My mother had a treadle Singer, I just about remember it. Our newly-found kitten used to sleep in the large front pocket of her Pinny when she was using the machine. She later switched to an electric driven Singer.
I think I have seen this image, or another one very much like it, on the web previously. It could have been this site, or any of a number of others that I frequent. IIRC the story accompanying the photo said that yes, they did get out, barely. I do not remember the motorcycle from the earlier image, so that could be an add-on. Otherwise NOW might be a good time to hop on that bike and get the hay out of Dodge.
Also, to me it looks like B, but it does depend upon people’s colour vision, and the colour saturation settings of the screen that they’re viewing it on.
The South African government owns Eskom (I’m not sure if S. Africa calls its government owned corporations “crown corporations” as in Canada or not).
Eskom was originally Escom (Electric Supply Commision / (set up in 1923) it became Eskom in 1987 (why, I don’t know).
Not one of the better ones in my opinion, but the animation beats what happened to cartoons from the 1970s on (I still remember “Jonny Quest” (spelling is correct) and “Astro Boy” as the beginning of the devolvement.
And he is deft indeed, especially for a basset hound!
And polite, in that courtly style of a true Spanish gentleman (which has nothing to do with ruffians like Slurez and the other Spanish would-be conquerors.)
Note how he ever-so-politely bids the Comandante a pleasant night.
Now, there’s a sound not usually associated with graceful swordplay…
seldom caused by the delicate parrying of long blades.
But quite effective.
So you see, mis queridos… the winner will not be the one inflexibly married to his choice of weaponry….
NO… he will be the one who adapts to changing opportunities.
“A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be…”
Yeah! If you’re still alive, you’re really lucky.
Does she sew the fields as well?
LOL, You’re a real stitch.
My mom had both Singer and White.
The White was a treadle that she preferred to use as she got older. She said that she had more control with it.
My Mom had an ancient Singer they found in a bombed building (this was wartime London.) With my first decent job I bought her a brand new one.
My mother had a treadle Singer, I just about remember it. Our newly-found kitten used to sleep in the large front pocket of her Pinny when she was using the machine. She later switched to an electric driven Singer.
And that’s where baby flowers come from…
From bee butts?
Such CUTE bee tushes!
A spiny anteater. Echidna not!
Boo! 😀
Cute, in a hideous sort of way. The adaptations this species has made over the eons are obvious.
This one certainly looks well fed.
Mount St Helens May, 1980

The blast woke me up in Vancouver (BC) three hundred miles away!
You can see some lightning in the ash clod.
I wonder if they got out.
I think I have seen this image, or another one very much like it, on the web previously. It could have been this site, or any of a number of others that I frequent. IIRC the story accompanying the photo said that yes, they did get out, barely. I do not remember the motorcycle from the earlier image, so that could be an add-on. Otherwise NOW might be a good time to hop on that bike and get the hay out of Dodge.
I’m sure we had a picture here on Cleo of a car stopped on a forested road to either this eruption or a huge fire…
Funny but I can’t remember whether it was this picture…
And I, too, don’t remember the motorcycle, though I don’t believe it was added to this image.
I’m vaguely picturing that one with a bit more red tones in it… though that could have just been this car.
Pretty obvious by the partial propellers all over that this is AI.
What are those upper two supposed to be attached to?
The actual engines have one blade on one, two on the other…. And the left-hand one (on the right, to us) is half under the fuselage. Huh?
It’s also strangely marked “SAMPLE”.
♫♪”There’s Grandpappy Amos and the girls and the boys of the family known as the “Real McCoys…”♫♪
But in
Is shown
It was filmed while he was also starring in the real McCoys.
I bet it was the same hat!
Well, if I only have to guess…
I think….
Also, to me it looks like B, but it does depend upon people’s colour vision, and the colour saturation settings of the screen that they’re viewing it on.
I’m thinking
But it’s really hard to tell if you’re seeing color correctly on a tablet.
Something clearly has his full attention.
“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…”
That one looks beary white.
So… like… a lighted billboard is a wise use?
Only one of four spotlights is on.
And they want the ad to be seen, therefore – yes.
They probably only use leds, too.
The South African government owns Eskom (I’m not sure if S. Africa calls its government owned corporations “crown corporations” as in Canada or not).
Eskom was originally Escom (Electric Supply Commision / (set up in 1923) it became Eskom in 1987 (why, I don’t know).
Not one of the better ones in my opinion, but the animation beats what happened to cartoons from the 1970s on (I still remember “Jonny Quest” (spelling is correct) and “Astro Boy” as the beginning of the devolvement.
¡Dios MIO, Cleomigos!
Our Perro™ knows every trick!
And he is deft indeed, especially for a basset hound!
And polite, in that courtly style of a true Spanish gentleman (which has nothing to do with ruffians like Slurez and the other Spanish would-be conquerors.)
Note how he ever-so-politely bids the Comandante a pleasant night.
Now, there’s a sound not usually associated with graceful swordplay…
seldom caused by the delicate parrying of long blades.
But quite effective.
So you see, mis queridos… the winner will not be the one inflexibly married to his choice of weaponry….
NO… he will be the one who adapts to changing opportunities.
A life lesson for us all, ©Perro™.
Note also that production values are enhanced in this episode by the use of not the usual ONE, but TWO cameras.
There’s the artsy handheld camera at floor level, to catch the whirling motion of the fighters, and every nuance of the blade…
(You can tell it’s hand-held by the slight shake and blur in fast motion shots…. very artsy!)
and a new, overhead boom… which must have set Cleo and Company Productions back a pretty peso…
but the shot is just stunning!
My congratulations to the art director!!
Lee Marvin and horse in Cat Ballou (1965).
“subtile” indeed.