Ha… You won’t find a dog food ad in this country today touting “lean red horse meat.”
If they use it, they certainly don’t admit it.
As to whether they do, in fact, use it… I’ve read that it’s illegal, but I’ve also read that it’s only illegal for human consumption, and that it’s still used in some pet food.
It’s definitely illegal, in the US, to slaughter horses for consumption.
There seems to be some evidence that a certain amount makes its way, legally or not, into pet foods using “meat” or “meat by-products” of undeclared origin…
the catch being that some of this comes from horses and other animals that are not slaughtered, but euthanized for other reasons, and may contain traces of the drugs used.
It sounds far fetched, but less than 10 years ago there was a recall of several pet food brands after such chemicals were detected.
I don’t recall any mention of horsemeat, though.
It’s hard to separate fact from hyperbole, and even hysteria, but it’s only one of many reasons not to buy pet or other food with any ingredients labeled “meat”.
Meanwhile, in many, maybe even most, other countries, horsemeat is legal, and considered perfectly acceptable food for humans or pets.
AFAIK, it’s legal in the UK and Canada, but mostly considered socially unacceptable. Gordon Ramsey wanted to serve it in his restaurant… I don’t remember the outcome.
It’s widely eaten in Europe and most of Asia, where American reluctance is sometimes mocked.
Yes… Mare’s estrogen is for some reason similar to human. Not so much chemically as in the way the body reacts.
It makes sense that it may have been used in some birth control pills, but its main use was, and still is, hormone replacement therapy, or HRT.
The most commonly prescribed drug for that use in the US is “Premarin”… the brand name was created using letters from PREgnant MAres uRINe.
HRT in general has fallen out of favor, not because of the horses but because it’s linked to strokes and breast cancer. Many women are still on it, though.
There are both synthetic versions and other drugs made from plants, mostly yams, that mimic the structure of human estrogen.
I’ve read that they’re more prevalent in Europe but here doctors believe Premarin is best.
Supposedly, and I don’t trust it any more than you probably do, research has shown that the harm to foals is actually over hyped but minimal.
Eww tomato horn worm. These guys devastated our tomato crop one year. I saw them late in the day, and not much seemed to be harmed, so I planned to attack them the next day… ONE DAY ! The plants were stripped, the green tomatos were on the ground. WIPED OUT.
Do you know what this means? It means that that dog is the second coming! It means that Three Wise Fools are on their way, just out of sight over the next hilltop.
Find the DVD at any popular mass market canine retail store like Basset or HoundMart. They’re even in the Christmas coupon book at DogCo, but of course you need a membership.
You can download or stream them from Dogazon, of course.
One of these days the CleoandCompany online store will be ready, too!
Wow, it’s a 2-fer!
We really get our zero dollars worth today!
When Stel did this cover, designed to look like a book, the Christmas Classics collection was on VHS tape…
Then it came out on DVD as well, which is still available.
Now you can stream it, too!
Perfect for family occasions, watching with the grandkids, or even by yourself, to get in the holiday mood!
So much more engaging than the human edition. Humans just don’t have those soft brown eyes and velvet ears.
I dunno where they found that sweet baby basset to play the Little Drummer Puppy, but if he doesn’t melt you, nothing can. You don’t need to worry about that, though, cos believe me, he will.
I remember asking her whether she had a flame tool in her drawing program but she assured me that the flaming outlines of a Christmas Cleo were entirely free hand.
As for the performance… they didn’t need an adorable puppy to play Tiny Timmy… Cleo does it all herself!
Old or young, grumpy or sweet, cruel or benevolent… All from one virtuoso basset hound!
Basset Claws.
I thought for a moment, looking at the braids, that it might be Mrs. Basset Claws… but it’s.. um… well… it’s obviously NOT.
Sorry, Mr. Claws.
Robert LaDuke
Wasn’t that a scene from one of the James Bond movies?
And have you been flossing every day like I recommended?
As long as there aren’t any knight-leftovers like in “Dragonheart”…
I would be doing may best to attract that crow/ravin.
Find the DETAILS HERE. When you get to the site, look for the “Item Details” below the “Add to basket.”
Never ever let the dog’s little mistress see that ad – she wanted a pony for Christmas.
Ha… You won’t find a dog food ad in this country today touting “lean red horse meat.”
If they use it, they certainly don’t admit it.
As to whether they do, in fact, use it… I’ve read that it’s illegal, but I’ve also read that it’s only illegal for human consumption, and that it’s still used in some pet food.
It’s definitely illegal, in the US, to slaughter horses for consumption.
There seems to be some evidence that a certain amount makes its way, legally or not, into pet foods using “meat” or “meat by-products” of undeclared origin…
the catch being that some of this comes from horses and other animals that are not slaughtered, but euthanized for other reasons, and may contain traces of the drugs used.
It sounds far fetched, but less than 10 years ago there was a recall of several pet food brands after such chemicals were detected.
I don’t recall any mention of horsemeat, though.
It’s hard to separate fact from hyperbole, and even hysteria, but it’s only one of many reasons not to buy pet or other food with any ingredients labeled “meat”.
Meanwhile, in many, maybe even most, other countries, horsemeat is legal, and considered perfectly acceptable food for humans or pets.
AFAIK, it’s legal in the UK and Canada, but mostly considered socially unacceptable. Gordon Ramsey wanted to serve it in his restaurant… I don’t remember the outcome.
It’s widely eaten in Europe and most of Asia, where American reluctance is sometimes mocked.
The “pill” used to be made using hormones from pregnant mares’ urine.
Guess what happened to most of their foals.
Yes… Mare’s estrogen is for some reason similar to human. Not so much chemically as in the way the body reacts.
It makes sense that it may have been used in some birth control pills, but its main use was, and still is, hormone replacement therapy, or HRT.
The most commonly prescribed drug for that use in the US is “Premarin”… the brand name was created using letters from PREgnant MAres uRINe.
HRT in general has fallen out of favor, not because of the horses but because it’s linked to strokes and breast cancer. Many women are still on it, though.
There are both synthetic versions and other drugs made from plants, mostly yams, that mimic the structure of human estrogen.
I’ve read that they’re more prevalent in Europe but here doctors believe Premarin is best.
Supposedly, and I don’t trust it any more than you probably do, research has shown that the harm to foals is actually over hyped but minimal.
Being slaughtered is minimal?
They say the foals aren’t really slaughtered because the urine is only legally collected from live pregnant mares.
Believe what you will… I’ve already commented on trusting that research.
Everybody in the argument has an agenda…
Just like horsemeat in dog food, it’s hard to know who to believe, who is benefitting, or who has a figurative finger on the scale.
(sigh) And what happened to all the foals being born?
No, they weren’t all risen.
Supposedly… And I do say supposedly, they’re born into the horse raising operation.
Like you, I’m skeptical… But I haven’t looked into it in a long time.
I learned this stuff in a “class” I attended (there were only 3 of us) from my HMO…. when my doctor was considering putting me on HRT.
But that was some years ago.
SBS Transit is the public transit in Singapore.
Here is its English Language WEB SITE.
And you know it’s a manual.
Not much better now.
Not tonight.
Is it a spotted caterpillar?
Once you spot it, yes.
Eww tomato horn worm. These guys devastated our tomato crop one year. I saw them late in the day, and not much seemed to be harmed, so I planned to attack them the next day… ONE DAY ! The plants were stripped, the green tomatos were on the ground. WIPED OUT.
Wow… I used to get a few, huge horrid things that devastated one tomato at a time….
I hated them, but they get never did anything like that!
That’s how i feel.
Do you know what this means? It means that that dog is the second coming! It means that Three Wise Fools are on their way, just out of sight over the next hilltop.
Oh doG! – Praise the dr(o)oL?!?
It really does look like some sort of holy light…. especially as the dog is pure white.
Maybe he’s an exceptionally good boy.
“Beam me up, Scotty!”
No one can say she’s being cruel, or that the “poor kitty” doesn’t want to ride in that thing.
I do wonder why she hangs it so high… maybe the cat enjoys that part too.
It’s a thing, and the kitties enjoy it.
Now why is that funny?
Big brothers are the same everywhere.
“Go ‘way, kid, ya bother me.”
“Get off my lawn.”
Hi-De Hi-De Hi-De-Ho !!!
I really like the way Cleo came out in that poster.
I’m so excited at the re-release of these Cleo Christmas classics! Where can I buy them for home viewing?
Find the DVD at any popular mass market canine retail store like Basset or HoundMart. They’re even in the Christmas coupon book at DogCo, but of course you need a membership.
You can download or stream them from Dogazon, of course.
One of these days the CleoandCompany online store will be ready, too!
I instantly saw the dog.
Not me… I fell for it till I noticed the bear head backpack… I mean the what?…Or… Oh… Wait…
It got me for just a moment.
Wow, it’s a 2-fer!
We really get our zero dollars worth today!
When Stel did this cover, designed to look like a book, the Christmas Classics collection was on VHS tape…
Then it came out on DVD as well, which is still available.
Now you can stream it, too!
Perfect for family occasions, watching with the grandkids, or even by yourself, to get in the holiday mood!
So much more engaging than the human edition. Humans just don’t have those soft brown eyes and velvet ears.
I dunno where they found that sweet baby basset to play the Little Drummer Puppy, but if he doesn’t melt you, nothing can. You don’t need to worry about that, though, cos believe me, he will.
I remember asking her whether she had a flame tool in her drawing program but she assured me that the flaming outlines of a Christmas Cleo were entirely free hand.
As for the performance… they didn’t need an adorable puppy to play Tiny Timmy… Cleo does it all herself!
Old or young, grumpy or sweet, cruel or benevolent… All from one virtuoso basset hound!
From today’s London “Daily Mail.”
Now I know.
I wouldn’t trust that etymology.
I’ve seen lots of explanations, none of which agree, and never that one.
Just Google it and you’ll see what I mean.