l thought it kinda looked more like Grissom… so Iooked for a picture, and discovered that January of ’58 was only a few months after Sputnik, when a limited space program was under the control of USAF.
NASA wasn’t established until October of 1958, the word “astronaut” coined soon after.
It took months for them to decide to limit enrollment to military test pilots.
The Mercury astronauts were selected in 1959….
Candidates were first brought to Washington early that year, and the selection announced in April ’59.
So who IS that person on the cover… doesn’t seem like it could be Grisson OR Carpenter, or any Mercury astronaut.
And was the Air Force already anticipating the use of military test pilots in space?
X-15’s were flying to the edge of space. The highest altitude was just over 67 miles, with 50 miles being the height needed to be considered an astronaut. New FAA regulations require additional objectives to be considered an astronaut now.
The soloists are drowned out by the background singers. Of course, this is using my external computer speakers, but I think the result would be the same from my home stereo.
Just did a bit of a search, and found that the average wage for a skilled worker in 1933 was approximately 50s – 90s a week (£2 10s – £4 10s), depending upon trade. So that would be equivalent of me paying something like £125 for entry based on my salary.
Just a rough calculation based upon percentage of weekly wage.
Double trouble!
Can’t fool me — those ain’t dalmatians!
Big gray peanut loving doggies!
by any chance have I been posting too many pics of Dalmatians?
Never too many!
Mama – or grandma? – has things well under control.
Sister, aunt, whoever.
Elephants take care of any offspring in their herd.
Elephant twins are very rare!
Yes. But those don’t have to be twins.
Or someone visually impaired.
Better make sure the key is double-sided, so it can’t be inserted upside down.
Yes….. I was about to say it wasn’t foolproof, cos they could still put it in upside down.
Or sideways…
Every time they try to make something foolproof, someone makes a better fool.
Have to smile, Saucy… yeah!
My car’s keys are… (headscratch)
Scott Carpenter or Gus Grissom?
Hmmm… the magazine is dated January 1958.
l thought it kinda looked more like Grissom… so Iooked for a picture, and discovered that January of ’58 was only a few months after Sputnik, when a limited space program was under the control of USAF.
NASA wasn’t established until October of 1958, the word “astronaut” coined soon after.
It took months for them to decide to limit enrollment to military test pilots.
The Mercury astronauts were selected in 1959….
Candidates were first brought to Washington early that year, and the selection announced in April ’59.
So who IS that person on the cover… doesn’t seem like it could be Grisson OR Carpenter, or any Mercury astronaut.
And was the Air Force already anticipating the use of military test pilots in space?
X-15’s were flying to the edge of space. The highest altitude was just over 67 miles, with 50 miles being the height needed to be considered an astronaut. New FAA regulations require additional objectives to be considered an astronaut now.
The man in the suit is SCOTT CROSSFIELD. The article is part of a series.
I’m reasonably certain that this is the addressee’s OBITUARY.
Right now would be a good time to give him some space.
I get angry when I itch too!
I was thinking about the wild hormone fluctuations, bit yeah, an itchy head would make it worse. 😀
He’s either blessed or he’s about to be space-jacked.
And so wet he couldn’t care either way…
If you use Bing Image Search…
…one of the Pinterest postings has this as an animation.
Too cold!
Looks to be made out of layers of a fairly stiff medium (like thick paper). I’ve seen it done before, but never this intricately.
I was thinking icing sugar…
If those are the Swallows coming back to Capistrano somebody flunked ornithology!
African or European? And where’s the coconut?
I’m thinking Italia
One of my favourtite songs (since 1010 WINS New York played it in 1964) as a Gregorian Chant by the German group “Gregorian.”
I think you might enjoy this version of the song.
The soloists are drowned out by the background singers. Of course, this is using my external computer speakers, but I think the result would be the same from my home stereo.
Yes, it sounds the same on my PC-speakers, too bad
I did.
Thank you!
I love the Gregorian, too! At 25th of March this year they give concerts near my town 45 km away, in Bamberg, the other day 50 km away in Suhl …
Here is the WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE on the two marks of the “Blue Bird.”
This one hit 272 mph on Wednesday, February 22, 1933 at Daytona.
Must have been before he hit the Loch Ness Monster…
Five shillings for entry in 1933 is a lot of money!
Just did a bit of a search, and found that the average wage for a skilled worker in 1933 was approximately 50s – 90s a week (£2 10s – £4 10s), depending upon trade. So that would be equivalent of me paying something like £125 for entry based on my salary.
Just a rough calculation based upon percentage of weekly wage.
that IS rather steep, especially if they’re trying to attract the working man.
maybe that’s what they mean about ‘no crowding’–who can afford it?
find 3 pandas without sunglasses
Got ’em!
I got one wrong.
Two plus a bunch wearing an eye patch…
I think those are supposed to be bigger, squarer sunglasses. Hard to tell.
Even JP Patches here?
Oh… Different pandas. Those are the sunglasses.
Also pandas have natural black patches of fur… when they’re not covered up by sunglasses.
Funny cos he draws the sunglasses too small to actually cover those, but they magically do.
The only 3 without sunglasses are the only 3 without a bridge over their noses, and bows that hook over where human ears would be.
Well…. I DID go looking… silly me…
and it took longer than I thought it should!
I made you guys a solution…
But… sigh…. I didn’t refresh the page soon enough, and.now I see it’s been preempted.
Oh well…. here it is anyway.
Just kiss his forehead!
Hey, one size doesn’t fit all.
If it’s not her dog, she may not know where his face has been.
And even if it is… some people have an aversion or even a phobia about kissing dogs, or a fur allergy…
Those with impaired immunity may have to be extra cautious.
And some dogs just don’t like human faces coming at them that close, and may be uncomfortable with being kissed, or even see it as aggression.
I couldn’t imagine not being able to give my pups a kiss on the head.
I don’t know what they think of it, but it makes me feel good. 🙂
A chairoplane!
(chuckle out loud)
gol (guffaw out loud)
Nice when you get your own private elevator to the penthouse.
Ive always loved Carol King.
One of my first 8-Tracks was Tapestry.
I don’t know why these guys always cut out George’s theme song…
I thought the guy on the right looked familiar, but didn’t recognise the other two.
More of a publicity picture of the same trio, and this is the one where I realised I knew the guy on the right.
Left to right in both photos, these are:
I don’t know, and
That last guy, I thought at first, looked a lot like Tommy Chong.
An Internet search engine can be a wonderful thing*. I put the three names in and got a page that gave me the following info:
“A scene from the NY Shakespeare Festival production of the play “Cuba And His Teddy Bear.””
*If you know what to search for: Some results may vary!
Fred Bsset.