February 22, 2024

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Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago

Happy birthday, George!


Come on… Smile!

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago

Actually, this painting has an interesting story:

You might recognize it as a Gilbert Stuart portrait of Washington… But it’s not the familiar one you might think.

Stuart actually painted him several times.
He was the official state portraitist of the fledgling United States.


The first one I think is lost… I’m not sure about where it went.

But I’ve read that Martha Stuart really liked it, and commissioned Stuart to do another one just for her.

She must have been fond of her husband, and in those days, nobody had a smartphone with a camera.
Not even a Kodak Brownie.

If you had the money, you commissioned a portrait.

Anyway, Stuart started this portrait, and at some point, he realized that he really really liked it.
It captured Washington just the way he wanted to.

He also realized, or so the story goes, that with George being president, he’d probably have several more occasions on which to paint his portrait.

So he stalled. He kept telling Martha it wasn’t finished.

Meanwhile , he copied things he liked about it into his next paintings of George.

As you can see, it never did get finished.
Nor did it get delivered to Martha.

I have no idea whether he painted a different one for her, or she remained disappointed….

But he kept this one himself, I think until he died.
I only know it went to a museum called the Athenaeum…

I’d better look that up… Yes the Boston Athenaeum, after he died.

The painting is known to this day as the Athenaeum Washington, though obviously Mr. Stuart didn’t title it that.

Another reason it might look familiar…

It’s this painting that the engraver worked from to design the one dollar bill.

The face on the U.S. dollar is that engraver’s hand drawn version of the Athenaeum Washington… Gilbert Stuart’s own favorite of his portraits of George Washington.

(If you don’t find that interesting…. What can I say? I’ve always admitted that I’m easily amused.)

Last edited 6 months ago by SusanSunshine
Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago

This is the “Viking Sky” cruise ship.
The video is of the happenings on board, and some shot from the shore.
I recommend turning off your sound; the “music-chosen-for-dramatic-effect” is mostly annoying (the captions explain it all, anyway).
There is a full documentary video too, but I thought it a bit long.


Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago

Looks like a wood fired hot water heater.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago

A     LINK     to the manufacturer’s website on what it is and how it works.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago


Famed Member
Reply to  P51Strega
6 months ago

Any relation?

3rd cousin once removed?

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
6 months ago

If it was P38WhiteLightening it’d be a racing buddy; but this is one of the handful of other P-38’s still flying. I saw White Lightening at Reno in 1994; when I returned in 1997 it wasn’t there. The owner/pilot, “Lefty” Gardner was 73 years old when he raced it in ’94, I think he retired from racing after that year.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago

Didn’t recognize the young picture…

The adult is instantly recognizable, but not someone I expected to see as a “celebrity”… LOL

Sorry.. not actually someone I was all that fond of gazing upon anyway.

If you don’t know who she is…


Margaret Thatcher, the late ex (and first female) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Last edited 6 months ago by SusanSunshine
Reply to  SusanSunshine
6 months ago

She’s someone who should be vilified for what she did to this country and the working population. She had her tongue so far up Reagan she could lick the back of his tonsils.

Apologies, she just makes me very angry.

Famed Member
Reply to  More_Cats_Than_Sense
6 months ago

…and that’s how she was portrayed in “Spitting Image”.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
6 months ago

Thanks once again, though this is one of the rare ones, where I did know the “famous” picture.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago

An amazing looking beast!

Last edited 6 months ago by SusanSunshine
Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago

Want one!

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
6 months ago

I don’t think he wants to be wanted by a human.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago

Interesting photoshop.
I don’t know of any breed of owl that has four legs.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
6 months ago

It’s a beautiful griffon; straight out of mythology. Not only 4 legged, but also with paws instead of talons. But it’s stunningly created.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago

I never knew she could dance.

Then again, back then, to make it in show business, whether movies, on the stage, even in radio, you were expected to be good at all forms of entertainment.

Famed Member
6 months ago

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
6 months ago

Another good one.
Now I have to go back and read some of the comics.

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
6 months ago

I’ve seen several of his scenes played out in Disney, Loony Toons, and Tom & Jerry cartoons.

Famed Member
6 months ago

Oooohhh … StelBel knows I love this poster.

Cinderbasset is so beeootiful….

And glittery…. and…. and… everything.

Dripping with sparkleballs… and so pretty…. and…um… fairy-like.

I know she isn’t a fairy but she’s dressed like one.

But you know, her eyes look so sad….

Is it because she had to run away at midnight, and lose her glass paw-slipper?

Or because she knows it’s almost midnight, and the enchantment will soon wear off?

Or..um… maybe…

Is it just because she’s a basset hound and they have naturally sad looking eyes?

Whatever it is… please…. don’t be sad, Cinderbasset!

You’re beautiful, and you went to the ball… and… some day your…



Are those the footsteps of a Prince I hear?

Famed Member
6 months ago

A pretty fairy-tail!

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
6 months ago

I posted this on February 24, 2022 (and in “Sherpa” days too, I think), but a direct re-post never really hurts.
My mother’s cookbook
“Chili Con Carne with Beef”
   Credited to: Mrs. Molina (1960 / Rosita, Nicaragua)

1 lb dried red chili beans
6 cups cold water
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 lbs ground beef
3/4 cup coarsely chopped onion
3 tablespoons flour
1/3 cup chopped suet, if needed
3 1/2 cups canned tomatoes, puréed
1 cup finely chopped celery
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon salt
1/8 teaspoon red pepper
2 teaspoons cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon sugar
Wash and drain beans and heat to boiling in the water to which 1 1/2 teaspoon salt is added.
Reduce heat, cover and simmer 1 1/2 to 2 hours until beans are soft but not mushy.
Allow beans to cool in their liquid. They seem to absorb liquid while standing.
Then measure liquid, but do not discard; add water if necessary, to make 1 cup.
If there is more, concentrate to one cup by boiling rapidly.
Brown the meat and onion in a heavy skillet or Dutch oven.
If meat is very lean, suet may be added.
Drain all but 2 tablespoons of fat from cooked meat, stir in the flour until smooth.
Gradually add tomato purée and stir until mixture boils and thickens.
Add remaining ingredients, the beans and liquid.
Simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to mix well.
About 2 1/2 quarts. Serve hot with crisp crackers of toast.  (Mother’s words, italics mine.)
Notes from Me:
The recipe was written for me, not commercial publication. It’s all there.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
6 months ago

My super easy recipe lately:

I can chili (your choice… I rather prefer Hormel turkey chili with beans)
±2 tbs catsup

Empty chili into microwave safe bowl
Cover loosely
Heat 2 minutes
Add catsup and stir
Heat 1 more minute

Ingredient substitution:

Chili: any brand you like.
I used to prefer Staggs but now I find it a wee bit too hot.
If you are from Texas, you’ll want a variety with no beans.

Catsup: my mother only bought Heinz and I have only bought Heinz ever since leaving home on my dinosaur.
I’ve never liked any other brands.

Until recently, that is… when they raised their prices so ridiculously high I decided to try Target’s own “Good and Gather” brand, in spite of the stupid name.

I bought their organic variety for less than half the price of Heinz… and it’s unexpectedly very good!

Bye bye greedy Heinz!

Last edited 6 months ago by SusanSunshine
Famed Member
6 months ago

Botanical Garden Munich last Sunday…

Barbershop Quartet?
Or Cousin Itt got cloned… or a certain former British Prime Minister.

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
6 months ago

Do you remember? Was it called Old Mans Beard ?

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
6 months ago

Whatever you do, don’t bump into it.

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