June 17, 2023

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Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago


Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
1 year ago

Got the trifecta there.
Eyes, nose and big slobbery tung.

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
1 year ago

I’ve got to go get a lottery ticket.
I spelled trifecta right on the first try!

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

“A smile? Feh! Let a flower be your umbrella!”

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

I tried letting a smile be my umbrella, but all I got was a mouthful of rain.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Yay Terrytoons.

Everybody talks about Disney and Warner Brothers comics and cartoons but never Terrytoons.

Granted, Heckle and Jeckle aren’t the most appealing characters ever, especially in this old version…

But I love Mighty Mouse!

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

They had another few.
None of which ii can remember right now.

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
1 year ago

A lot are pretty forgettable, but I do remember Deputy Dawg, and my little brother’s favorite, at an early age, Tom Terrific.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

nose, too

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

The DC-3, the plane Boeing forced into existence. The Boeing 247 was the first fast, modern passenger plane. Every airline wanted it. But Boeing was part of United at the time, so United got a jump on the others. Not to be outdone, one of the airlines approached Douglas and asked for a similar plane; Douglas went one better. The DC-3 had twice the capacity and was significantly faster. Ever hear of the Boeing 247? They couldn’t give them away once the DC-2s & DC-3s came out.

DC-2 carried about 14 passengers, it was enlarged into the DST (Douglas Sleeper Transport) with tiny cabins with bunks. The DST dimensions were perfect for adding another line of seats and became the 21 passenger DC-3.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

“Stop grabbing me that way. Just because I’m a goose. So juvenile.”

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

hooray for the pretty goose.

Famed Member
1 year ago

I got all ten. Wohoo!

Famed Member
Reply to  mr_sherman
1 year ago

Me too!

Famed Member
1 year ago

Here I am, Boys and Girls, Ladies and Gentlemen, Cleo Pals and Puzzle Fans…

Hopefully, there’s a category or two there for everyone.

I’ve got tonight’s puzzle solution firmly in hand…. Well, sort of firmly, it being virtual, and all.

Do your best, and when you’re ready to see the ten differences I found

just click here!

comment image

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

Some differences with my 10:

I think these are fairly equivalent:
I thought the belt was just copy/paste aberration. What I found, is the stem on the flower, just above the right side of the raised mirror, looks nothing like the stem in the left picture (even after accounting for the leaves being hidden)

Famed Member
Reply to  P51Strega
1 year ago

I, too, had that one marked, but I kept looking, figuring that that that one was a bit too obscure; and until I found the last one (the hair).

Famed Member
Reply to  P51Strega
1 year ago

Once again, I can’t really speak for the puzzle designer, in this case StelBel….

So I no longer referee these debates.
That’s up to Stel.

I will say this….

only for those interested…
The top of the mirror was moved up, covering some of the flower pattern.

When you cut and paste part of a picture, the method depends on your preferences and what software you have.

You might have a program that lets you precisely cut a piece like the mirror, and shift it.

Stel probably does, but with only MS Paint, I have to either “cut” the outline of the mirror by hand, which might be a bit ragged, or move a whole rectangular section, either way, dragging along some background.

I don’t know for sure whether Stel ever drags any of the background. She may not.

When I lay a straight piece of paper over the whole puzzle, barely covering the right-hand mirror, everything above it looks just the same in both panels to me.

Below that line, but above the curved edges of the mirror, there may or may not be any tiny bits of background that also got moved.

For me, yes; for Stel, probably not but maybe.

However, any discrepancies you see could be caused by that or by nearby pixels getting disrupted by the move… It happens. Not a purposeful difference.

Look at what you’ve seeing and think about whether it’s big enough that someone would have done it on purpose.

The belt, however, couldn’t just accidentally move up, leaving the green dress behind it undisturbed. Just me wondering…. But I’d think that has to be a bigger difference than the stem.

As ever, it’s not my call.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

I very rarely use a Cut & Paste technique, or for that matter, MS Paint. I use other programs and particularly one that has an excellent cloning tool. That’s what I use most often, and it’s much more exact. However, I have noticed that occasionally, some areas seem to fade by the time it gets posted on WordPress…..specifically, I am referring to the belt on the woman on the left. 
BUT, the focus for the solver here should be that the belt was repositioned! It seems that a few of you focus too much on microscopic differences in pixels. Given the fact that a lot of these images aren’t the best resolution (depending on the original artist’s medium—a photo would probably be sharper) and that the resolution may change each time it’s copied from the original web source to my computer to Nighthawks, who posts it on Fridays, to finally, WP, the tiny differences of the belt outline that come into question are not something that I would deliberately do to try to challenge you. I’m well aware that everybody has different screen sizes and may also not be seeing the same resolution or even have the sharpest vision.

Now, with all that being said, the top of the mirror should have also shown the top of two leaves on the vine just behind it. Here, the main focus was that the mirror was taller and not the very tiny leaves. Mea Culpa! The mirror change was really tricky and took more time than the rest of all the other differences! I was so frustrated with it that I never noticed the leaves. But, be assured, those tiny leaves or anything that tiny would never be an intended difference. I congratulate you for seeing the discrepancy and for scrutinizing the image so thoroughly, but please believe me…..I would never include that minuscule difference. I wouldn’t expect everybody to be able to see something like that.

Thanks for commenting and questioning!! Each week, I strive to make these puzzles better, so I appreciate what you all have to say.

And, a special shout-out to Susan for her contributions and her replies to you all!

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

looks really good!

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