I spoke with StelBel on the phone last night! Her niece held the phone up to her so she could speak. It was a stilted almost one-way conversation and she was able to answer only with monosyllables but it was far more progression than anybody expected. I couldn’t get any details about long term prognosis…
The following is a text message to me from Stelbel’s sister It’s too early to know how she will recover from the stroke. It’s unknown if Candi recognizes her niece since regaining consciousness. I’ve been told she responds with a lot of ‘yes’ , but it may not necessarily be the right answer.…
I have some news about our StelBel. She was moved from the ICU at Boston Gen back to her hometown of Easthampton, Mass. The blood clot in her brain couldn’t be stinted because it was too dispersed .What this means is she is no longer able to care for herself and is hardly aware of…