“Following the Fox” By: Adam Hunter Peck (2006 Deviant Art)
Happy³ is not wrong; by the artist at Deviant Art: This piece is based on a Siberian Folk Tale called “The Girl Who Watched in the Night”, in which this particular girl lassoes a fox who has been kidnapping her cousins, and demands that he lead her to her kin.
Strange tale. I’d link to it, but I don’t think it’s worth anyone’s time. It is one of those stories that is completely lost on educated people living a first-world life.
I don’t know how authentic the version I found is (another reason not to post a link), but it seemed shorter and more supernatural than the Grimm stories.
??? It doesn’t look like her at all. Isn’t the grown-up pic supposed to be one from their active careers? I mean, she looks great for her age, but nothing like what she looked like when I saw her.
Today’s Songs:
1. ‘Freeze Frame,’ 2. ‘G.T.O.,’ 3. ‘Gangnam Style,’ and 4. ‘Goin’ Down,’ and the ‘Cheap Thrills Cuisine’ recipe 5. Chili Roast Potatoes (low-fat) ‘
1. The ‘B’ side of this ‘J. Geils Band’ number 1 hit, ‘Flamethrower’ also charted on the soul charts (see below).
2. (G)ran (T)urismo (O)mologato in Italian; Grand Touring Homologated (general meaning ‘approved’) in English. Pirelli started the ‘gran turismo’ form of road racing (Think ‘Gumball Rally’); as near as I can tell, the ‘Gran Prix’ style of racing is as close as we have today,
3. This is the first ‘K-Pop’ song I ever heard. ‘Baby Shark’ is the second. (it’s below / it’s a kids’ song, but I like it).
4. This never made it as big as it should have in either Canada or the States in my opinion. It’s a good tune with good lyrics and a good slow beat.
5. It ‘Serves 4 as a side dish.’ but a 1/2 pound of potatoes might be a bit much if it’s being served with a savoury meat dish.
The below, like “The Star Wars Holiday Special”, should never have been made.
I did not know it existed until early this morning, and now that I do, I wish I didn’t.
It’s bad, people, baaaaad ! ! !
But you be the judge…..
“He ain’t heavy. He’s m’ brother.”
Timon and Pumbaa.
I’m no expert, but that looks like a stuffed warthog to me.
I was thinking a photoshop.
Does seem unlikely,, doesn’t it?
“The Lion King” from 2019:
“Alone in the Dark” By: Diogo Moura (Portugese? I.T. guy / from Deviant Art)
Wheres the guy in the trench coat?
I got to the 4 minute 30 second mark and lost interest.
As I’ve said before, I never really saw the point of these.
They are cartoons. There is no point. Silly fun. That’s all.
Plus, they are indicators of the Social Mores of the times (or at least what the illustrator was focusing upon).
I think i’ll fly.
me too
I can attest… NOT photoshopped…
I see a story folding out.
“Following the Fox” By: Adam Hunter Peck (2006 Deviant Art)
Happy³ is not wrong; by the artist at Deviant Art:
This piece is based on a Siberian Folk Tale called “The Girl Who Watched in the Night”, in which this particular girl lassoes a fox who has been kidnapping her cousins, and demands that he lead her to her kin.
Strange tale. I’d link to it, but I don’t think it’s worth anyone’s time. It is one of those stories that is completely lost on educated people living a first-world life.
Like the ones collected by the brothers Grimm?
I don’t know how authentic the version I found is (another reason not to post a link), but it seemed shorter and more supernatural than the Grimm stories.
Before looking at the “after” photo, I’m going with
??? It doesn’t look like her at all. Isn’t the grown-up pic supposed to be one from their active careers? I mean, she looks great for her age, but nothing like what she looked like when I saw her.
She looked pretty much just like that in her last performances that I saw… probably in the 1990s.
Not in the 60s or 70s, which is probably what you’re thinking of.. . but she’s never really stopped performing.
I don’t have TV now but I know she had a role in a series in 2022, and she looks much older than that picture.
Funny I recognized her face in the early picture, even though I was surprised by its vintage.
I never realized she was old enough to have been a teenager or a young adult in the era when it looks like it was taken.
Let’s see… I read recently that she’s 90 now (not really a spoiler)…
So … born in 33, she was 20 in 53.
I guess the picture was just old fashioned for its time.
Not a lot of tinted B/W from the 50s.
It looks like a half-tone newspaper picture.
No, neither one.
1 of my favorites!
How could i miss this one?
Shame on me!
Aaand… California is looking better and better..
what? we had another night of ice fog…..
But you weren’t in California…
Credited on “Reddit” to Zachary Caron, who took it in 2009.
This is just south of Parker, Colorado.
Don’t usually see those in the lee of the mountains. They usually have to get a good run-up across the prairie to build up enough steam.
It’s not as cute when the CAT is a bit bigger 😉
Are you sure?
at the very beginning it was…
that how folks who don’t like pets expect them to do–at any moment
And yet, Chewy aka Goose saved the day.
This is a tremendous (new?) poster from Stel Bel. I cannot recall another one signed “Stel Bel” instead of Girouard.
no-nothing new from Stel….-she did this before she started signing with her full name.
how is she doing?
she’s still pretty much the same. the stroke took a lot out of her.
still hoping for an improvement
she’s still in our prayers!
1. ‘Freeze Frame,’ 2. ‘G.T.O.,’ 3. ‘Gangnam Style,’ and 4. ‘Goin’ Down,’ and the ‘Cheap Thrills Cuisine’ recipe 5. Chili Roast Potatoes (low-fat) ‘
1. The ‘B’ side of this ‘J. Geils Band’ number 1 hit, ‘Flamethrower’ also charted on the soul charts (see below).
2. (G)ran (T)urismo (O)mologato in Italian; Grand Touring Homologated (general meaning ‘approved’) in English. Pirelli started the ‘gran turismo’ form of road racing (Think ‘Gumball Rally’); as near as I can tell, the ‘Gran Prix’ style of racing is as close as we have today,
3. This is the first ‘K-Pop’ song I ever heard. ‘Baby Shark’ is the second. (it’s below / it’s a kids’ song, but I like it).
4. This never made it as big as it should have in either Canada or the States in my opinion. It’s a good tune with good lyrics and a good slow beat.
5. It ‘Serves 4 as a side dish.’ but a 1/2 pound of potatoes might be a bit much if it’s being served with a savoury meat dish.
Wow! “Goin’ Down” is great; I’d never heard it before. Thanks for the post.
The below, like “The Star Wars Holiday Special”, should never have been made.
I did not know it existed until early this morning, and now that I do, I wish I didn’t.
It’s bad, people, baaaaad ! ! !
But you be the judge…..
do I HAVE to?
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