We have a very talented Lady in our midst! Two beautiful works of art have been made into a wonderful poster for Dog Quixote! One of my favorites! Only thing better was seeing the stage play with Richard Kiley. That was the first time I ever saw MMM cry in public. Always be special to me. Thanks, Stel.
The attachment below gives the steps to view any “like” or “dislike” list with more than five names in it.
I realize it takes up some space, but I think it’s a useful thing to know.
I run a PC, and I don’t remember if any Mac users said they had this problem the first time I brought it up on May 30.
This method works whether you are logged in or not.
For those who are interested in what works for me…
No matter what I do to the number (the user count) … right or left click, highlighted or not… even with the right click menu showing, the user list disappears as soon as I move my mouse.
Except.. when I highlight and left click the number, and try to DRAG it with my mouse, every few tries, a diagonally barred circle will appear, the universal symbol for “Hey, you can’t do that!”…
Only with that symbol showing, sometimes I can drag all the way to the list before it disappears, and click the slider, and then I can temporarily scroll it.
The alternate secret…
Or I can get out my phone and look at it in my android browser, where there’s no problem at all.
That is just plain weird.
I went to the library yesterday, (took out four books; so now I have one of those and four from my own shelves on the go) and tried the method I posted above on the computers there. It worked.
The library has Lenovos, and mine is a Hewlett-Packard laptop.
I just tried my method again on Old Phart’s first comment yesterday, with 7 likes, and it still works.
I may not have made it clear enough in step four:
When the box comes up, release the right click button, and move your cursor to the list with no buttons on your mouse active.
If you’re doing that already, my opening sentence of this comment stands.
Thanks Alexi and Susan!
I tried on my MAC different scenarios, what worked for me…
Right click on number, got “that box”;
Moved curser over to speed-bar, left clicked on that, “that box went away;
I could then scroll up and down using the speed-bar.
Weirderer and weirderer.
I just used your really simple method on Perkycat’s thank-you (I hope all your birthday cake wishes came true, Perkycat — was one for extra breath to blow out all those candles? ) comment; it worked.
Ahhh….WordPress programming mixed up as usual.
I just want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday. You made a special day so much more special. My husband was even impressed and he never reads the comics – only Pickles. Thanks
My dad once gave me a set of sheets he was getting rid of, after my mom passed away… I think he was going to throw them away…
They were white, printed all over with Picasso’s dove… Including his signature… in blue. A weird thing to do to Picasso, but pretty.
I have no idea where he got them.. I don’t even think my mother would have chosen them. Maybe a gift.
He didn’t know it was Picasso, or even a famous drawing.. he said if that’s supposed to be a bird, that guy sure can’t draw.
Similarly, a few years later, a neighbor… I was going to say an elderly neighbor but she wasn’t all that old… gave me a calendar that she got as a gift.
It was very nice… famous impressionist paintings.
She said she’d wanted to return it, but she didn’t know where her daughter bought it, and didn’t want to ask.
You see, there was something wrong with the printing… most of the paintings were all blurry.
I find that a lot of people that I might have thought of as elderly aren’t all that elderly, and many that look elderly aren’t as old as I am. On the other hand, kids are sure getting young these days.
[original sources]

I like it!
Thanks, Happy!
I thought these above were the works mentioned in the legend to your painting…
and that the ones actually used to create your version were the same Van Gogh, and “Dog Quixote” by Puplo Dogasso…(or is it Dogcasso?)
However, Dogasso isn’t credited in the legend.
In any case the poor reaper got underfoot.
we all had to make sacrifices
We have a very talented Lady in our midst! Two beautiful works of art have been made into a wonderful poster for Dog Quixote! One of my favorites! Only thing better was seeing the stage play with Richard Kiley. That was the first time I ever saw MMM cry in public. Always be special to me. Thanks, Stel.
I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed it, ML! And, what a very special memory!
That looks like it must have been tough to do to get Dog Quixote to look dog-like. But, you did a great job. I like it!
Actually, it was the windmill way over to the right that was the toughest! [kidding]
Thanks! I appreciate your comment!!!
Hmmm. That wasn’t just a drop one on top of the other, it was a full-blown redraw in your own imitable style. Very good!
Thanks, Arfside!!
The attachment below gives the steps to view any “like” or “dislike” list with more than five names in it.
I realize it takes up some space, but I think it’s a useful thing to know.
I run a PC, and I don’t remember if any Mac users said they had this problem the first time I brought it up on May 30.
This method works whether you are logged in or not.
Doesn’t work for me.
Except.. when I highlight and left click the number, and try to DRAG it with my mouse, every few tries, a diagonally barred circle will appear, the universal symbol for “Hey, you can’t do that!”…
Only with that symbol showing, sometimes I can drag all the way to the list before it disappears, and click the slider, and then I can temporarily scroll it.
That is just plain weird.
I went to the library yesterday, (took out four books; so now I have one of those and four from my own shelves on the go) and tried the method I posted above on the computers there. It worked.
The library has Lenovos, and mine is a Hewlett-Packard laptop.
I just tried my method again on Old Phart’s first comment yesterday, with 7 likes, and it still works.
I may not have made it clear enough in step four:
When the box comes up, release the right click button, and move your cursor to the list with no buttons on your mouse active.
If you’re doing that already, my opening sentence of this comment stands.
It worked! Thank you.
Worked on my MAC! thanks
Didn’t work for me, but thanks anyway.
Thanks Alexi and Susan!
I tried on my MAC different scenarios, what worked for me…
Right click on number, got “that box”;
Moved curser over to speed-bar, left clicked on that, “that box went away;
I could then scroll up and down using the speed-bar.
Weirderer and weirderer.
I just used your really simple method on Perkycat’s thank-you (I hope all your birthday cake wishes came true, Perkycat — was one for extra breath to blow out all those candles? ) comment; it worked.
Ahhh….WordPress programming mixed up as usual.
That worked for me. Thanks! Now if I only remember. I am getting older, you know.
all right, that works, thanks
MAC mini
I just want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday. You made a special day so much more special. My husband was even impressed and he never reads the comics – only Pickles. Thanks
You’re very welcome!
Glad you both enjoyed it!
Hah! Just like Cliff Notes, only more entertaining!
So Picasso is sitting in for you tonight?
Aha, I now see the canine features in your version! Dog Quijote it is!
Ah, if only Picasso could sit in! I liked his simple line drawings the most — brilliant!

That’s a funny looking Basset! Are you sure he could see straight?
My dad once gave me a set of sheets he was getting rid of, after my mom passed away… I think he was going to throw them away…
They were white, printed all over with Picasso’s dove… Including his signature… in blue. A weird thing to do to Picasso, but pretty.
I have no idea where he got them.. I don’t even think my mother would have chosen them. Maybe a gift.
He didn’t know it was Picasso, or even a famous drawing.. he said if that’s supposed to be a bird, that guy sure can’t draw.
Similarly, a few years later, a neighbor… I was going to say an elderly neighbor but she wasn’t all that old… gave me a calendar that she got as a gift.
It was very nice… famous impressionist paintings.
She said she’d wanted to return it, but she didn’t know where her daughter bought it, and didn’t want to ask.
You see, there was something wrong with the printing… most of the paintings were all blurry.
I find that a lot of people that I might have thought of as elderly aren’t all that elderly, and many that look elderly aren’t as old as I am. On the other hand, kids are sure getting young these days.
That Peter OToole, Buddy Hackett, Johnny Carson interview is a trip!
re: the Carson interview:
You’re right, there! I was laughing all the way through!
Another favorite! Today is full of them! Thanks, Tigressy
Another Octavio Ocampo.
I almost posted this one! Love it!
Good morning, Art Phans!
and there’s plenty of it this fine day. One question though….Is Don Quicks Oat a Godfather spinoff? heee heeee I kill me.
Y’all try not to get eaten by a big phish. (((((HuGz!)))))
Ansel Adams
Here is a somewhat more phun phish than the one that might want to bite you. 😎
Megalodon…. Luckily for swimmers, now extinct…
was up to 60 feet long, and had an estimated bite force more than three times that of tyranosaurus rex.

I guess I’m being rather dense here, but I don’t get the connection between “Don Quicks Oat” and a Godfather spinoff……but I’m dying to find out!
I’ll take a crack at it. The Godfather was Don Corleone.
Ooooo……now I get it. Thanks, LM!
Yep…I kill me
Good morning Balladeers,(((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan.
Nice mash-up. Will you be branching out into sampling, & hip-hop/rap/whatever?
Who? Me?
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