – but the area on top of the tree below the window looks different. May be a glitch, but a massive one then…

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

A couple of differences are too subtle for me. Even in the solution, I don’t see it. But, as Happy said, I do love your digressions.

Famed Member
Reply to  perkycat
2 years ago

The solution-puzzle has only 8 differences. One of the marked ones is a difference in the newly uploaded puzzle, but not in Susan’s!

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
2 years ago

Lol…. It WAS in mine the first time I solved it!

Perky… Yes… you’ll find it now!

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Then please update your solution. Or downdate it. Whatever.

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
2 years ago

It’s the same solution!

The placement of my squared circles has not changed at all… Nor has anything within them.

But in the version I posted, one of those circles, as you noted earlier, encloses something in the 2nd panel that was, at that moment, IDENTICAL to its UN-circled counterpart in the first panel.

I explained, in a reply to Nighthawks’ thread below, why that happened, and how I didn’t realize it.

I keep very late hours.

While I slept, Nighthawks reverted that item in the first panel back to how it was when I had solved it… A little different from the one I circled on the other side.

You can see it when you look at the new version he posted.


I didn’t think it was important to redo my whole solution when I got back here this afternoon….

Most people are finished, and the only change in the image would be to replace the first panel, which I don’t touch.


I could post solutions that only show panel two anyway, just to point out places that differ from panel one… but for convenience in comparing, I include both.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Just to explain why the correct solution would be nice: I archive all the puzzles and their solutions.

I understand your point and didn’t intend to bother you.

Sorry if it looked like that, but I’m under the weather (lots of snow and a lovely view here, but sometimes excruciating pain in my knees) and some sh***y stuff – as much as I try not to let that show, sometimes it happens.

Sorry again.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Excelsior! Found ’em, and it didn’t take all day.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago


Famed Member
Reply to  JP Steve
2 years ago

Eight as first posted, nine after he updated it at 3:30 am our time…. PDT.

My solution shows the correct differences, even though one of them temporarily wasn’t actually different when I circled it.

Clear as mud?

I try to explain in an add-on to Nighthawks’ comment farther down the page.


JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Told ya! He changes stuff after we give up!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by JP Steve
Famed Member
2 years ago

I fond two. My eyes are just too blurry this time of night. I’ll try tomorrow.
I’ll listen to me some Carole before bed. I might even have to look up my CDs of her and put them in the van.

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
2 years ago

i found 8!! my eyes are getting blurry, too. i can never resist a good challenge! so i’ll put on some fresh eyes, and see y’all in the morning.

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
2 years ago

Just back from a party. I found six after looking for a while. I may have to transpose one on top pf the other to find the other three.

Famed Member
Reply to  mr_sherman
2 years ago

I did find the other three by my method, but man, a few of those were slight!

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
2 years ago

well, i slept very well, and am drinking my 1st cup of coffee. still couldn’t find #9.

there it was, hidden in plain (sort of) sight. tricky, mr. nighthawks!

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
2 years ago

It only showed up after your first post.

There WERE only eight when you tried last night.

We explain below.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

makes me feel a lot BETTER!

Famed Member
2 years ago

Famed Member
2 years ago

OK – I think I found them all.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

Now the difference is well visible. And the glitch still there.
Got them all.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
2 years ago

I think the glitch is collateral damage from the adjacent difference…

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

The part Nighthawks isn’t telling you…

Just in case you wonder how I circled a difference that I didn’t even know would show up later…

I’m not psychic… nor did he add a difference inside my “incorrect” circle to make me feel better.
(Like THAT would happen.)


These days, Nighthawks sends me the puzzle ahead of time, as I’ve said, so that I can make my solution.

That also gives me time to check, usually with Stelbel, when I want to make doubly sure.

That particular ninth difference WAS there when I solved it this time…


But then Nighthawks sent me a NEW version, after he removed a small glitch…

I (too quickly) copied over the placement of my (squared) circles from the first one, without noticing that one of the differences was gone as well..


I couldn’t have circled it before it was there!

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

Woulda been happy to have found eight!

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
2 years ago

Good morning puzzle solvers!

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Y’all have a great day! (((((HuGz!)))))

Famed Member
2 years ago

found nine, glad I didn’t try before 6:30 AM! took a bit!

Famed Member
2 years ago

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
2 years ago

Cleo has the right idea. Stay around the corner from ol’ Claude when he is fixing to push that button.

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