If you listen, read the credits as they come up.
As a side note, I’ve seen the movie and maybe four complete episodes (and remember it’s been around for 35 years / by Wikipedia there are currently 758 episodes).
Today’s Songs:
1. ‘Don’t You (Forget About Me),’ 2. ‘Doo Wa Diddy Diddy,’ 3. ‘Draggin’ The Line,’ and 4. ‘Dust in the Wind,’and the ‘Cheap Thrills Cuisine’ recipe 5. Chicken Wonton Soup’
1. I’ve provided a link to the Wikipedia article about this song. ‘Simple Minds’ had to be convinced.
2. I’ve just learned that the ‘Manfred Mann’ version was a cover of ‘The Exciters’ from 1963 (‘Manfred Mann’ did it in 1964). I’ve put ‘The Exciters’ ‘ original below.
3. Another thing I’ve just learned, one of this song’s more unusual usages was in a documentary made about that infamous film ‘Deep Throat’. A guy I was on a training seminar in Minnesota with summed up his opinion of it by saying it should have been called ‘Sore Throat’. I was at a stag party once where an umpteenth bootleg copy on tape was labeled ‘Deep Throught’ (life).
4. This takes its inspiration from ‘Ecclesiastes’ (as does ‘Turn, Turn, Turn’ by the ‘Byrds’ / coming up later).
5. I’ve put all of the steps to ‘Won Ton Soup ‘ from ‘THE HOUSE OF CHAN COOKBOOK‘ in the spoiler box below this one (there’s a fair bit to it, but I’ve made the skins for other purposes, and they’re not that hard to make).
Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, N. Y.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 52-5543
Copyright, 1952, by Sou Chan
Won Ton Skin
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 large egg
1/3 cup water
Sift flour and salt into a mixing bowl.
Beat egg slightly; stir into flour; add water a few drops at a time, mixing just until dough is right for rolling.
Turn dough out on lightly floured board; kneed (sic) until smooth, turning it an folding in over several times.
Cover lightly with clean towel; let stand on the board about 20 minutes.
Roll out as thin as possible (paper-thin); cut in 2-inch squares.
In center of each square place a small amount of filling. (see below).
Fold each square in triangle shape; press edges together but leave point of triangle open a little.
Mix pork and remaining ingredients smoothly together.
Use filling as described above.
Note: for a “Friday filling” omit pork; use chopped shrimp or fish.
Won Ton Soup
Boiling salted water.
20 raw Won Tons
6 cups chicken stock
Seasoning, if needed
2 tablespoons chopped scallions, optional
2 tablespoons soya sauce
Place Won Tons in boiling water and cook till they float to the surface; remove with slotted spoon; drain.
Heat stock; add seasoning if needed.
If vegetables are used in stock, a small amount of celery cabbage, bok choy, spinach, or similar tender leafy vegetables are fine.
Be sure that these are not overcooked.
Place Won Tons in 4 or 5 bowls; sprinkle with scallions, add a little soya sauce; pour hot stock over Won Tons.
Serve at once. 4 or 5 servings.
Chicken Stock
Bones of 1 chicken, Seven cups water, salt (to taste, but it’s better to go light and add extra later, if wanted)
Cover bones with cold water. Cover the kettle and cook slowly, over low heat, 1 to 1 ½ hours.
Let it cool; skim fat from top. Reheat stock and use with rice or noodles, or in other recipes. Makes 4 to 6 cups. Note: Leftover turkey bones may be used in place of chicken.
I’m a big fan of Tommy James and of Manfred Mann. Unfortunately, Do Wa Diddy is the most over-played of their songs. Still, three songs I thoroughly enjoy. Dust in the Wind is just another example of me being out of synch with the rest of the world, I’ve never liked that one. The Exciters was a fun change of pace for Do-Wa-Diddy.
Gordon wrote a lot of music for John Denver, Peter Paul and Mary, Irish Rovers before you heard much of his own artistry. I have a couple of his albums on regular rotation. The Summertime Dream album taught me new guitar techniques.
My wife has compared me to the mountains. She said “Himalaya•round the house all day, won’t ‘Alp with the house work, Andes not even earning a wage any more.”
Photoshopped, and a poor one at that.
Looks more like paint or dye to me.
I don’t think it’s photoshopped… though it could be.
But to me, it looks more like somebody had too many Sharpies in the drawer, and a little too much time on his/her hands.
It’s also the kind of thing a person might do while waiting for inspiration, or escaping a case of writers block.
Pal doesn’t care.
Daubing with markers feels almost like petting.
It’s just some new kind of human affection, right?
I hope not Sharpies. Most markers, in fact, smell awful. I can’t imagine what that would be like for a super sensitive nose like a doggie’s.
??? This has to have been an illustration for a story.
Or for an imaginary journey….
Dreams can take you to strange places, even if the story is unknown…
Or at least, unknown until it unravels, if you’re the dreamer … or if you choose to board the ride.
The picture of the artist, Song Yueran, is a llink to more of his works.
Not true black and white, but a warmer tone.
Warm gray, not quite sepia, which gives the flesh and hair a bit more life than what the grid could do to the cool grays of B/W.
Look at the sky, and also, the long braided hair of the woman in the foreground…
They seem to have no grid over them, so you see the print color.
Every barn needs a cat.
And a cat would think somewhere people stop to gaze reverently was a logical place to be.
I like the theme, but…
Tree optional. It could be a Festivus pole under all those decorations.
The things we do for fashion.
“Sunset Tango” By: Michael Cheval
Boo! 😀
If you listen, read the credits as they come up.
As a side note, I’ve seen the movie and maybe four complete episodes (and remember it’s been around for 35 years / by Wikipedia there are currently 758 episodes).
Yer trying to get me to mist up tonight.
Sad musical choices, with a puppy chaser. 🙂
1. ‘Don’t You (Forget About Me),’ 2. ‘Doo Wa Diddy Diddy,’ 3. ‘Draggin’ The Line,’ and 4. ‘Dust in the Wind,’and the ‘Cheap Thrills Cuisine’ recipe 5. Chicken Wonton Soup’
1. I’ve provided a link to the Wikipedia article about this song. ‘Simple Minds’ had to be convinced.
2. I’ve just learned that the ‘Manfred Mann’ version was a cover of ‘The Exciters’ from 1963 (‘Manfred Mann’ did it in 1964). I’ve put ‘The Exciters’ ‘ original below.
3. Another thing I’ve just learned, one of this song’s more unusual usages was in a documentary made about that infamous film ‘Deep Throat’. A guy I was on a training seminar in Minnesota with summed up his opinion of it by saying it should have been called ‘Sore Throat’. I was at a stag party once where an umpteenth bootleg copy on tape was labeled ‘Deep Throught’ (life).
4. This takes its inspiration from ‘Ecclesiastes’ (as does ‘Turn, Turn, Turn’ by the ‘Byrds’ / coming up later).
5. I’ve put all of the steps to ‘Won Ton Soup ‘ from ‘THE HOUSE OF CHAN COOKBOOK‘ in the spoiler box below this one (there’s a fair bit to it, but I’ve made the skins for other purposes, and they’re not that hard to make).
Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, N. Y.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 52-5543
Copyright, 1952, by Sou Chan
Won Ton Skin
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 large egg
1/3 cup water
Sift flour and salt into a mixing bowl.
Beat egg slightly; stir into flour; add water a few drops at a time, mixing just until dough is right for rolling.
Turn dough out on lightly floured board; kneed (sic) until smooth, turning it an folding in over several times.
Cover lightly with clean towel; let stand on the board about 20 minutes.
Roll out as thin as possible (paper-thin); cut in 2-inch squares.
In center of each square place a small amount of filling. (see below).
Fold each square in triangle shape; press edges together but leave point of triangle open a little.
Won Ton Filling
1 pound finely ground pork
1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon soya sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Mix pork and remaining ingredients smoothly together.
Use filling as described above.
Note: for a “Friday filling” omit pork; use chopped shrimp or fish.
Won Ton Soup
Boiling salted water.
20 raw Won Tons
6 cups chicken stock
Seasoning, if needed
2 tablespoons chopped scallions, optional
2 tablespoons soya sauce
Place Won Tons in boiling water and cook till they float to the surface; remove with slotted spoon; drain.
Heat stock; add seasoning if needed.
If vegetables are used in stock, a small amount of celery cabbage, bok choy, spinach, or similar tender leafy vegetables are fine.
Be sure that these are not overcooked.
Place Won Tons in 4 or 5 bowls; sprinkle with scallions, add a little soya sauce; pour hot stock over Won Tons.
Serve at once. 4 or 5 servings.
Chicken Stock
Bones of 1 chicken, Seven cups water, salt (to taste, but it’s better to go light and add extra later, if wanted)
Cover bones with cold water. Cover the kettle and cook slowly, over low heat, 1 to 1 ½ hours.
Let it cool; skim fat from top. Reheat stock and use with rice or noodles, or in other recipes. Makes 4 to 6 cups. Note: Leftover turkey bones may be used in place of chicken.
You don’t need egg…
I’m a big fan of Tommy James and of Manfred Mann. Unfortunately, Do Wa Diddy is the most over-played of their songs. Still, three songs I thoroughly enjoy. Dust in the Wind is just another example of me being out of synch with the rest of the world, I’ve never liked that one. The Exciters was a fun change of pace for Do-Wa-Diddy.
The original artist and composer.
We don’t see enough of Gordon Lightfoot.
i agree!
Second (or am I third?).
Gordon wrote a lot of music for John Denver, Peter Paul and Mary, Irish Rovers before you heard much of his own artistry. I have a couple of his albums on regular rotation. The Summertime Dream album taught me new guitar techniques.
They’re just lumbering along with that baby…
I wonder if they get board.
I think I wood.
Maybe knot, if I saw some interesting things along the way.
Boo! Don’t stop!
Plank you for that summary.
We have a few of those around.
we have zero
we do too!
We’ve nothing like what’s shown here but we have 4000′-6000′ peaks not too far from here.
My wife has compared me to the mountains. She said “Himalaya•round the house all day, won’t ‘Alp with the house work, Andes not even earning a wage any more.”
what a brilliant woman!
This was the (Enlarged) view out my bathroom window till they dropped a hospital in front of it…
People roll down the mountain right into the hospital.
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