We’ve had parts and pieces of this same one here before.
The original is a gigantic image of what seems to be the inside of a sprawling store, with stairs coming down in the middle… too big for a book page, so I think it’s from a computer game.
Remember the woman too close to a vacuum cleaner?
This is just a small bit… that’s why Waldo’s so easy to spot.
One time we had a section posted here that didn’t even have him in it, but this time he’s here.
Beware of the other guys who almost look like Waldo but aren’t.
The caption below comes from HERE. There is a top caption at the site that says Cambridge had (maybe still has) the nickname “Tomatotown” (sic).
“August 1941. “Cambridge, Maryland, home of Phillips Packing Co. tomato canning plant.” As well as Phillips Hardware at the corner of Muir and Race streets, and a green-on-top stoplight. 4×5 inch acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration.”
Edited in about 15 minutes later.
Up until now, I always thought this…
Can’t really see it… but it looks like it might be a pointing finger…
IF so, gosh, it’s been around for hundreds of years, since long before computers or even signs on buildings.
In more modern times the symbol became known to printers as a “manicule” though I’ve never heard anyone I know actually use the term.
Handwritten ancient documents might have just a hand, or a whole monster or other creature drawn in the margin.
Victorian advertising was full of them, and even the US Post Office used to print them on envelopes, and may still… if they still ever put “return to sender” on anything.
Sometimes on a computer the hand opens up for “grabbing” things, or pulling, like in Adobe Acrobat Reader… I’m not sure whether that’s considered a manicule but it’s got to be related.
Apropos of nothing, really, just harkening back to yesterday.
This is the rather snarky (I underlined the snarky bit) email I got from GoComics when I enquired as to why I was set to invisible.
GC Moderator moderator@gocomics.com via amutechnology.onmicrosoft.com Wed, Mar 6, 2019, 8:55 AM to me xxxxx(my name), You were set to invisible due to violating our TOS in regards to spamming with recipes. I included a snapshot of two. Enjoy your day. –GoComics Moderator
I waited a while before I wrote back, saying I wouldn’t post any more (my posted recipes totaled over five hundred from February 2013 with no problems from previous moderators) and was unaware of the policy change.
I was sort of reinstated for one, count it, one day. I posted no recipe but almost immediately on posting, I was set to invisible again on July 19, 2019.
I haven’t yet bothered to ask for reinstatement again because the moderators still appear to be following their own individual policies, randomly setting people to invisible for no discernible reasons.
Yes, it is GoComics’ site, but they treat their readers very poorly in my opinion.
The banned word list is very poorly thought out, if any thought at all was put into it. If you have an account, try typing a comment with the word “spices” in it.
Maybe the next great revamp will be a change for the better (yeah, right).
I hear ya! Been following some of this over at GC, but didn’t realize you were ghosted. Maybe it is all because Andrews-McMeel-Universal is making larger moves into the newspaper comics — they have in our local newspapers’ comics pages totally/exclusively, we’ve lost a lot of good comics in the last big A-M-U influx. A conspiracy therorist’s playground — like Pinky and the Brain… YGOQp03.mp4
Outstanding cover!
This was apparently the original posting that started a fad among dog lovers. LINK
Does his nickname on his home planet translate to “The Rock”?
A link to the short story that this action-figure is based on.
Edited in at 10:25 hrs. E.S.T.
“To Serve Man” By: Damon Knight
where’s Waldo?
Found him. 🙂
Pretty easy to spot.
I’ve just learned that Waldo’s original name is Wally. LINK
As dennis said, he’s easy to spot; but what’s with all the people-less shoes?
“All” the people-less shoes I can see are three pairs on the floor near the boot display table, presumably taken off to try on boots.
One man has on yellow boots, seemingly backwards.
Another, an older man, seems to have on red high-heeled boots, probably from the display as well.
There’s a woman in what may be the same boots, as well.
OK puzzlers… do you see them too?
We’ve had parts and pieces of this same one here before.
The original is a gigantic image of what seems to be the inside of a sprawling store, with stairs coming down in the middle… too big for a book page, so I think it’s from a computer game.
Remember the woman too close to a vacuum cleaner?
This is just a small bit… that’s why Waldo’s so easy to spot.
One time we had a section posted here that didn’t even have him in it, but this time he’s here.
Beware of the other guys who almost look like Waldo but aren’t.
It’s still missing the stairs.
I found an almost Waldo.
it must be easy. i found him! i found him!
Cambridge, Maryland 1941

The caption below comes from HERE. There is a top caption at the site that says Cambridge had (maybe still has) the nickname “Tomatotown” (sic).
“August 1941. “Cambridge, Maryland, home of Phillips Packing Co. tomato canning plant.” As
well as Phillips Hardware at the corner of Muir and Race streets, and a green-on-top stoplight.
4×5 inch acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration.”
Edited in about 15 minutes later.
Up until now, I always thought this…
…was made up as a computer icon.
Can’t really see it… but it looks like it might be a pointing finger…
IF so, gosh, it’s been around for hundreds of years, since long before computers or even signs on buildings.
In more modern times the symbol became known to printers as a “manicule” though I’ve never heard anyone I know actually use the term.
Handwritten ancient documents might have just a hand, or a whole monster or other creature drawn in the margin.
Victorian advertising was full of them, and even the US Post Office used to print them on envelopes, and may still… if they still ever put “return to sender” on anything.
Sometimes on a computer the hand opens up for “grabbing” things, or pulling, like in Adobe Acrobat Reader… I’m not sure whether that’s considered a manicule but it’s got to be related.
Thanks for that! !
I’ve been wondering for ages what that song was called.
I guess I never recognised it from a name like “Baker Street.”
I see the title and hear the sax-solo in my mind…
An interesting story, or mystery.
nice and mellow.
They get too big for the pocket, but not for hugs.
But ya need to learn how to stick the landing.
For our Canadian friends.
The fact that they stay our best friends is a testament to their patience with the wild child to the south.
This is good ! ! 🙂 🙂
I am a ‘leafs fan; and that last one is probably accurate (1967 and counting… ☹ ).
And here’s the German version – translated for you via Aunt Google and some editing by me…
Temperature scale for Sápmi / Lapland
+10 degrees Celsius: The residents of rented apartments in Helsinki turn off the heating. The Sámi (inhabitants of Sápmi / Lapland) plant flowers.
+5 degrees Celsius: The Sámi sunbathe if the sun is still rising above the horizon.
+2 degrees Celsius: Italian cars no longer start.
0 degrees Celsius: Distilled water freezes.
-1 degrees Celsius: Breath becomes visible. Time to plan a Mediterranean holiday. The Sámi eat ice and drink cold beer.
-4 degrees Celsius: The cat wants to go to bed with you.
-10 degrees Celsius: time to plan an African vacation. The morons go swimming.
-12 degrees Celsius: Too cold to snow.
-15 degrees Celsius: American cars no longer start.
-18 degrees Celsius: Helsinki homeowners turn the heating on.
-20 degrees Celsius: Breathing becomes audible.
-22 degrees Celsius: French cars no longer start. Too cold to skate.
-23 degrees Celsius: Politicians begin to feel sorry for the homeless.
-24 degrees Celsius: German cars no longer start.
-26 degrees Celsius: Building material for igloos can be cut from breath.
-29 degrees Celsius: The cat wants to get into your pajamas.
-30 degrees Celsius: Japanese cars no longer start. The Sámi curses, kicks the tire and starts his Lada.
-31 degrees Celsius: Too cold to kiss, lips freeze together. Sápmi’s soccer team starts training for the Spring.
-35 degrees Celsius: time to plan a two-week hot bath. The Sámi shovel snow off the roof.
-39 degrees Celsius: mercury freezes. Too cold to think. The Sámi close the top shirt button.
-40 degrees Celsius: The car wants to go to bed with you. The Sámi put on a sweater.
-45 degrees Celsius: The Sámi close the toilet window.
-50 degrees Celsius: The sea lions leave Greenland. The Sámi swap finger gloves for mittens.
-70 degrees Celsius: The polar bears are leaving the North Pole. A cross-country skiing excursion is organized at the University of Rovaniemi.
-75 degrees Celsius: Santa Claus leaves the Arctic Circle. The Sámi fold down the ear flaps of the hat.
-250 degrees Celsius: Alcohol freezes. The Sámi is angry.
-268 degrees Celsius: Helium becomes liquid.
-270 degrees Celsius: Hell freezes over.
-273.15 degrees Celsius absolute zero. No movement of the elementary particles. The Sámi admit: “Yeah, it’s a bit chilly, give me another shot…”
Somehow, “shutup” seems too coarse for Claude “Confound it” Clifford. He should be more genteel, methinks.
Apropos of nothing, really, just harkening back to yesterday.
This is the rather snarky (I underlined the snarky bit) email I got from GoComics when I enquired as to why I was set to invisible.
GC Moderator moderator@gocomics.com via amutechnology.onmicrosoft.com
Wed, Mar 6, 2019, 8:55 AM
to me
xxxxx(my name),
You were set to invisible due to violating our TOS in regards to spamming with recipes. I included a snapshot of two. Enjoy your day. –GoComics Moderator
I waited a while before I wrote back, saying I wouldn’t post any more (my posted recipes totaled over five hundred from February 2013 with no problems from previous moderators) and was unaware of the policy change.
I was sort of reinstated for one, count it, one day. I posted no recipe but almost immediately on posting, I was set to invisible again on July 19, 2019.
I haven’t yet bothered to ask for reinstatement again because the moderators still appear to be following their own individual policies, randomly setting people to invisible for no discernible reasons.
Yes, it is GoComics’ site, but they treat their readers very poorly in my opinion.
The banned word list is very poorly thought out, if any thought at all was put into it. If you have an account, try typing a comment with the word “spices” in it.
Maybe the next great revamp will be a change for the better (yeah, right).
I hear ya! Been following some of this over at GC, but didn’t realize you were ghosted.
Maybe it is all because Andrews-McMeel-Universal is making larger moves into the newspaper comics — they have in our local newspapers’ comics pages totally/exclusively, we’ve lost a lot of good comics in the last big A-M-U influx. A conspiracy therorist’s playground — like Pinky and the Brain…
and did you find the three hidden items! LOL
Sorry for flooding (pardon the pun), but this is just too good…
..commencing countdown, engines on…..
Only Claude would find a recliner with a do-not-touch button.
I’m starting to think they follow him around.
They’re probably longing for a human touch, whether openly or unconsciously, and they instinctively know that only Claude will provide it.
By the way… Gong xi fa cai! or Kung hei fa choi!
Lots of different Asian languages, dialects, and transliterations, but basically…
Have a Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year!
In China, the Year of the Rabbit.
This is today’s Google doodle.
새해 복 많이 받으세요!
easy for you to say!
Yes indeed.
It is also pie day.
in Claude’s defense, he wouldn’t know what that button does unless he touches it.
what’s he supposed to do, READ the manual?
Claude needs that little excitement in his life. And we needed a good laugh!!
Chalk another one up to ‘HE will never learn’!
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