yeah, he was the guy who only went along with the ‘shooing flies away from a Mexican village’ deal because he was convinced there was gold and treasures
hidden somewhere in the vicinity.
The computer operator may have his mouse on the left side (like I do.) The photographer doesn’t get any choice — all the buttons are backwards! Everyone else is a northpaw!
… if you mime sweeping with a broom, I think you’ll see, too, that you automatically use your weaker hand to hold the stick at the top, loosely enough to let your other hand move it, and your stronger hand to guide and put downward pressure on it in the middle.
I actually can’t make myself do it the other way.
The camera is a big heavy one… I think you hold it in your stronger hand.
So if it’s only one person, I think the fellow in the red apron, using the broom, is the left handed one.
I basically forced myself to hold the top with my right hand, but I just can’t put proper pressure on the broom or guide it with my left hand in the middle.
You must be a little more ambidextrous than I am. 🙂
“I’m carrying the Sun!”
“No, I’m carrying the Sun!”
{together} “Alright, let’s both carry the Sun.”
Remember, I get the comics first this time!
Last time, you tore “Fred Basset” before I saw it!
Dr. Who’s evil twin?
Is it smaller on the inside?
Why? BT has no copyright on the word “telephone”.
Meanwhile, I hope when Superman visits London he brings his umbrella.
AI. Take a look at the face of Big Ben. 😀
Is it related to the lady wearing a dining table for a dress? Or the guy with a tricycle stuck in the wall?
No, that guy did those on purpose 😲 !
“Aw ma, not in public.”
All Marlboro men…
Brad Dexter?
yeah, he was the guy who only went along with the ‘shooing flies away from a Mexican village’ deal because he was convinced there was gold and treasures
hidden somewhere in the vicinity.
I love sardine-can style reveal of the artist’s name.
Jennifer Lawrence and friend
Why does the harness go over one front leg?
A) She’s clueless on how to put it on.
B) Someone was so excited for a walk he wouldn’t stand still.
I’m leaning towards B).
Weird, at a quick glance the snail’s reflection looks like a hand at the end of a dark sleeve.
Always stop to smell the flowers…
“ehhhh COULD be!”
Milky Way
What makes the clouds swirl on planet earth?
1956 DeSoto
I am!!!
Definitely the squirrel.
I agree with Mr. Sherman.
I never thought about this till I just tried it….
… if you mime sweeping with a broom, I think you’ll see, too, that you automatically use your weaker hand to hold the stick at the top, loosely enough to let your other hand move it, and your stronger hand to guide and put downward pressure on it in the middle.
I actually can’t make myself do it the other way.
The camera is a big heavy one… I think you hold it in your stronger hand.
So if it’s only one person, I think the fellow in the red apron, using the broom, is the left handed one.
I’m right-handed…
Though tbh, due to the work I used to do, I would use either hand to do most jobs.
Just of curiosity… Did you actually try it?
You must be a little more ambidextrous than I am. 🙂
Sorry… what is red NAR?
But i thought she was going to set that whole thing down in front of the customer, using, as you say, her dominant hand.
The artist certainly didn’t make it clear.
Addictive. 😉
No need for you to be sorry; I am:
Just watch the busy servers.
And where’s any space to put anything down?
My solution is absolutely right. I’ve just looked it up to make sure.
Nope, that one only has one hand 😉
The server.
Carry with your weak hand, serve with your strong.
Ok… I did some searching, and found one site that gives the answer.
It’s an Indian newspaper and it doesn’t sound like they originated the puzzle.
It does say
I think there’s a possibility that the puzzle designer didn’t realize the differences in how people sweep, or designed the image wrong…
Who knows, maybe it was even flipped in the printing.
So I’m going to assert that there are TWO lefties in the image!
I’ve got 9 1/2
Nine, then…
Nine! I got nine!
Now just find the tenth…. 😁
I think i did this morning. 🙂
Here I come with the solution…. are you ready?
Be sure you’ve given it your best shot… Wait, let me rephrase that!
You don’t want to make any trouble when Sam Basset is on the job.
No pulling out any weapons… and I would include figurative ones.
Just do your best, and don’t peek!
If you do take even the slightest glance…. don’t leave any clues for our super sleuth. That’s difficult, so it’s best not to try.
Just follow Sam’s lead… And solve this case on your own.
Then you can come back and
Yes; got the right ones! All of them! Woo-hoo!
This morning i thought that i had ten, but i can only claim nine.
I got the tenth this morning, but one i got last night was wrong.
Nine for me too. After checking Susan’s answers I don’t feel too bad about the one I missed.
You’re too honest. That makes you ineligible for high political office.
Eight :o(
Pretty confident I’ve got all ten. Now let’s just wait for those eggs to hatch.
Looks good to me!
OK… Who’s cooking?
I have hamburger and i don’t know what to do with it.
Ask Buddy. I’m sure he has some suggestions.
You can’t go wrong with hamburgers… Or pasta sauce, or meat loaf .
It’s about 103° F (39 °C) here right now… But I have figured out how to make the last two in the microwave
Not quite as good but OK.
Buddy won’t mind at all.
For fried chicken, there’s always …
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