This so reminds me of my little dog the first time he saw snow. Without going into why, he was full grown before he ever encountered winter weather. We were living in an apartment, and it had snowed a true blizzard overnight. When I took him for his morning walk, we got outside the building and he stopped dead in his tracks. There was unbroken, unshoveled, deep snow over everything. He stared at the snow, then looked at me, then looked at the snow again, and looked at me. You could see the wheels turning. There were two or three steps down to the walkway, and I said “go ahead.” He stepped out and disappeared into the snow just like this pooch. There was some rustling around under the snow before his little black head came sticking up, and I could have sworn he was smiling from ear to ear. He leapt up out of the snow to get around, and each time he did he disappeared under the blanket again. He loved it! Just like a little kid.
I also had a little black dog who was fully grown when she first saw snow…. actually the only time. It was the opposite of your dog’s reaction.
It doesn’t snow where I live, but one time we had to drive over the Altamont pass.
Near the top we got out at a public rest stop, and let her do her doggie business.
There was snow on the ground. She didn’t know what it was. Touched it with a timid paw and shrank back. Several times. Wouldn’t walk in it.
Eventually her need overcame her reluctance… Have you ever seen a dog try her best to pee standing on one front foot?
She had to keep putting the other one down, as briefly as possible, but both hind legs stayed in the air,… nothing was going in the right direction… so funny.
When she was finished being a little doggie fountain, her back feet hit the ground, and she almost broke her leash trying to bolt for the car.
I saw this one, so apparently it’s current.
There was one at CGC 7… for $95,000!
And though this is issue #1, Issue #181 is more valuable… I think it introduces Wolverine, and I don’t know what else…. didn’t have time to really check it out. (It’s not like I know this stuff!)
I couldn’t find this picture captioned with the names, and I never watched the show, so I can’t identify them from a list of the actors…
i only know a few….
Rob Lowe in back, as Liverlips already said.
The fellow bending over the chair back is John Spencer. He was previously on LA Law.
I know Allison Janney was in it…. Strangely, I can’t decide whether that’s her in this picture. She’s usually rather blonde, and a bit more attractive… But it could be an unflattering shot.
I don’t see…
Martin Sheen, and I thought he was
the star of the show, though I suppose it’s more of an ensemble things.
Strangely, there’s a lot of Canadian stuff, especially food, in our Dollar Tree.
My sister, in Victoria, is trying to buy all Canadian, including food, but has been dismayed to discover that some Canadian brands have “product of USA” in tiny letters on the label.
Mine is better…
Forget the humans, I’m voting for him! (Or her)
It looks to me like she has done that before.
Yee Haa !!!
I hope that’s true….
Cos I thought maybe she jumped off the stairs to escape putting her paws on the last few snowy steps, not knowing she was jumping into icy water. 🥶
icy water?–looks like just powdery snow to me
Same here.
You’re probably right…. when my eyes were tired it somehow looked like water splashing.
This so reminds me of my little dog the first time he saw snow. Without going into why, he was full grown before he ever encountered winter weather. We were living in an apartment, and it had snowed a true blizzard overnight. When I took him for his morning walk, we got outside the building and he stopped dead in his tracks. There was unbroken, unshoveled, deep snow over everything. He stared at the snow, then looked at me, then looked at the snow again, and looked at me. You could see the wheels turning. There were two or three steps down to the walkway, and I said “go ahead.” He stepped out and disappeared into the snow just like this pooch. There was some rustling around under the snow before his little black head came sticking up, and I could have sworn he was smiling from ear to ear. He leapt up out of the snow to get around, and each time he did he disappeared under the blanket again. He loved it! Just like a little kid.
I also had a little black dog who was fully grown when she first saw snow…. actually the only time. It was the opposite of your dog’s reaction.
It doesn’t snow where I live, but one time we had to drive over the Altamont pass.
Near the top we got out at a public rest stop, and let her do her doggie business.
There was snow on the ground. She didn’t know what it was. Touched it with a timid paw and shrank back. Several times. Wouldn’t walk in it.
Eventually her need overcame her reluctance… Have you ever seen a dog try her best to pee standing on one front foot?
She had to keep putting the other one down, as briefly as possible, but both hind legs stayed in the air,… nothing was going in the right direction… so funny.
When she was finished being a little doggie fountain, her back feet hit the ground, and she almost broke her leash trying to bolt for the car.
Who knew they were Marlboro® men? (Trivia time: Did you know Marlboro was originally marketed as a women’s cigarette?)
Got ’em. And the movie.
Dunno about Marlboros, or how long the younger one was a smoker.
He’s in his 80s now and I don’t think he smokes…. but what do I know.
The older one, though, was a heavy smoker most of his life.
He did quit at some point, but nonetheless died some years later of lung cancer.
I’ll take a dozen…
Well, after all, you do get free shipping.
Might as well take advantage.
I couldn’t believe it, so I searched for one.
That CGC 4.5 is a grade, based on condition.
I saw this one, so apparently it’s current.
There was one at CGC 7… for $95,000!
And though this is issue #1, Issue #181 is more valuable… I think it introduces Wolverine, and I don’t know what else…. didn’t have time to really check it out. (It’s not like I know this stuff!)
But i saw that one for $225,000!
She looks a bit like my Aunt Joy. Otherwise I’m drawing a blank…
I know this is a still from
Is that one guy Hugh Hefner?
Does look a bit like him.
If you’re talking about the fellow standing in back in the dark jacket…
Leaving aside that I’ve never heard of Hefner acting in a television show… he had no need of work…
When The West Wing started, he would have been about 74, the time it ended he was maybe 80.
Yes, it’s
I couldn’t find this picture captioned with the names, and I never watched the show, so I can’t identify them from a list of the actors…
Rob Lowe in back, as Liverlips already said.
The fellow bending over the chair back is John Spencer. He was previously on LA Law.
I know Allison Janney was in it…. Strangely, I can’t decide whether that’s her in this picture. She’s usually rather blonde, and a bit more attractive… But it could be an unflattering shot.
NOT my aunt Joy…
(My Dad’s favorite.)
Yes…. and sorry, I’m not going to put this in a spoiler, cos that way more people will see it.
It’s a scene from Swing Time, which she made with Fred Astaire, in 1937.
This must be from the artist’s blue period.
Someone’s been reading Jule Verne’s “Five Weeks in a Balloon (1863)…”
They don’t stop at “L”.
No, but I can hear lips tick…
Too small. I’m going to have to blow it up.
Does anyone els see a bunch of little Plesiosaurs?
I try not to… But there they are.
I couldn’t remember the name… Thanks.
In spite of two “tricky”s in the description, my word for it would be
You can’t believe everything you read.
Ah! I thought the artist was flipping us the bird…
Know the guy on the right.
Not the first time I’ve thought
Only now I know I’m probably thinking that, so I usually know who it really is. 😁
The guy on the left is
Sounds good to me!
I wish i had a list of items in my grocery store that was made in Canada.
I would buy it over anything corporate usa.
Thank You!
I’m doing the same with non corporate companies in the PNW.
The local Made in Oregon store gets my patronage.
Strangely, there’s a lot of Canadian stuff, especially food, in our Dollar Tree.
My sister, in Victoria, is trying to buy all Canadian, including food, but has been dismayed to discover that some Canadian brands have “product of USA” in tiny letters on the label.
We’ve started getting a lot of information on what “Made in Canada” really means. Unfortunately none of it is straightforward…
Wisconsin Advice.
Works for me.
Come smell our dairy air!
From today’s London “Daily Mail.”