April 25, 2023

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Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

I love his work.

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

My two ride in the van, but not in the car. Buddy has done thousands of dollars in damage to the inside of the car.
I’m a slow learner, but eventually i get there.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

They dream of hogtieing seagrass?

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

Well, they are raven mad.

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

I learned the story of Shingebiss from The Book House Books also


Famed Member
1 year ago


Your algebra problem for the day is in the attachment.
It’s from yesterday’s London ‘Daily Mail‘ (my work to the answer is in the spoiler box)

Published answer is 7
1) Jack has “x” pieces of clothing in his basket at the beginning of the problem and pays for 10 pieces of clothing at the checkout.
2) He removes 2 pieces of clothing and so has x – 2 pieces of clothing left.
3) He then removes 20% of the remainder from line 2) and his basket now contains
x – 2 – .2(x – 2) pieces of clothing.
x – 2 – .2x – .4
.8x – 1.6
4) He then adds 4 other pieces of clothing to the amount of clothing in line 3), and his basket now contains 4 + (.8x – 1.6) pieces of clothing.
.8x + 2.4
5) Jack then adds 1/4 of the number of pieces of clothing in his basket in line 4 and his basket now contains 1.25 (.8x + 2.4) pieces of clothing.
x + 3
These are the last pieces of clothing added, and Jack goes to the checkout .
∴ x + 3 must equal 10.
x + 3 = 10
x = 10 – 3
x ≟ 7
2) 7 – 2 = 5
3) 0.8 • 5 = 4
4) 4 + 4 = 8
5) 8 • 1.25 ≟ 10 (yes)
∴ x does indeed = 7


9 Daily Mail Mind Bender April 24.PNG
1 year ago

Put me in coach!

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
1 year ago

Famed Member
1 year ago

Wow… this is an oldie!

Before my time originally, but of course, I remember it from its past revivals.


I’ve always loved Zazu Pitbull…. those tiny lips and huge eyes!

When I was little i thought she was so beautiful I wanted to look like her, in her early roles, like this one.

I’m not sure where I saw those movies…. We didn’t even have a TV till I was seven.

Maybe just photos in my aunt’s huge pile of old movie magazines.

I didn’t understand that they were out of date.

When we got a television my Mom pointed out Zasu Pitbull on the Gale Stormy show…. 25 or 30 years older, made to look dowdy and goofy… I was shocked.

Too bad she’s not on the poster… she probably wore a wonderful hat.

According to IBMdB (The Internet Basset Movie Data Base), all six of the famous Floppydora Pups play roles in it, too.

They’re so beautiful, with their earflapper costumes and curly fur.


Meanwhile….why does it take three humans to do the job of two bassets on a poster?

I’m guessing that each human has only 2/3 (or less) the drawing power of a basset hound.

Then again, Arfing Houndaway was always playing, getting in trouble… Maybe he couldn’t hold still to pose for the poster…

But the humans wanted to include their copydog actor in their version.

That could still be due to his help with adding box-office star power, though.


Wally Beerbasset was a big star in the silent era… did we see him in a movie with a very young Cleo, or am I mixed up?

You know, silent movies were a good thing for dogs.

When the barkies came along it took a lot of training to get basset hounds to be quiet when not barking, howling, or arfing their lines, especially when another actor was barking.

It’s hard for a dog not to join in, which made for some hectic moments on set when that concept was new…. And a lot of doggie treats in the budget.

By now, dog actors learn from their first days in acting class or on set to let the other actors bark alone.

You don’t even hear a typical mournful basset whine in the background.

Famed Member
1 year ago

pineapple-Zucchini bread

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

By some calendars it’s also Brussels Sprouts month.

Tempura Brussels Sprouts.PNG
Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

i hate to be negative, but deal me out.

Last edited 1 year ago by MontanaLady
Famed Member
1 year ago

Goodbye to a great singer / entertainer.


Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

he will be missed!!! many a summer we spent at the greek theater watching one of our favorites … harry!!!

thanks for the sad news, alexi.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

I sang for the first time in about four months at my local Open Mic on the 13th. I played “Jamaica Farewell” as one of my songs.

Famed Member
1 year ago

casey at the bat is always welcome…

i even watched all the videos to make sure i haven’t changed my prefrences. but …. nope. still don’t like ’em.

then i played alexi’s piece … i was so happy …..

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