I still have a visible scar from our mostly black former tom-cat when he chased a neighboring cat across the garden gate – retrieved it – repeatedly…
I dared to intervene to save that cat’s life.
Long ago, I knew a huge fluffy gray kitty named Bullroar, who put in long sessions every day on top of a bookcase, trying to drink all the water out of his owner’s fish tank.
The whole time, his eyes would intently track the fish, in the apparent belief that he’d be able to eat them once he got to them.
I’ve never seen a cat drink so much water, or any at such a steady, unrelenting pace.
When his owner would pour more water into the tank, Bullroar would let out an obviously angry yelp, sitting back on his haunches with a menacing glare, and then a low growl.
The rest of the time, he was a big teddy bear of a lap cat, who loved cuddles, even with guests, and greeted everybody with amazingly loud purrs.
But you couldn’t pet or distract him at fish tank time!
I get my local paper that way. Wish it were that big!
I actually prefer the email they send with links to articles, instead of trying to read the facsimile page, which looks like more fun than it actually is.
Local paper will no longer deliver, at least out here in the boonies. It comes in the mail, which doesn’t arrive until sometime between noon and three.
Two days a week there is no hardcopy at all. And it seems they skipped the Fourth.
Great near-sighted lovers. I think the middle one may be my favorite of all times (hard to remember them all). But love is eternal, so please keep the lover’s coming.
Goodness, I hope not!
Cats as cats can…
I’m sure that is the way Buddy sees her. 😀
My Dudley! (aka my little Loverboy).
Widely or wildly awake.
Let sleeping cats lie / alone and get the hot place out of there!!!
I still have a visible scar from our mostly black former tom-cat when he chased a neighboring cat across the garden gate – retrieved it – repeatedly…
I dared to intervene to save that cat’s life.
(and teeth)
I’m unfamiliar with the Graham car, but for $595 each, I’ll take two.
Will someone please kindly tell me where to send my check?
ohh, yeah……that pair of Grahams would be worth MILLions now
Henri Matisse
Long ago, I knew a huge fluffy gray kitty named Bullroar, who put in long sessions every day on top of a bookcase, trying to drink all the water out of his owner’s fish tank.
The whole time, his eyes would intently track the fish, in the apparent belief that he’d be able to eat them once he got to them.
I’ve never seen a cat drink so much water, or any at such a steady, unrelenting pace.
When his owner would pour more water into the tank, Bullroar would let out an obviously angry yelp, sitting back on his haunches with a menacing glare, and then a low growl.
The rest of the time, he was a big teddy bear of a lap cat, who loved cuddles, even with guests, and greeted everybody with amazingly loud purrs.
But you couldn’t pet or distract him at fish tank time!
I’ll take a couple of those, too, please.
Love to have one for going after the mail. Don’t know if it would make it into town & back.
Robots generally don’t eat pizza, AFAIK, so is she(?) a waitress?
One of our grocery stores has this, it doesn’t hand out things and it’s smaller. It goes around the store watching people. Creepy!
Probably not her, but to me she looks a lot like Carrie Fisher, who would have been in high school in the early 70s.
it IS Carrie Fisher–and she’s dancing with Mark Hamill
i had to look twice!!!
At least I recognized her…. does that count?
And I actually thought her partner looked like Mark Hamill, but since it looked like about 1973, it couldn’t be. I guess it was later.
She only turned 20 while filming Star Wars, and 21 when it was released in 1977, though he was in his mid 20s.
But they’re siblings!
I get my local paper that way. Wish it were that big!
I actually prefer the email they send with links to articles, instead of trying to read the facsimile page, which looks like more fun than it actually is.
Local paper will no longer deliver, at least out here in the boonies. It comes in the mail, which doesn’t arrive until sometime between noon and three.
Two days a week there is no hardcopy at all. And it seems they skipped the Fourth.
Now that’s just crazy talk!
find the word
“I’m telling you. It’s right there.”
Truth is, I found it.
that was fun… no kidding!
Nighthawks, you pulled o0ff another one. But I can’t believe that dog will not eat that wiener.
It just depends on your definition of “love”.
in the comics, belief in normal behavior and even physics is temporarily suspended
they were ALL great! especially the cotton candy/poddle
The dachshund thinks his cute little squeeze is one hot pup.
He relishes the thought of seeing her all dressed up.
Excuse me for saying it, but her buns always look adorable.
Is she the “grill” of his dreams?
When it comes to the white dog and his lady love… I’m sorry to not know the species of either.
But it matters not to these carefree living pom-poms…. white balls of fluff who obviously deserve each other.
Meanwhile, Ms pampered pink poodle has also found a match.
Meticulously groomed, as is she, with the same sort of elegantly pointed long muzzle.
He’s slim, and holds a pose while she sniffs at his amazing fur, glistening like spun glass.
You’d expect him to be stuck up, but he’s actually very very sweet.
!!!!!! !
Great near-sighted lovers. I think the middle one may be my favorite of all times (hard to remember them all). But love is eternal, so please keep the lover’s coming.
for as long as I can—and as always, thanks for stopping in and showing interest
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