I tried an image search and a Google Lens search and they led to totally different trees.
The only results showing this tree used this same image, and made no sense, because they were both links to seeds for sale, one on Amazon, one elsewhere, ⁰labeled “Japanese rainbow pine tree bonsai.”
They are obviously neither pines nor bonsai, but neither had any description or reviews, or were available.
My friends I just want to let you know something about my profile. Although I I have gotten my avatar back and it appears on my posts and replies, it does not appear on my “likes.” So I hope you do not feel unappreciated if all you see in your like category is a purplie, amorphous shape. It might be me!
I still feel like somehow you’re not properly logged in, but the site is recognizing you.
But your posts do have the green tag that says “member”, not the purple tag that says “Guest”, as on Liverlips’ posts.
Then again, you don’t have a designated level… you’re here as much as anybody, and more than most, but lacking the text after that tag, that says “famed” (or any other level of) member, and the little red cup.
It’s like you’re somewhere in between!
When I see the guest “like” I usually figure it’s either you or Liverlips.
BOOK REVIEW (of a book I didn’t know was a book until about a week and a half ago)
“True Grit” By: Charles Portis (1968 / ISBN 978-1-4683-0629-3 / 4th edition – paperback)
I remember I saw the movie but I don’t know if it was on television or in a theatre; nor do I remember much about it other than it starred a clean shaven John Wayne (Reuben / Rooster / Cogburn is described as having a moustache in the book).
The book is well written; I don’t recall any comic elements in the movie (see above) but the book definitely has some.
I would have recalled Mattie Ross having her left arm amputated above the elbow due to snake bite in the movie too, so it left that bit out.
Rooster Cogburn’s death took place in 1903, and Mattie Ross bought a bigger “sixty-five dollar slab of Batesville marble inscribed…
1835 – 1903
…to put beside the “…little C.S.A. headstone coming to him but it was so small….”.
The narrative of the chase after Tom Chaney ends in 1903, and Mattie wrote the story of it sometime after 1918 (she exchanged Christmas cards with one of her father’s men unit his death by the flu epidemic then. She herself remained unmarried, but came to own a bank sometime before 1903.
A really good read if you can find a copy.
As a side note, John Wayne thought of Kim Darby as a brat on set in the movie.
Another side note:
I found out “True Grit” was a book while reading “Racing The Light” By: Robert Crais wherein he used a credited quote from “True Grit”.
“They tell me you are a man with true grit.”
That novel is part of Crais’ Elvis Cole / Joe Pike series; a series well worth reading in and of itself.
Not a movie I’ll be looking up.
Incidentally, nowhere in the book is Rooster Cogburn said to be wearing an eye patch, but at least Henry Hathaway had John Wayne wearing it on the correct eye.
Narration by Mattie Ross:
“I noticed by the lamplight that his bad left eye was not completely shut. A little crescent of white showed at the bottom and glistened in the light.”
The attachment is what I see.
I thought they were supposed to be direct images, and not what I I call “raw” U.R.L. links to the trailer and the Wikipedia article.
Crossed eyes and brain.
I will now move on to my online crosswords (I do at least two a day) where I’m hopeful my coffee has hit bottom so I can read the clues properly.
A LINK back to this date last year and the pretzel recipe I posted then (if you go back and read the rest of the posts that day, they’re now 82 and 84 respectively).
As near as I can tell this is a Long-Tailed Finch (from the beak, probably just left the nest).
“Yellow House, Full Moon” By: Suzanne Siegel
How can you tell it is yellow?
I wondered that myself.
I think the artist can call it anything she likes.
Maybe this was her artistic interpretation of the moonlight…
All I know is “Yellow House” is the title of the painting…
Not necessarily what we all agree it depicts.
Had she called it “Blue Rhinoceros” we might not see one in the picture but that would still be the title.
“Ceci n’est pas une pipe” .. or perhaps not even a yellow house.
I should probably not wax philosophical at 3am….
Though perhaps sometimes philosophical has gotten dull and needs waxing.
I like it.
“ Perspectives V” By: J.C. Findley
They make them taller, but the Chrysler building will always stand out.
I was thinking the same thing.
Several times, in various polls, it’s been voted things like the prettiest or best designed skyscraper in the world, even by architects.
One thing I’ve always thought was interesting is that modern as it was when it was built, cutting edge Art Deco, it has lots of gargoyles.
They’re not your great great grandmother’s gargoyles, though.
They’re covered in stainless steel, and supposed to look like 1930s Chrysler hood ornaments.
I want to know about the pointed-top dark grey building covered in balconies.
A picture link to an article about 100 United Nations Plaza
I’ve done two crosswords.
Thanks for that gargoyle picture!
You’re quite welcome
Actually there are several different styles of them, but all related to the theme.
Wow! What (and where) is that?!
I want to know too.
I tried an image search and a Google Lens search and they led to totally different trees.
The only results showing this tree used this same image, and made no sense, because they were both links to seeds for sale, one on Amazon, one elsewhere, ⁰labeled “Japanese rainbow pine tree bonsai.”
They are obviously neither pines nor bonsai, but neither had any description or reviews, or were available.
By Google Translate (Polish to English):
“Show Pikus the way up the stairs to get back to his house.”
I got it by working down from the top.
So did I.
We must both have great minds. 🙂 🙂
I start most mazes at the end… it seems easier to work backwards.
I don’t know whether it really is or not, or whether it’s considered cheating…
But I don’t have that much patience for mazes, so I figure “whatever works.”
i seem to have no patience today, too. even if it’s written in Polish!
You would think, Pikus being a dog, he would have no trouble getting to his ‘house’ without my help.
My friends I just want to let you know something about my profile. Although I I have gotten my avatar back and it appears on my posts and replies, it does not appear on my “likes.” So I hope you do not feel unappreciated if all you see in your like category is a purplie, amorphous shape. It might be me!
Or Odo.
alright, i’ll bite. who’s odo?
so soon i forget! thanks, kiddo!
I still feel like somehow you’re not properly logged in, but the site is recognizing you.
But your posts do have the green tag that says “member”, not the purple tag that says “Guest”, as on Liverlips’ posts.
Then again, you don’t have a designated level… you’re here as much as anybody, and more than most, but lacking the text after that tag, that says “famed” (or any other level of) member, and the little red cup.
It’s like you’re somewhere in between!
When I see the guest “like” I usually figure it’s either you or Liverlips.
“True Grit” By: Charles Portis (1968 / ISBN 978-1-4683-0629-3 / 4th edition – paperback)
I remember I saw the movie but I don’t know if it was on television or in a theatre; nor do I remember much about it other than it starred a clean shaven John Wayne (Reuben / Rooster / Cogburn is described as having a moustache in the book).
The book is well written; I don’t recall any comic elements in the movie (see above) but the book definitely has some.
I would have recalled Mattie Ross having her left arm amputated above the elbow due to snake bite in the movie too, so it left that bit out.
Rooster Cogburn’s death took place in 1903, and Mattie Ross bought a bigger “sixty-five dollar slab of Batesville marble inscribed…
1835 – 1903
…to put beside the “…little C.S.A. headstone coming to him but it was so small….”.
The narrative of the chase after Tom Chaney ends in 1903, and Mattie wrote the story of it sometime after 1918 (she exchanged Christmas cards with one of her father’s men unit his death by the flu epidemic then. She herself remained unmarried, but came to own a bank sometime before 1903.
A really good read if you can find a copy.
As a side note, John Wayne thought of Kim Darby as a brat on set in the movie.
Another side note:
I found out “True Grit” was a book while reading “Racing The Light” By: Robert Crais wherein he used a credited quote from “True Grit”.
“They tell me you are a man with true grit.”
That novel is part of Crais’ Elvis Cole / Joe Pike series; a series well worth reading in and of itself.
I’ve seen this version: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1403865/
Yes; the missing scene is there.
Not a movie I’ll be looking up.
Incidentally, nowhere in the book is Rooster Cogburn said to be wearing an eye patch, but at least Henry Hathaway had John Wayne wearing it on the correct eye.
Narration by Mattie Ross:
“I noticed by the lamplight that his bad left eye was not completely shut. A little crescent of white showed at the bottom and glistened in the light.”
i love john wayne movies. one of the reasons is the details of the directors.
Here it is.
No I didn’t, and it works properly here.
It’s two URLS run together for me, too, but I can get them to open separately.
One for Wikipedia, one for IMdB.
Just links.
Neither puts an image in your comment but I didn’t figure you were trying to, cos you know how if you’d wanted to.
The attachment is what I see.
I thought they were supposed to be direct images, and not what I I call “raw” U.R.L. links to the trailer and the Wikipedia article.
Crossed eyes and brain.
I will now move on to my online crosswords (I do at least two a day) where I’m hopeful my coffee has hit bottom so I can read the clues properly.
chocolate covered pretzel rods
A LINK back to this date last year and the pretzel recipe I posted then (if you go back and read the rest of the posts that day, they’re now 82 and 84 respectively).
If Claude keeps talking about that medication, he’s going to get a kickback..
No, not a payment from the drug company.
Clara is going to teach him a new pun on that word.
She may need to put some boots on first.
cleo is the ‘smart one’. she know ‘s when to leave!
~alec(k) more likely…
You are so funny, Claude……at least you think you are. Clara is ignoring you and Cleo is outta there!
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