nighthawks beat me to naming it, but here’s the trailer for “Earth vs. The Flying Saucers”.
The scene in the gif starts at 1:48.
I might just have to find it; it is as Dad used to say a “one-star-movie” (of which he was a connoisseur).
Those are the best!
I remember a late-night Double Feature here in Munich at the “Cinema”: “In den Krallen der Venus” (“Queen of Outer Space”; starring: Zsa Zsa Gabor) and “Angriff der Killertomaten” (“Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” which I already knew from Austrian TV and why I attended the feature. My then boyfriend [husband now] enjoyed it, too).
The former is referred to in “Amazon Women on the Moon” by the “Kentucky Fried Movie” team, the latter (and the decently done sequel) I own on DVDs…
All those B-movies are worshiped nowadays. And those cheap special effects are still in use…
I watched most of those (and Godzilla) on a movie program called Creature Features. The host was a little guy with thick glasses and a dry sense of humor. Siting in a big rocking chair puffing on a big cigar. 🙂
That one is sitting with its paws under its cheeks. The type of scooter you are mentioning is just to the left of the center with the bone in its mouth and back feet in the air.
I found the type of scooter that is we’re being told to look for.
Good videos! I could have played the Bristol Stomp in my head, but I never saw it performed. Major Tom is a nice stretch on the original. And Dean the Basset is always fun.
From yesterday.
I’m guessing you missed my answer (either that or I didn’t make it clear enough) about how to delete a comment.
I put an attachment under the “Baccara” video.
A pub I used to go to had (probably still has) an excellent tortilla chip mix.
I liked it so much that I ordered some chips “to go” one time and dissected it at home.
I can’t give you exact measurements, but use the ingredients below “to taste,” and you won’t be disappointed.
green peppers, diced
green onions, diced (greens and all)
tomatoes, cubed, or as close as you can get
mozzarella cheese, grated
cheddar cheese, grated (I use “old” cheddar / “sharp” in American parlance)
salsa and sour cream as dips.
Toss the mix from the green peppers to the cheddar cheese together with the tortilla chips and put in a cold oven on the third rack (top rack is first); turn the oven to 350° F. and watch until the cheeses melt.
Insulate the serving surface, if necessary, and enjoy.
my favorite Spock quote: After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.
Is this from Plan Nine ?
1957s ‘Earth vs the Flying Saucers’
nighthawks beat me to naming it, but here’s the trailer for “Earth vs. The Flying Saucers”.
The scene in the gif starts at 1:48.
I might just have to find it; it is as Dad used to say a “one-star-movie” (of which he was a connoisseur).
Those are the best!
I remember a late-night Double Feature here in Munich at the “Cinema”: “In den Krallen der Venus” (“Queen of Outer Space”; starring: Zsa Zsa Gabor) and “Angriff der Killertomaten” (“Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” which I already knew from Austrian TV and why I attended the feature. My then boyfriend [husband now] enjoyed it, too).
The former is referred to in “Amazon Women on the Moon” by the “Kentucky Fried Movie” team, the latter (and the decently done sequel) I own on DVDs…
All those B-movies are worshiped nowadays. And those cheap special effects are still in use…
I watched most of those (and Godzilla) on a movie program called Creature Features. The host was a little guy with thick glasses and a dry sense of humor. Siting in a big rocking chair puffing on a big cigar. 🙂
Bob Wilkins.
i still can’t watch ‘the day the earth stood still’. (the original)
that’s what sofas are for
Michael Sowa
I love it! Figure skating cow doing a spiral. What else can she do? (Sorry for the paltry audience- Figure skating seems to be losing popularity).
I think Herr Sowa is having some fun with us.
“H-Milch” translates to English as “ultra-heat-treated.”
Get her off!
“Die Kuh vom Eis holen” means “rescuing something hopeless”.
how to make a milk shake!
Boo! 😀
that picture would be a welcome sight sometime around July!
Is this Ballard Street? They’re all Scooters!
You mean the one scooting his but on the ground? Looks like bottom row, second from right.
That one is sitting with its paws under its cheeks. The type of scooter you are mentioning is just to the left of the center with the bone in its mouth and back feet in the air.
I found the type of scooter that is we’re being told to look for.
Good videos! I could have played the Bristol Stomp in my head, but I never saw it performed. Major Tom is a nice stretch on the original. And Dean the Basset is always fun.
Those refried bean burritos are killer!
Thankfully, for the planet!
They are lucky to have survived.'Gugvuntts_and_Vl'hurgs
From yesterday.
I’m guessing you missed my answer (either that or I didn’t make it clear enough) about how to delete a comment.
I put an attachment under the “Baccara” video.
AH! was using the “Manage Comment” button to get to “Edit”. That one does NOT get a “Delete” function.
Now I know better.
A pub I used to go to had (probably still has) an excellent tortilla chip mix.
I liked it so much that I ordered some chips “to go” one time and dissected it at home.
I can’t give you exact measurements, but use the ingredients below “to taste,” and you won’t be disappointed.
green peppers, diced
green onions, diced (greens and all)
tomatoes, cubed, or as close as you can get
mozzarella cheese, grated
cheddar cheese, grated (I use “old” cheddar / “sharp” in American parlance)
salsa and sour cream as dips.
Toss the mix from the green peppers to the cheddar cheese together with the tortilla chips and put in a cold oven on the third rack (top rack is first); turn the oven to 350° F. and watch until the cheeses melt.
Insulate the serving surface, if necessary, and enjoy.
Mandarin Duck
Richmond Park, London, England
Oscar Dewhurst/Minden Pictures
BING Picture of the Day, 2.24.2023
They breed in trees, preferably in owls’ brood cavities.
I thought that was something you ordered in a Chinese restaurant.
I love animals that look too colorful and too unreal, to be real ~ yet they are!
Me, too!
Extra 3:
The last time I rode the subway in Toronto, the cars were still painted red.
Cleo saves us once again!
Love this site! ☺️❤️
THIS site? C&C?—so glad to hear that!
I read it every day…..☺️
I was under the impression that chemical warfare with gases was subsequently absolutely prohibited by the Geneva Protocol of 1925.
Still, ‼️Thanks‼️ to Cleo for saving us from the evasion…!
I’m not sure Cleo could have prohibited that one.
Yeah. How did Spock say it?
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs (of the few), or the one…”
my favorite Spock quote:
After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.
oh my!!
And, where, exactly, is the Koon-ut-kal-if-fee happening for this Kal-if-fee?
at least she didn’t blast him with a sub-atomic-ray-gun!
She might have one.
Knew what was coming (I think I’ve seen this before). Still made me laugh. 🤣
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