I thought they were meerkats, but I wasn’t sure because they don’t have much of the usual meerkat coloring.
Their dark masks and markings are very pale.
But they’re built like meerkats, and not like the other animals mentioned… all good guesses but softer looking than meerkats.
Prairie dogs are related to and built like groundhogs… rounder, “cuddlier” looking, and bigger than these guys.
Ferrets, like Bucky’s nemesis, Fungo, are weasels, with much longer necks, and sleeker, more wriggly bodies. I’ve known some pet ferrets. They seldom stand still.
Meerkats are the only ones that are so pointy, with bony shoulders the others all lack.
They’re actually a species of mongoose, and look a lot like them.
But even other kinds of mongeese(?) are generally softer and rounder.
So I tracked down this picture…
They are indeed meerkats, pale or not.
The fellow is a wildlife photographer.
His name is David Kleer, and the picture was taken in Botswana .
Here’s the video (I think at least some of the sound is from off screen meerkats) from which the still was taken.
It doesn’t want to post as a video, but the U.R.L. takes you directly there.
I got the single image from the video—I screen-shot it after pausing it—
the video, of course, is cooler—
it’s curious that the little buggers have no fear of the photographer
This was, to me, ridiculously and unnecessarily hard. I ended up looking for the answer on-line, since I was spending way too long on it, examining every section.
I got bogged down at the cake shop. I think the mail truck went back to the Post Office.
After reading Stel’s post, I think that is kinda cheating…… I meant the position of the mail truck, not you StelBel!
I ended up looking in StelBel’s spoiler box.
You could look all day and not find it because it’s not oriented properly and nor is it remotely close to any scale within the drawing as drawn by the artist (I looked at the actual answer 3 times and decided “no” because of that).
Not so much as the outline in Stel’s on-line findings wherein the truck it blackened-out, but when you look at the unadulterated picture, Yeah, then it DOES jump out, with a aero-mail symbol to boot.
Like always, you are trying to locate something that comes to you “cold”, without any background as to the nature of the puzzle (that is to say, is this part of a continuing puzzle theme within a book?) — this is part of the stumbling blocks put before the viewers.
Like Susan, once I had gotten through looking for a conventional mail truck, I started looking for outlines incorporated into the background scene; and I still did not find it.
“Watch out for Diabolical Masterminds”, is what Mrs Peel said to Steed as she departed.
Koodos to the artist who put this together.
I’m thinking this isn’t meant to be real but a humor piece.
It’s so extreme, it’s probably somebody mocking the image of the suffragette, just as “women’s libbers” are mocked in some (obnoxious) contemporary cartoons.
My general overall impression is that this is not meant to be taken seriously.
Just an exasperated reaction parodying the more strident (and there were more than a few) members of the suffragette movement.
A yard swiller is a man who cleans a yard.
Julian’s and Kohn’s voices and singing cadence are so much aligned, almost spooky. Close your eyes, especially on “Valotte”, Yeah, John in the days of him singing to Yoko…
Don’t you just love word problems and all the fun of solving?
From London’s ‘Daily Mail’
Work in the box (as usual).
Published answer: 20
Shane has x sweets
∴ Meg has x – 10 sweets
1) Shane gives Meg x/5 of his sweets and has 4x/5 left
Meg now has (x-10)+x/5 sweets
2) Meg now has more sweets than Shane, so gives him one of hers to even their sweet inventories.
∴ 4x/5 +1 = (6x+50)/5 – 1
4x/5 + 2 = (6x+50)/5
(4x+10)/5 = (6x+50)/5
20x + 50 = 30x + 250
-10x = -300
x = 30
∴ Shane started with 30 sweets and Meg started with (30 – 10) sweets.
30 – 10 = 20
∴ Meg started with 20 sweets.
1) 30/5 = 6
30 – 6 = 24
20 + 6 = 26
2) 24 + 1 ≟ 26 – 1 (yes)
Confirmed: Meg started with 20 sweets.
One question I’ve always had about “Only You.” There is an extra syllable just before the “can make” line of the repeating chorus. What is that? Anyone?
It’s there alright, but I think it’s a bit of improvisation by the Platters. This video is of a full piano version of “Only You” with the notes being highlighted as they’re played.
If you follow this LINK and its sub-links, you’ll get to read three, count ’em three! past strips of “Cleo and Company”!
And there’s recipes for blueberry pie filling, pie crust, and apple pie filling too.
I really didn’t post the same image of blueberry pie from last year intentionally.
in both instances, I simply typed in blueberry pie in bing images and chose the
yummiest-looking — I guess that particular image appealed to me
And there he is – taking “Animated Friday” to a whole new level.
And may I dare to ask if you had a new-world porcupine in mind (judging from the cactus and Susan Sunshine’s comment) or a lost hedgehog?
Edit: I really do love the design of the hearts.
Cute little guys!
Tell that to Bucky cat!
I’m going to hazard guess and say Miniature Weasel and not a Meerkat.
I might be wrong. (I often am.) 🙂
They look like Prarie Dogs to me and he looks like a Prarie Dog Whisperer.
I thought they were meerkats, but I wasn’t sure because they don’t have much of the usual meerkat coloring.
Their dark masks and markings are very pale.
But they’re built like meerkats, and not like the other animals mentioned… all good guesses but softer looking than meerkats.
Prairie dogs are related to and built like groundhogs… rounder, “cuddlier” looking, and bigger than these guys.
Ferrets, like Bucky’s nemesis, Fungo, are weasels, with much longer necks, and sleeker, more wriggly bodies. I’ve known some pet ferrets. They seldom stand still.
Meerkats are the only ones that are so pointy, with bony shoulders the others all lack.
They’re actually a species of mongoose, and look a lot like them.
But even other kinds of mongeese(?) are generally softer and rounder.
So I tracked down this picture…
They are indeed meerkats, pale or not.
The fellow is a wildlife photographer.
His name is David Kleer, and the picture was taken in Botswana .
Here’s the video (I think at least some of the sound is from off screen meerkats) from which the still was taken.
It doesn’t want to post as a video, but the U.R.L. takes you directly there.
I got the single image from the video—I screen-shot it after pausing it—
the video, of course, is cooler—
it’s curious that the little buggers have no fear of the photographer
Nope. Nothing’s there.
Nothing for me either. Looking for a flag.
This was, to me, ridiculously and unnecessarily hard. I ended up looking for the answer on-line, since I was spending way too long on it, examining every section.
So what makes that a mail truck?
Look sideways.
still doesn’t look anything like a mail truck …
I did spend waaay too long on it!
Had I only known you were posting the answer, and fallen to temptation.
I got bogged down at the cake shop. I think the mail truck went back to the Post Office.
After reading Stel’s post, I think that is kinda cheating…… I meant the position of the mail truck, not you StelBel!
I ended up looking in StelBel’s spoiler box.
You could look all day and not find it because it’s not oriented properly and nor is it remotely close to any scale within the drawing as drawn by the artist (I looked at the actual answer 3 times and decided “no” because of that).
See my spoiler.
After going over the image with a fine tooth comb, and not finding it I realized
It’s not like finding Waldo hidden in the crowd…
It’s like those pictures where you see the shapes of other things hidden in them…
like the cat, sideways in the picture of the lady a few weeks ago, or children’s puzzles where you find a star and a pony in the drawing of a garden.
The mail truck isn’t drawn to scale, or oriented “properly”, because it’s not meant to be part of the drawing, just a hidden object.
The fact that it’s a mail truck and not a birthday cake or a jar of peanut butter is irrelevant. It’s not meant to be functional in the image.
So I found it… And it’s right where Stel says, of course.
But you have to look at it sideways… And it’s as big as a building.
Like always, you are trying to locate something that comes to you “cold”, without any background as to the nature of the puzzle (that is to say, is this part of a continuing puzzle theme within a book?) — this is part of the stumbling blocks put before the viewers.
Like Susan, once I had gotten through looking for a conventional mail truck, I started looking for outlines incorporated into the background scene; and I still did not find it.
“Watch out for Diabolical Masterminds”, is what Mrs Peel said to Steed as she departed.
Koodos to the artist who put this together.
I like the fact that the only sign, the only language at all, is for “CAKES.”
Oops, I take it back! There’s one for “PRETZELS” too.
Really cute!!
A “ Tufted Titmouse” By: Daiga Dimza (Latvia / “A” because she has painted many others / she also does cats)
All true. Thats one of the reasons i prefer the company of women.
Good for you Happy!
I got lucky! Good thing I didn’t read this when I was a young woman….so many years ago!!
There are some gems out there!
And some… not so much.
like MMM!!
I’m thinking this isn’t meant to be real but a humor piece.
It’s so extreme, it’s probably somebody mocking the image of the suffragette, just as “women’s libbers” are mocked in some (obnoxious) contemporary cartoons.
Then again… hmmm….
My general overall impression is that this is not meant to be taken seriously.
Just an exasperated reaction parodying the more strident (and there were more than a few) members of the suffragette movement.
A yard swiller is a man who cleans a yard.
I always have been a good coal-getter
But the question remains…
Are you tame?
Love, love LOVE the Near-sighted Lover!!!!
Julian has clearly inherited his father’s good looks, voice and musical ability. Whether he will develop as a songwriter remains to be seen, IMHO.
Can’t believe he’s 60!
his dad would have been 83 this year
I read it in AARP mag
Was also somewhat flabbergasted.
Yeah, getting a little late to develop into anything.
Even his half brother Sean Lennon is only a few years from 50.
Where does the time go?
But Julian has won awards as a photographer and documentary filmmaker, along with making music.
I think he’ll be ok when he grows up. 🙂
Julian’s and Kohn’s voices and singing cadence are so much aligned, almost spooky. Close your eyes, especially on “Valotte”, Yeah, John in the days of him singing to Yoko…
From London’s ‘Daily Mail’
Work in the box (as usual).
Published answer: 20
Shane has x sweets
∴ Meg has x – 10 sweets
1) Shane gives Meg x/5 of his sweets and has 4x/5 left
Meg now has (x-10)+x/5 sweets
2) Meg now has more sweets than Shane, so gives him one of hers to even their sweet inventories.
∴ 4x/5 +1 = (6x+50)/5 – 1
4x/5 + 2 = (6x+50)/5
(4x+10)/5 = (6x+50)/5
20x + 50 = 30x + 250
-10x = -300
x = 30
∴ Shane started with 30 sweets and Meg started with (30 – 10) sweets.
30 – 10 = 20
∴ Meg started with 20 sweets.
1) 30/5 = 6
30 – 6 = 24
20 + 6 = 26
2) 24 + 1 ≟ 26 – 1 (yes)
Confirmed: Meg started with 20 sweets.
No, I don’t. Too much like high school. And I scored 800 on my math SATs, but I don’t recall loving these problems.
The Marilyn-Platters mashup is fun.
One question I’ve always had about “Only You.” There is an extra syllable just before the “can make” line of the repeating chorus. What is that? Anyone?
It’s there alright, but I think it’s a bit of improvisation by the Platters. This video is of a full piano version of “Only You” with the notes being highlighted as they’re played.
Nearsighted Lovers, volume 3. Tough to choose, but I think the giraffe is my favorite.
blueberry pie
If you follow this LINK and its sub-links, you’ll get to read three, count ’em three! past strips of “Cleo and Company”!
And there’s recipes for blueberry pie filling, pie crust, and apple pie filling too.
I really didn’t post the same image of blueberry pie from last year intentionally.
in both instances, I simply typed in blueberry pie in bing images and chose the
yummiest-looking — I guess that particular image appealed to me
You can see why the bear loves his Honey… She’s really sweet to him.
And the giraffe’s boyfriend has her hooked. He doesn’t even mind picking up after her.
But I think the porcupine might want to reconsider.
A prickly personality, throwing his arms up to escape a hug… I think he’ll always have her on pins and needles
And there he is – taking “Animated Friday” to a whole new level.
And may I dare to ask if you had a new-world porcupine in mind (judging from the cactus and Susan Sunshine’s comment) or a lost hedgehog?
Edit: I really do love the design of the hearts.
yes indeed, here I am!……
And, you may dare to ask, and if I dared to answer I would have said:
‘not a hedgehog’
Adorable! ☺️
you have a winner with the ‘nearsighted’ strips!!!
my favorite today is the cactus lover! too funny.
too bad you can’t use them for the 9 differences!
you wouldn’t want that—I would do something extra sneaky and leave out just one of
those needles on the cactus
hahahahaha …
(you wouldn’t do that to all your fans)
Oh yes he would. 😉
I agree. I love these strips. They are all so cute ~ I can’t pick a favorite.
LOL ♥ ♥ ♥ I love the nearsighted lovers ♥
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