It was a Vancouver Christmas tradition to see the decorated windows in Woodward’s department store. Some of the displays were saved and are put up again each year at Canada Place.
For us in Calgary, it was going downtown at Christmas time, to the Eaton’s store on 7th Ave & 4th St. Lots of displays, some with actual people in the displays, but most just with mannequins. Mom would take us kids to have a look-see, this in the late 1950’s :: when I was older, I’d go by myself. Eaton’s store there not the same nowadays.
This photo posted by nighthawks brings back some pleasant memories of Christmas.
Thanks, NH and Steve, I needed that!
But, the image hosting site I use, isn’t working.
Sometimes websites have problems that don’t get fixed till the next workday….
I’ll try again tomorrow.
Meanwhile I’ll try to describe it….
but it’s not easy to describe….
Almost but not quite halfway down from the top of the picture, and a wee bit in from the right-hand side…
there’s a suitcase(?) that looks a bit like a kids record player. It kind of looks like it’s smiling.
If you use your imagination, the top half of the case is the fire engine, with two round wheels and a ladder along the top edge. The cab is cut off at a slant.
Can’t see it? Don’t worry… I’ll try again to post the picture
I got curious and went looking for more.
His wife, Beatrice Wittmack aside from her brother being E(dgar). Franklin Wittmack is virtually a mystery.
Whether they had any children is unknown, and her date of death is listed as “after 1948,”
I could find no pictures credited as being of her.
While looking, I did come across this SITE which has some of the illustrations Beard used in the video with what are apparently the captions in the stories they illustrate.
Dreaming of being Perro™….💤
Photoshop or AI?
One or the other. Probably AI.
I could almost believe it was simply an excellent snow sculpture, if it weren’t for three things…. the tongue and the eyes.
But it’s just too eerie… And it reminded me of the creepy Buddha statue …. I think it was here that I saw it… with the monk inside.
They left so much room for passengers they forgot to put a pilot on the plane!
R.I.P. gentlemen.
The logo is a link to an article about this tragedy at the NASA site.
It’s nice to get a ride from your snack.
I wonder how the jelly feels about this.
I think I’ve seen this picture before…
I agree. I think you’ve seen it before too.
Discworld! 🙂
These would be
Playing Loretta Lynn, and her husband, “Mooney” Lynn.
Thank you both
“The rich ARE different from you and me. They have more money.”
George Armstrong Custer
He fought at Gettysburg.
It was a Vancouver Christmas tradition to see the decorated windows in Woodward’s department store. Some of the displays were saved and are put up again each year at Canada Place.
Start 3 minutes in…
After watching the video, this really looks like one of their displays.
Wonder if it is!
I remember seeing windows like this on trips to Chicago, too, when I was very young.
In my memory, the original displays were much more elaborate than this. Very detailed backgrounds and never any merchandise displayed!
For me it was similar, but in NYC. I remember being awed by the mechanical ones that really moved!
I could see the big rotating “W” from my bedroom window.
For us in Calgary, it was going downtown at Christmas time, to the Eaton’s store on 7th Ave & 4th St. Lots of displays, some with actual people in the displays, but most just with mannequins. Mom would take us kids to have a look-see, this in the late 1950’s :: when I was older, I’d go by myself. Eaton’s store there not the same nowadays.
This photo posted by nighthawks brings back some pleasant memories of Christmas.
Thanks, NH and Steve, I needed that!
I’ll have to try this in the morning.
My eyes must be crossed because i’m seeing double.
Where’s the fire?
I found something right away, but it’s really stretching it to call it a “fire truck.”
They’re alpaca’d and ready to go.
Boo! 😀
I found what might be the fire engine….
But, the image hosting site I use, isn’t working.
Sometimes websites have problems that don’t get fixed till the next workday….
I’ll try again tomorrow.
Meanwhile I’ll try to describe it….
Almost but not quite halfway down from the top of the picture, and a wee bit in from the right-hand side…
there’s a suitcase(?) that looks a bit like a kids record player. It kind of looks like it’s smiling.
If you use your imagination, the top half of the case is the fire engine, with two round wheels and a ladder along the top edge. The cab is cut off at a slant.
Can’t see it? Don’t worry… I’ll try again to post the picture
That’s the one I saw too.
Oh good. You said yours was a stretch, and that’s what I’d call it too.
I still can’t post the picture, so I’m glad if people can follow my description.
you. got it….I couldn’t find it until you pointed it out–
-it’s subtle but there
I got curious and went looking for more.
His wife, Beatrice Wittmack aside from her brother being E(dgar). Franklin Wittmack is virtually a mystery.
Whether they had any children is unknown, and her date of death is listed as “after 1948,”
I could find no pictures credited as being of her.
While looking, I did come across this SITE which has some of the illustrations Beard used in the video with what are apparently the captions in the stories they illustrate.
thanks for posting
Franklin Booth is great.
Nighthawks has posted quite a bit of his art here.
you too!
Oooh… ¡Cleomigos! (Y Cleomigas tambien, por supuesto….)
Yesterday… Perro™ rode!
Today… maybe he didn’t have to, cos he was already in el barrio de los ricos (the upscale neighborhood.)
After all, he can’t ride every day…
But what a day this one is shaping up to be…
And that shape kinda resembles the letter “P”.
He’s already had a “consultation ” with the Mayor…
according to our unseen narrator.
Actually, we saw most of it for ourselves.
The mayor seemed to think that Perro™ dispenses very good advice.
I tend to believe that he will take it.
Time for a another consultation…. with El Comandante Slurez.
(Too bad he’s not a consul…. I really wanted to type “a consultation with el Consul.”
Oh well.)
It’s all good… as long as he makes his point, as a consultant…
and I have faith that his sword will do just that.
I’m sure you’re right. He is a man of his sword.
Oh and, sorry about the consul thing. I hope you can find some consulation at home.
Cabin in Eagle Creek, Murray, Idaho – Summer of 1889.
How soon we forget.
thanks for the sad reminder!—Sadly, Stel Bel’s days are anything but good
She’s still with us then? I’ve been afraid to ask. :’o(
A difficult question to answer.
She’s still “with us” in the euphemistic sense….
But unable to be with us here on Cleo.
I don’t like to say too much… as Nighthawks said, it’s not good news.
I was tempted to post for her birthday, but he and I agreed not to celebrate any birthdays here for now, so I don’t…. much as i love to.
She can’t see the celebrations, anyway, or join in, and I didn’t want to make him or anybody else feel so sad.
I sent her a card, of course… And I send.her other cards.
But she can’t write back and doesn’t have a phone.
She can’t use a computer or other Internet device, and probably can’t remember any passwords or tell anyone about this site.
It’s upsetting, and hard to write about.
well said. it’s so …… sad
Thank you. I appreciate the effort it took.
Thank you
Kinda like how the Beatles said their album, “Revolver”, was called that because it… you know… it revolves.
Technically doesn’t work for the tapes, CDs, and digital media… but a great 1960s pun.
Works for CD’s, they revolve.
I’m one step closer to being home. I got the paintings up. I’m always worried when they aren’t on the wall.
With lots of happy trees for Buddy?