August 28, 2022

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Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

Abby the Otterhound
Originally posted on October 26, 2009 by nickievet
Halftime: Colts 14 Buccaneers 10
I’m going to have to pick up a few more games during the regular season; Indianapolis has some cute cheerleaders.
14:02 Third quarter: Colts 21 Buccaneers 10

Last edited 2 years ago by Alexikakos
Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

and it’s going to be another glorious Browns season!

Famed Member
Reply to  bambushie
2 years ago

I switched over to the Bears / Browns game for the last two minutes and watched the Browns lose by 1 point (21 Bears / 20 Browns).
Final Colts 27 / Bucaneers 10
I think there’s one week left in the NFL preseason.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

You do know that some people want to watch those games later because they hadn’t time to watch them live and don’t want to know the results beforehand?

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

The sooner I tell him this season the better.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

Anyone over here need the services of an olfactory wizard?

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
2 years ago

I’m free.

Famed Member
2 years ago

Nighthawks posted this yesterday, but I didn’t look at it until a few minutes ago. If you also missed it yesterday, I highly recommend that you watch it because it is so well done and funny!!!

DO IT!!!

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
2 years ago
Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
2 years ago

OwlKitty videos are great… even more so, sometimes, are the accompanying “Behind the Scenes” videos.

I discovered them a while back and was tempted to post a couple here, but didn’t because the star is a cat. I guess I should have.

Her stage name is OwlKitty, but her real name is Lizzy.

The behind-the-scenes one for her “Jurassic Park” doesn’t explain a lot….

but the “Titanic” one is amazing.

In fact I saw it before I saw the actual video, which was anticlimactic after watching all the work that went into it.

Stel, you should really appreciate it, after working on basset posters.

Here’s “Titanic with a Cat”:


And here’s the “Behind The Scenes” video:

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Glad you enjoyed it.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Susan and Tigressy

Ahhh…..thanks for all the info. Nighthawks and I were planning to feature more of the OwlKitty videos, but now with all this additional information, it would be just as easy for all those interested to see more to follow Tigressy and your links and dive into this really well-done series of movie parodies. (Although I really shouldn’t speak for Nighthawks…he may still decide to feature more. Indeed, why not?)

Just wonderful entertainment in my opinion. I’m sure most of you will really enjoy how clever and creative these all are.

Thanks again for posting the videos!! I could watch them over and over. Yet, the Jurassic Park one remains my favorite…perhaps because it was the first one I had seen and I was just blown away by the excellence of the creation and the humor and wit!

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
2 years ago

Well – I already have posted the link above months ago.

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
2 years ago

I must have missed it. I try to read all the comments even though I may not post a whole lot (like I used to, thanks to a worsening back condition!).

Thanks for reposting, though. I love really well-done parodies, and these are top-shelf!!

to Susan: I assume that most of us, if not all, are animal lovers in general. Even Cleo enjoys videos and pictures of all animals if they are amusing and/or creatively presented. In other words, never be hesitant to post cats or any other animal (except perhaps the EWC! lol).

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
2 years ago

I was afraid that your back was acting up again – so sorry. Just thought of that a few days ago. Take good care of yourself!

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
2 years ago

Thanks so much. I will be having another surgery but the date is uncertain. Pre-surgical consult is on 9/15. Can’t wait!

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
2 years ago

There is a man in my neighborhood that is 92. They discovered a broken bone in his back and he has to go in and have it fused together. I get back spasms occasionally which is plenty bad enough for me.

Famed Member
Reply to  perkycat
2 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear that you have back spasms. ANY back problem is tough to deal with!! Hope it doesn’t happen too often! Take care!

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
2 years ago

OwlKitty turned up in my suggested list when I was watching a Dean (the basset hound) video.

I ran into Dean a long time ago, and right away, had a video in mind to post…

when, much to my surprise, Nighthawks posted the same one before I got here.

We must have discovered him around the same day!

I didn’t post any of Dean after that, because Nighthawks was doing it.

It wasn’t long after that I discovered Owlkitty, and subscribed.

I don’t remember Tigressy or anyone posting a link to her here…. I was probably already watching them all, and didn’t pay attention.

I don’t always watch every video or follow every link.


I also don’t usually post links to whole websites or collections, to allow others to put them up one at a time.

I even hesitated about posting the ones I did tonight, so as not to step on any toes…

But the link was already posted to ALL of them, so I thought, “what the heck”,

cos on your own, it might be a while before you saw that making of “Titanic” one.


Sorry if it bothered you.


Btw, I know Cleo enjoys cat videos…. squirrel ones, as well.

They save her some pocket money on packets of paper targets….

Though new monitors DO get expensive for Clara and Claude.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

I, in turn am sorry that my comment read like I was bothered. That wasn’t my intention.

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
2 years ago

I didn’t assume it did, only that it could have, because you guys were planning to post more…

The apology was just in case.

Glad if I didn’t actually spoil any plans.

Famed Member
2 years ago


I tried for more detail, but all I could find was….

Paul Newman and Clint Eastwood sometime in 1972.


Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago


Plenty of additional detail on this site:

The Clint Eastwood Archive: Eastwood & Newman: The Meeting of Two Superstars

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
2 years ago

Based on the information at that link I can say the picture was taken sometime before July 19, 1972 (the release date for “Joe Kidd.”)

Last edited 2 years ago by Alexikakos
Reply to  StelBel
2 years ago

Enjoyed that link!

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
2 years ago

I knew you would!

Famed Member
2 years ago

There are three car salesmen, and I’m using the term very loosely, who stick in my memory.
The first one: “I’m glad you came to us instead of going to our scumbag competition” (I went to the competition).
The second one (accompanying my then girlfriend): “I can’t let you have a test drive right now because while we’re gone somebody might come in and say ‘I want that one’ ” (we left).
The third one (after actually signing the deal and noticing the block heater cord / obviously factory installed) “Oh, I had that installed especially for you.” The things that were actually to be done before I picked it up weren’t (surprise, surprise). If mine wasn’t the last complaint to the dealership that caused his dismissal it was in the last three, I’d say. He wasn’t there when I went in for the final completion of the things that should have been done before I picked it up.

2 years ago

That is a nice compilation of Twisters!!

2 years ago

Cleo, Clara agrees with you. But I think a solid bite will be sufficient.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
2 years ago

It’s the door-to-door salesman guy! Hapless as ever, but he keeps trying.

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
2 years ago

I think you’re right! LOL

Famed Member
2 years ago

I’m a pretty non-violent person… almost but maybe not quite a pacifist, since that label is very strict…

so you can imagine that it’s very hard for me to say this, but….

When that salesman claims that the power windows are a special feature, which you can use “anywhere” to throw your trash right out the window…

for the first time that I can recall, I agree with Cleo about the feeling, if not the reality, of a need for a bazooka.

Of course, no sane person throws trash out the window, and in most places, if you’re seen doing it, you get a speedy response from whatever authorities are at hand, and a large fine….

In fact, the minimum first-offense fine for littering here in California is $250, and local jurisdictions can set it higher… including doubling it (or more) for anything burning, including “just” flicking cigarette ashes out the window.

(Our nerves are on super high alert, after the last half dozen or so years of massive wildfires.)

But even an apple core or or other “it doesn’t matter cos it’s biodegradable” trash is litter, under the law, including just one of those leftover cold french fries.

Not knowing how many idiots might actually think he’s making a great suggestion… my hackles are raised, and I start to wonder where I might find a weapon.

Say, Cleo, do you happen to have a spare… oh… never mind… I probably shouldn’t… um… but you just carry on, OK?

Maybe I couldn’t do it… but I could probably pretend I didn’t see you doing it.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

Watch the volume….but otherwise………..


Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

Wow. I had no idea.

As a military brat, I grew up mostly in the Midwest… Ohio, Illinois, and Wisconsin, with time out for Libya, and a bit for California.

We all threw trash out the window, as though there were a cleaning crew to pick up after us.

It was also assumed that candy wrappers and empty popcorn boxes went on the floor of the movie theater.

But I thought it was the times, not the place.

A few people still throw trash along California highways, but they’re often caught and fined, even in rural areas.

We also have volunteers who clean up, often through the “Adopt-a-Highway” program, where a business or group takes responsibility for a certain stretch.

It’s been years since I’ve seen significant trash by the road…

I can remember being dismayed by bright aluminum cans, their colors worn off, rolling at the bottom of the clear Smith River, which I love, in southern Oregon,

and talking about how horrible it was when people “used to” throw cans from cars, trying to throw hard enough to get them into the river…

That discussion was in the late 1970s, when we already wouldn’t dream of it.

It took longer for people to stop dropping trash in the theaters, but it’s been a long time now since I stepped on a Milk Dud.

If you’re in a car with people, and someone even starts to throw out a gun wrapper or a cigarette butt, everybody pounces on him.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

A gun wrapper would definitely get my attention.

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
2 years ago


LOL…. And now I can’t correct it, of course, or your comment won’t make sense.

Ok, I’ll let it be, and suffer the embarrassment.

Just for you. 😀

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Thanks so much. I’m honored. 😊

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago


Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Around here the most frequently tossed item is those little “nip” bottles of booze.

Famed Member
2 years ago

@ —comment image   StelBel

What happened to our conversation about the photograph?
Both my comments, the spoiler box one and my last response to you — “Thanks. Based on the information at that link I can say the picture was….” — are still in my account section and come back to here, but there’s nothing here anymore.
More weirdness from WordPress?

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

What day was that? Yesterday? I guess that I can’t find it because it did, indeed, disappear!! I really wasn’t paying too much attention to this recent problem (maybe because it hadn’t happened to me yet, so I just figured it was some sort of temporary glitch that would go away….and, maybe it is and still will. Who knows?)

Anyway, I’m not sure what we can do, if anything, but I will discuss it with Nighthawks to see if he has any ideas. WP is notoriously difficult to figure out when one runs into a problem, and we don’t know much, at this point. Is it a WP problem? Or, maybe the original site that was used? It’s a mystery to me right now, but hopefully, we can find out what’s going on.

The first step, though: where the heck should the comments be? My poor memory is not helping.

(ps: you are talking about the Newman/Eastwood photo, right?)

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

I’m just posting this to see if it stays or disappears. (Not sure what that will prove, one way or another, but a bit more information might be helpful.)
comment image

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

OK, I just checked with Nighthawks and we determined that at least in this case (the disappearing Newman/Eastwood photo and accompanying comments), the disappearances are probably due to Nighthawks deleting his original B/W photo and trying to replace it with a better color photo. There’s a certain, fairly simple way to do this, but if you don’t pay attention, you can lose your original comment box and its position AND subsequently, ALL the replies to that particular item that came after!

So, in other words, his deletion of the original photo he posted caused the deletions of our replies since they were tied to the original photo.

Now, I wonder whether other disappearances might be due to similar circumstances.

I hope this solves the mystery, but if not, we may be able to delve into it more.

Famed Member
2 years ago

i’m with you, cleo. one bazooka coming up!

Famed Member
2 years ago

today, august 28th, marks the 60th year of the day we met!!! hooray!

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
2 years ago

comment image

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
2 years ago

love it!!!

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
2 years ago

That’s great!

Famed Member
Reply to  perkycat
2 years ago

thanks, kiddo!

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
2 years ago

Congrats, ML!! How lucky you two are!

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
2 years ago

we thank God every night!

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
2 years ago

My mind retains the strangest things.      Ballard Street” Friday, August 28, 2009.     Is the volleyball park still there?

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

i just looked it up….. there’s nothing but condos, now. progress!

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
2 years ago

Cool! 😀

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
2 years ago

my feelings exactly…

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
2 years ago

Gosh…. I didn’t think I’d known you that long!



Um… what?


I see.

Yeah… congratulations.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago


Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

awwwww! thanks NH!

Famed Member
2 years ago

Totally agree with Cleo on this one. These days you can look everything up on line and know exactly what you want. Avoid the sales pitch. We just went in and told them what we wanted and they had it. Easiest sale for that guy.

Famed Member
2 years ago

1) For once I say “give Cleo the bazooka”!
2) Chubby Checkers is still alive and he’s performing at the NY State fair this year (I just found out). He’s 80.

Famed Member
2 years ago

Bearded Reedlings
Flevoland, Netherlands

comment image

©Gert-Jan Uzerman/Minden Pictures

Flevoland, the 12th and newest province in the Netherlands has only been around since 1986. Not only was it not established until this late date, but before the mid-20th century, much of the land here simply didn’t exist. Flevoland was created through vast land reclamation projects in the 1950s and ’60s. While the Dutch had been reforming their landscape to meet their changing needs for hundreds of years, the 20th century would see their most dramatic and ambitious projects realized. The province’s anthem is the fitting ‘Waar Wij Steden Doen Verrijzen’ (‘Where We Let Cities Arise’). It’s an ode to pushing back the sea and creating a ‘province that’s not bad, the youngest part of the Netherlands. Where it is nice to live, my beloved Flevoland!’

With its landscape of bogs, marshes, and swamps, Flevoland is a perfect nesting ground for these bearded reedlings. The reedlings are sometimes referred to as bearded tits, due to their passing resemblance to the long-tailed tit, but not only are they not tits, they don’t really have beards either (though the males have something closer to a mustache). Found across Eurasia, the bearded reedling is considered a unique songbird, with no other living species closely related to it.

BING Picture of the Day, 8.28.2022

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