had an insane nannybot, that censored words because some of the letters formed a banned word… for instance, you couldn’t mention Alfred Hitchcock or cocktails.
One of my favorites was when it wouldn’t let me say “ashtray”.
I finally concluded that it must be adding an “I” to the middle, and presuming a word was included that no one in their right mind would see there.
Everyone was happy that GoComics was more reasonable.
I’ve seen few serious breeches of decorum, though there must have been some for them to institute this ridiculous censorship.
Some years ago there was a high school kid throwing f bombs around on Big Nate, and it took weeks to ban him.
Now it jumps on mere suspicion of intent.
The problem is that it’s inscrutable.
It allows words you’d think it wouldn’t, and bans innocent ones.
That’s a more realistic illustration of the size of the asteroid that caused the dinosaur extinction event. When the asteroid surface impacted with the surface of the planet, part of the asteroid was still above the atmosphere. It came in at such a steep angle that there was no warning for those in its path, alive one moment, vaporised the next.
That’s not a nose.
well, i’ll just have to wait, won’t i?
There’s one at the other end.
The 4th of July was on the 5th that year?
While not referencing Brighton Beach per se, perhaps this link to the Kansas City Public Library may help explain:
we’re finally treated to a july 2nd race in mid-ohio. it’s been a long 2 weeks between races!
Palou –unbeatable
There it is! 😀
That one is hard to miss.
taken yesterday in Chicago

You were in Chicago yesterday?
I didn’t take it, but somebody took it
we’ve had some smoke but not this bad.
taken yesterday at gocomics
Just, wow. had an insane nannybot, that censored words because some of the letters formed a banned word… for instance, you couldn’t mention Alfred Hitchcock or cocktails.
One of my favorites was when it wouldn’t let me say “ashtray”.
I finally concluded that it must be adding an “I” to the middle, and presuming a word was included that no one in their right mind would see there.
Everyone was happy that GoComics was more reasonable.
I’ve seen few serious breeches of decorum, though there must have been some for them to institute this ridiculous censorship.
Some years ago there was a high school kid throwing f bombs around on Big Nate, and it took weeks to ban him.
Now it jumps on mere suspicion of intent.
The problem is that it’s inscrutable.
It allows words you’d think it wouldn’t, and bans innocent ones.
…and the ban depends on the time of day.
Couldn’t mention the actor Dick VanDyke either.
I saw the Vivaldi piece on YouTube.
She’s a student?!
I found out today that Germany not only has volcanos, they are technically still active.
This is two years old.
She’s just a gold digger!
Thanks, Nighthawks and Susan, for another edition of nearsighted lovers.
I just made a few suggestions; the cartoon is all Nighthawks, of course.
But your comments add a lot.
Ms. Monkey fell for her boyfriend’s big red smile… He really knocked her socks off.
She whispers in his ear, “Sock it to me, baby!”
The butterfly wants his love to fly away with him…
But she’s been working at a steady clip, and he doesn’t want to part with her.
He’s not sure how attached she is… but at least she hasn’t given him the brush off.
Piglet thinks his little cutie is adorable.
He likes that she saves her money, and doesn’t run around.
No matter how busy she gets, she always has a slot open for him.
Not even trying and it popped out to me.
Lucky you.
Found it.
I was considering a few possibles, but then it jumped out at me.
Why? Is he headed to a formal dinner?
The Teddy bear picnic?
Take a dinosaur to lunch.
That’s a more realistic illustration of the size of the asteroid that caused the dinosaur extinction event. When the asteroid surface impacted with the surface of the planet, part of the asteroid was still above the atmosphere. It came in at such a steep angle that there was no warning for those in its path, alive one moment, vaporised the next.
That is a big a$$teroid.
“The End is Near!” by Dan Collins?
But drawn way out of scale. See Nighthawks’s posts.
Supposed to be a grain of sand hitting a bowling ball.
i have a cute piggy bank sitting on my desk shelf. must be related.
Alan Arkin died…
he did role from ‘bad guys’ to ‘good guys’. very versatile!
Very sad news. A fine actor.
He’ll always be Yossarian to me.
That and that he directed “The Little Murders”.
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