I too managed to get all nine, in what for me has been the quickest time ever. Some of these puzzles are more difficult than others, and some are easier, and some are real swines! (Thinking of last weeks!), and that’s a good thing because very occasionally, like today, I manage to solve it without having to resort to Susan’s solutions, and that gives me hope!!
The isn’t even a male equivalent of “maid”… which means a young unmarried woman.
“Old man” isn’t pejorative, and we don’t say “old lad”… (though in England that CAN have another meaning, like still acting adolescent, mischievous, irresponsibly flirtatious.)
Heraklion, Crete
I got all nine! Wohoo!
wow! I just posted it….that could be a new track record
I got em too.
i got them all, too!
g’night, all!
Me too!
I too managed to get all nine, in what for me has been the quickest time ever. Some of these puzzles are more difficult than others, and some are easier, and some are real swines! (Thinking of last weeks!), and that’s a good thing because very occasionally, like today, I manage to solve it without having to resort to Susan’s solutions, and that gives me hope!!
Hi, welcome, did not notice when you started to be here, or I just have missed it!
Thank you. I’ve been around here for a while, but I seldom post very often.
that’s what I should have said
P-38 Lightning
That was the one that pop wanted to fly when he was a kid.
I understand that the pilots cabin was miserable in the winter and summer.
I’ll bet it was peaches and cream in the spring and autumn, though. 😉
I was always fond of these. IIRC, first plane to be fitteds with radar as a night fighter.
great shot!
the Wright Flyer
You got that Wright!
Wow… That must be way more than a gaggle..
A gagzillion?
“Who called this meeting, anyway?”
What are we supposed to be looking for in this one?
the two geese with their beaks open
Found them!
Clone school graduates.
When I was about 12 it was every girls dream to be one. Eek.
can you spot the girl who looks different?
What dog? Do you see a dog?
I’d like to see those dogs herd these geese into a circle, like in the video.
Parrot: “Hah!”
NINE (Thanks Nighthawks)
I love the Orange Blossom Special!
I got eight before i started seeing double.
I’ll try again in the morning.
Good night people and pets. 🙂
I remember the strip from whence came tonight’s puzzle…
So I just want to say, first…. thank you Nighthawks, for choosing this frame to immortalize in puzzle form, and not the last one.
Meanwhile,all you Cleo pals and puzzle people… Enjoy chasing that fly around, and spotting the differences between the panels…
We’ve already had a few good reports, and I expect more!
When you’re finished finding them, or you’ve swatted as many as you possibly can…
I leave that to your conscience, but don’t let that bazooka and fly swatter carrying canine, Cleo, catch you copping out early…
Then you can check your results against mine….

Was that meant to make us all smile?
toasted cheese
Say “treat”.
Geez, I hope they’re not all customers of the tobacconist’s. Or his employees.
Good dogs!
GREAT videos to relax, sit back, and enjoy the morning. thanks, NH!
I too got all nine in the quickest ever, now nighthawks that does not mean you have to make the next one real hard! LOL
I think 12 gauge rock salt would do it.
Good “What’s the Diff?” Saturday Cleoites!
Y’all have a blessed day. (((((HuGz!)))))
If you’re familiar with the sea shanty challenge on Tik Tok. Found a new audio:
Am i an old maid ?
It’s always been a double standard.
Men are bachelors; women are old maids.
The isn’t even a male equivalent of “maid”… which means a young unmarried woman.
“Old man” isn’t pejorative, and we don’t say “old lad”… (though in England that CAN have another meaning, like still acting adolescent, mischievous, irresponsibly flirtatious.)
A bit surprised that we have a national cognac day, especially since true cognac is made in France.
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