This is one of the songs I posted a year ago when I posted Pup Fiction. Truth be known, I hadn’t been keeping track of how many times Nighthawks posted it. We don’t coordinate our musical choices.
I simply post what I like with the hope that there might be other people who like the same music. How about you post some of your favorites??? I notice that frequently, we do agree on a lot of songs.
Horrible, but i can walk.
The quaalude stoped working about bedtime last night.
It’s muscle relaxers and lidocaine patches from here on.
Lots of muscle relaxers today and tomorrow.
Dint care for it, meself. Take the Mcguffin. I understood the symbolism (apparently a lot of people didn’t). I felt that it was lazy as opposed to creating a proper Maltese Falcon. And, it was jarring. They could have just hung a sign on it. “Look here! It’s a universal, symbolic Mcguffin!”. I thought it detracted from the plot.
I can walk now. I’m making myself use a cane. I’m on a larger (for me) schedule of Muscle Relaxers (reducing schedule). Prescription lidocaine patches. And increased my arthritis tylenol and something for inflammation.
We are fast tracking this one because my lead client needs extra help right now.
This morning at 4:00am i got a couple of steroids and a quaalude. I’m only just starting to spasm (short ones) again. I’m glad i don’t have any more of them. (Ludes)
I have to do a follow up in the next few days. Look and see how its working stuff.
What does Captain Jack Sparrow do when he has back pain?
Pilates of the Caribbean.
A suggestion to avoid contorting yourself:
Call someone and arrange to have him/her call you in 10 minutes.
Set your phone to “vibrate” and and tape it to your back.
Mildly risqué, but funny.
One morning at a doctor’s office a patient arrives complaining of serious back pain.
The doctor asks him “what did you do to your back?” The patient replies “this morning I got home early to my apartment and heard a noise in my bedroom.
I knew someone had been sleeping with my wife and the balcony door was open.
I rushed out there and didn’t find anyone. I looked down from the balcony and saw a man running away while dressing himself.
I grabbed the fridge and threw it at him, that’s how I strained my back.
A 2nd patient arrives looking like he was just in a car wreck.
The doctor says “my previous patient looked bad, but you look terrible. What happened to you?”
He replies, “you know I have been unemployed for a while now .
Today was the first day at my new job. I forgot to set my alarm and was running late.
I was running out of the building, getting dressed at the same time, and you won’t believe it but I was hit by a fridge!”
The 3rd patient arrives; he looks even worse than the other two patients.
The doctor is shocked and again asks, “what happened to you?”
To which he replied “well, I was sitting in a fridge & someone threw it from the 3rd floor!”
I suspect this got it on the page because of “back”.
It’s good though.
A pregnant woman hobbles into the hospital with one hand on her back…
A nurse asks her what’s wrong, and the pregnant woman screams, “Shouldn’t! Wouldn’t! Didn’t!”
The nurse shakes her head and says, “I’m sorry…I don’t understand.”
The pregnant woman’s face contorts in pain as she shouts, “Can’t! Won’t! Don’t!”
The nurse, bewildered, turns to a doctor.
“Admit her,” the doctor said. “She’s having contractions.”
Good morning, Cleo pals, and movie fans…or Cleo fans and movie pals…
and wow, Stel… amazing job on that poster.
So many names!
And such a beautiful portrait of Uma Thurdog! Of course, it would be hard to find a photo of her at that age that is NOT beautiful…
But she looks especially fetching in her purplie eye shadow, and high black collar…
in spite of the expression on her face, which clearly says
“Don’t get any ideas.
I am NOT fetching anything for anybody.”
This film launched her as a major star.. and restarted John Tragrowler’s flagging career…
It’s consistently ranked among the best basset films ever…
In fact, it put both Basset Pictures and Quentin Taranbasset on the map, and single-pawedly started a renaissance of independent film-making.
The plot can be described as “Everybody shoots everybody.”
I…er… I hear it’s amazing.
It’s back for a limited engagement at the BassetPlex II and III, allowing them to fit in 6 showings a day between the two.
In fact, I haven’t done this for a long time, but I have passes for the first 26 Cleo fans who want to see it, including spouses or a friend…
They’re good for this coming Saturday night, or Sunday afternoon, including a free small kibblecorn…. Or next Monday or Tuesday night.
So just talk amongst yourselves and let me know when you want to go, OK? Together or separately.
I’ll… um… be right here, waiting for your glowing reports.
A good friend who is somewhat of a movie tester for me told me that the Scaredy Cat row will not do for me this time, because every time someone tells me it’s safe to open my eyes… KAPLOWIE!
Someone else unexpectedly goes down in a flash of gunfire and sometimes blood.
As I’ve said before, I don’t like burning my tongue when I’m eating food.
So I made up my own combination of spices for curry powder.
You can hot-this-up by adding hotter pepper(s) to taste.
This has lots and lots of flavour.
Total: 14 3/4 teaspoons (just under 5 tablespoons)
Notes from me:
* There are myriad varieties of chili peppers grown in India. They range in heat from as mild as a North American grocery store green bell-pepper to among the hottest in the world.
Indian chili powder consists solely of the chosen pepper variety dried and ground (sometimes ground without the seeds for a milder powder, and sometimes with the seeds for a hotter powder).
In here is my suggestion for curried chicken.
Cook the chicken in whatever manner you want to curry.
Then make up whatever version of the white sauce in the box you want (I’d use number 2) in sufficient volume to thoroughly cover the chicken.
From experience, don’t try to make two volumes of your choice of sauce at once, make them separately. I’d start out adding 1 tablespoon of curry powder per volume.
Despite the official recipe instructions, I mix the seasonings into the milk before I add it to the butter and flour (it’s never failed me).
“White Sauce”
From: “Canadian Fish Recipes”
Issued by: Department of Fisheries of Canada, Ottawa
Published by: Edmond Cloutier, C.M.G., O.A., D.S.P.
Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, Ottawa, 1951
1.Thin (for soups)
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon flour
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
2.Medium (for vegetables and fish)
2 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoon flour
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
3.Thick (for croquettes)
3 tablespoon butter
3 tablespoon flour
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
Melt butter in top of double boiler.
Add flour, mix well and cook one minute. Add milk gradually, stirring constantly until thickened.
Cook two minutes. Add seasonings.
Variations of Medium Sauce
Cheese Sauce: Add 1/2 cup grated, Canadian cheddar cheese. Oyster Sauce: Add 1/2 cup chopped, cooked oysters with their liquid.
1 teaspoon lemon juice may be added. Mushroom Sauce: Add 1/2 cup chopped, cooked mushrooms. Egg Sauce: Add 1/2 cup chopped, hard cooked egg. Celery Sauce: Add 1/4 cup finely chopped, cooked celery.
Notes from me:
The milk called for is whole milk (3.25% milk fat).
A very much easier way of making any version of this sauce is to melt the butter over
very low heat. Add the flour and stir until smooth. Raise the temperature to about 1/3
of the dial and cook until the mixture begins to bubble and change colour, about 1
minute. Add the milk, salt and pepper and raise the temperature to about 2/3 of the
dial and stir constantly until the sauce boils and thickens.
A croquette is a fried breaded roll or ball of mashed potato, minced meat, etc.
The number 2 sauce is the handiest white sauce I know. I use it at Thanksgiving to
cream cauliflower or Brussels sprouts. Number 1 sauce makes an excellent base for
onion soup.
I’ve long had a question about paintings like that sort of “patchwork-y” one of John Travolta, the last item Stel uploaded with tonight’s poster.
I’m not trying to put down anybody’s taste in art, or even be my usual facetious self… I’m honestly curious.
To me, it’s not an attractive painting. I don’t care for the clashing patterns, the boldness, the black background… or mostly, that it’s a painting of John Travolta, and besiides that, a scene from a violent film.
I know there are people who like that style… or who would want to display it in, I dunno, their casino, I guess, or celebrity restaurant, where the flashy look would blend in.
A similar style painting of a singer, say, might work for an album cover.
But what is the expectation of someone painting this sort of thing?
Are there people who would buy this in a gallery and hang it in their living room?
I can’t say I’d want a flashy, semi-abstract (for all the patterns) painting of any celebrity, hanging in my house…
Maybe a vintage Beatles poster in a bedroom?
An antique painting of a Victorian “celebrity” like Sarah Bernhardt? Even Isadora Duncan, or Anna Pavlova?
No. My paintings in my living room are all landscapes.
I do have a coffee cup that has a hare done like that but more splashy in the colors.
I’ll see if i can find his name and post it and my coffee cup.
It works better with inanimate objets and wildlife.
The artist is ALESSANDRO PAUTASSO. There is a 2 minute 51 second video of how he creates this art.
I wouldn’t buy any of his work either. To me it’s an example of what I call skill-without-talent.
I’m not in love with it, either. You would not find it hanging in my house….way too modern for my taste. I chose it only to go along with the “theme” today….that’s all. But, I’m sure there are people on this planet who would admire this and perhaps have it in their homes. That’s what art is all about: an endless variety of styles to suit people the world over, since taste varies from one individual to another, as you already mentioned in your comment above.
What is it with you guys and this song?
LOL… It’s Nighthawks who posted it so many times recently… not this particular video, but the same song.
I even wrote to him and told him…
He hadn’t realized.
I remember your comment from the first time, but you didn’t keep repeating it.
It must be a contagious song, though, cos apparently Stel caught it.
This is one of the songs I posted a year ago when I posted Pup Fiction. Truth be known, I hadn’t been keeping track of how many times Nighthawks posted it. We don’t coordinate our musical choices.
I simply post what I like with the hope that there might be other people who like the same music. How about you post some of your favorites??? I notice that frequently, we do agree on a lot of songs.
The artist is very definitely Wendy Vaughan, but although most of her paintings have titles I can’t find one for this one.
Frog legs!
Good to see you here today. How is the back feeling?
Horrible, but i can walk.
The quaalude stoped working about bedtime last night.
It’s muscle relaxers and lidocaine patches from here on.
Lots of muscle relaxers today and tomorrow.
Don’t over do! But, I totally understand. Take it easy today ~ as much as you can.
I’m on a reducing schedule. Two, three times a day. Two, two times a day… etc.
There’s a femme fatale if I’ve ever seen one.
I must admit that liked that movie more than i should have.
There were no heroes. All of them were…
Just not nice.
I guess that is true. But I liked the movie too.
The acting was fantastic!
He picked a lot of talent to fill his bag of deplorables. 😀
I need to break it out and watch it again now.
Dint care for it, meself. Take the Mcguffin. I understood the symbolism (apparently a lot of people didn’t). I felt that it was lazy as opposed to creating a proper Maltese Falcon. And, it was jarring. They could have just hung a sign on it. “Look here! It’s a universal, symbolic Mcguffin!”. I thought it detracted from the plot.
to Happyx3…
Hope you’ll be feeling better with your back problems!! I know only too well how awful it can be. Good luck!
I can walk now. I’m making myself use a cane. I’m on a larger (for me) schedule of Muscle Relaxers (reducing schedule). Prescription lidocaine patches. And increased my arthritis tylenol and something for inflammation.
We are fast tracking this one because my lead client needs extra help right now.
This morning at 4:00am i got a couple of steroids and a quaalude. I’m only just starting to spasm (short ones) again. I’m glad i don’t have any more of them. (Ludes)
I have to do a follow up in the next few days. Look and see how its working stuff.
Fingers crossed that this course of therapy will be just the ticket!! You’re in my thoughts, sweetie!!
Hope you are feeling better real soon. Hope you can handle your clients needs without hurting yourself more. Good luck!
Me too. I can’t afford to be out of work right now.
Wow, that’s quite a regime. I hope the muscles calm down. You’re a trooper, thinking about your clients when you can barely move. ♥
What does Captain Jack Sparrow do when he has back pain?
Pilates of the Caribbean.
A suggestion to avoid contorting yourself:
Call someone and arrange to have him/her call you in 10 minutes.
Set your phone to “vibrate” and and tape it to your back.
One morning at a doctor’s office a patient arrives complaining of serious back pain.
The doctor asks him “what did you do to your back?” The patient replies “this morning I got home early to my apartment and heard a noise in my bedroom.
I knew someone had been sleeping with my wife and the balcony door was open.
I rushed out there and didn’t find anyone. I looked down from the balcony and saw a man running away while dressing himself.
I grabbed the fridge and threw it at him, that’s how I strained my back.
A 2nd patient arrives looking like he was just in a car wreck.
The doctor says “my previous patient looked bad, but you look terrible. What happened to you?”
He replies, “you know I have been unemployed for a while now .
Today was the first day at my new job. I forgot to set my alarm and was running late.
I was running out of the building, getting dressed at the same time, and you won’t believe it but I was hit by a fridge!”
The 3rd patient arrives; he looks even worse than the other two patients.
The doctor is shocked and again asks, “what happened to you?”
To which he replied “well, I was sitting in a fridge & someone threw it from the 3rd floor!”
I suspect this got it on the page because of “back”.
It’s good though.
A pregnant woman hobbles into the hospital with one hand on her back…
A nurse asks her what’s wrong, and the pregnant woman screams, “Shouldn’t! Wouldn’t! Didn’t!”
The nurse shakes her head and says, “I’m sorry…I don’t understand.”
The pregnant woman’s face contorts in pain as she shouts, “Can’t! Won’t! Don’t!”
The nurse, bewildered, turns to a doctor.
“Admit her,” the doctor said. “She’s having contractions.”
I know the spoilered one with “Pearly Gates”…
RIP Jeff Beck
Good morning, Cleo pals, and movie fans…or Cleo fans and movie pals…
and wow, Stel… amazing job on that poster.
So many names!
And such a beautiful portrait of Uma Thurdog! Of course, it would be hard to find a photo of her at that age that is NOT beautiful…
But she looks especially fetching in her purplie eye shadow, and high black collar…
in spite of the expression on her face, which clearly says
“Don’t get any ideas.
I am NOT fetching anything for anybody.”
This film launched her as a major star.. and restarted John Tragrowler’s flagging career…
It’s consistently ranked among the best basset films ever…
In fact, it put both Basset Pictures and Quentin Taranbasset on the map, and single-pawedly started a renaissance of independent film-making.
The plot can be described as “Everybody shoots everybody.”
I…er… I hear it’s amazing.
It’s back for a limited engagement at the BassetPlex II and III, allowing them to fit in 6 showings a day between the two.
In fact, I haven’t done this for a long time, but I have passes for the first 26 Cleo fans who want to see it, including spouses or a friend…
They’re good for this coming Saturday night, or Sunday afternoon, including a free small kibblecorn…. Or next Monday or Tuesday night.
So just talk amongst yourselves and let me know when you want to go, OK? Together or separately.
I’ll… um… be right here, waiting for your glowing reports.
A good friend who is somewhat of a movie tester for me told me that the Scaredy Cat row will not do for me this time, because every time someone tells me it’s safe to open my eyes… KAPLOWIE!
Someone else unexpectedly goes down in a flash of gunfire and sometimes blood.
But you guys… um… enjoy.
I’m sure it’s… well…. Just go, ok? Have fun.
What a shame, but with the flight shituation at the moment it will be next to impossible to make it in time…
I too must send regrets. It’s my daughter’s B-day weekend and it’s already booked solid.
if i meet you in the scaredy cat row, we can hide behind the couch and watch DVDs.
curried chicken

As I’ve said before, I don’t like burning my tongue when I’m eating food.
So I made up my own combination of spices for curry powder.
You can hot-this-up by adding hotter pepper(s) to taste.
This has lots and lots of flavour.
All spices are ground before measuring.
1/2 teaspoon Cardamom
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Cloves
1 tablespoon Coriander
1 teaspoon Cumin
1/2 tablespoon Fennel
2 teaspoons Fenugreek
1/2 teaspoon Ginger
1 tablespoon Mustard, Dry
1/2 teaspoon Nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon [or to taste] Pepper (Black, Cayenne, Indian Chili Powder *, White)
1 teaspoon Turmeric
Total: 14 3/4 teaspoons (just under 5 tablespoons)
Notes from me:
* There are myriad varieties of chili peppers grown in India. They range in heat from as mild as a North American grocery store green bell-pepper to among the hottest in the world.
Indian chili powder consists solely of the chosen pepper variety dried and ground (sometimes ground without the seeds for a milder powder, and sometimes with the seeds for a hotter powder).
Cook the chicken in whatever manner you want to curry.
Then make up whatever version of the white sauce in the box you want (I’d use number 2) in sufficient volume to thoroughly cover the chicken.
From experience, don’t try to make two volumes of your choice of sauce at once, make them separately. I’d start out adding 1 tablespoon of curry powder per volume.
Despite the official recipe instructions, I mix the seasonings into the milk before I add it to the butter and flour (it’s never failed me).
“White Sauce”
From: “Canadian Fish Recipes”
Issued by: Department of Fisheries of Canada, Ottawa
Published by: Edmond Cloutier, C.M.G., O.A., D.S.P.
Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, Ottawa, 1951
1.Thin (for soups)
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon flour
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
2.Medium (for vegetables and fish)
2 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoon flour
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
3.Thick (for croquettes)
3 tablespoon butter
3 tablespoon flour
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
Melt butter in top of double boiler.
Add flour, mix well and cook one minute. Add milk gradually, stirring constantly until thickened.
Cook two minutes. Add seasonings.
Variations of Medium Sauce
Cheese Sauce: Add 1/2 cup grated, Canadian cheddar cheese.
Oyster Sauce: Add 1/2 cup chopped, cooked oysters with their liquid.
1 teaspoon lemon juice may be added.
Mushroom Sauce: Add 1/2 cup chopped, cooked mushrooms.
Egg Sauce: Add 1/2 cup chopped, hard cooked egg.
Celery Sauce: Add 1/4 cup finely chopped, cooked celery.
Notes from me:
The milk called for is whole milk (3.25% milk fat).
A very much easier way of making any version of this sauce is to melt the butter over
very low heat. Add the flour and stir until smooth. Raise the temperature to about 1/3
of the dial and cook until the mixture begins to bubble and change colour, about 1
minute. Add the milk, salt and pepper and raise the temperature to about 2/3 of the
dial and stir constantly until the sauce boils and thickens.
A croquette is a fried breaded roll or ball of mashed potato, minced meat, etc.
The number 2 sauce is the handiest white sauce I know. I use it at Thanksgiving to
cream cauliflower or Brussels sprouts. Number 1 sauce makes an excellent base for
onion soup.
I’ve long had a question about paintings like that sort of “patchwork-y” one of John Travolta, the last item Stel uploaded with tonight’s poster.
I’m not trying to put down anybody’s taste in art, or even be my usual facetious self… I’m honestly curious.
To me, it’s not an attractive painting. I don’t care for the clashing patterns, the boldness, the black background… or mostly, that it’s a painting of John Travolta, and besiides that, a scene from a violent film.
I know there are people who like that style… or who would want to display it in, I dunno, their casino, I guess, or celebrity restaurant, where the flashy look would blend in.
A similar style painting of a singer, say, might work for an album cover.
But what is the expectation of someone painting this sort of thing?
Are there people who would buy this in a gallery and hang it in their living room?
I can’t say I’d want a flashy, semi-abstract (for all the patterns) painting of any celebrity, hanging in my house…
Maybe a vintage Beatles poster in a bedroom?
An antique painting of a Victorian “celebrity” like Sarah Bernhardt? Even Isadora Duncan, or Anna Pavlova?
No modern movie star.
Is it just me?
No. My paintings in my living room are all landscapes.
I do have a coffee cup that has a hare done like that but more splashy in the colors.
I’ll see if i can find his name and post it and my coffee cup.
It works better with inanimate objets and wildlife.
Here it is.
The artist is ALESSANDRO PAUTASSO. There is a 2 minute 51 second video of how he creates this art.
I wouldn’t buy any of his work either. To me it’s an example of what I call skill-without-talent.
I’m not in love with it, either. You would not find it hanging in my house….way too modern for my taste. I chose it only to go along with the “theme” today….that’s all. But, I’m sure there are people on this planet who would admire this and perhaps have it in their homes. That’s what art is all about: an endless variety of styles to suit people the world over, since taste varies from one individual to another, as you already mentioned in your comment above.
stel has come up with a great poster, AGAIN! complete with the purpleie eyelidiness!
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