Since I made the previous comment, I tried to research this painting, and it was mysterious.
It’s acknowledged to be AI.
Prints of it were for sale, with no mention of the artist’s name, location or bio.
Then I found a site that said “Suima” above the picture…. No indication of whether that was the title, the artist’s name or the company selling the work.
I googled it, and found out that it’s actually the name of a purposely anonymous AI artist.
She’s known to be female, lives in Japan, and may or may not be Japanese. She’s been producing AI art since she learned about it in 2023, but wont provide any other information, or photos… even her real name.
Suima is a Japanese word meaning disastrous flooding, also kelpie or water demon.
It’s true. I watch many ancient history videos.
Sharks got weird at times.
The problem is, we only have the teeth and jaws.
And it turn out that it wasn’t even a proper shark. It’s related to the ratfish.
What a weird creature!
I can’t help but think that there must have been “plate” on the roof of its mouth to prevent it from piercing it every time it closed its jaws.
That’s what happened at a friend’s house… Not once but TWICE!
Only not ducks.
First ‘possums…. she fed one, then a few showed up.
Eventually she was buying them huge bags of kibble.
A mutual friend and I convinced her it was bad to feed wildlife…
She tried to stop but they broke her screen door and ate her dog and cat food, and sometimes got on the kitchen counters and stole fruit.
She was going to call animal control but they strangely disappeared.
Some time later a raccoon showed up.
She didn’t tell me till she was feeding a mob of raccoons.
I told her the raccoons probably ate the ‘possums.
I’ve known raccoons… they may be cute but they’re predators.
Years before, they had killed all of another friend’s teenage daughter’s 4H rabbits.
One bit a neighbors dog
I told her to call animal control before they came after her cats.
She did, and they all got trapped.
Yes, the line work and inking in these vintage strips was amazing.
Done carefully, and eleganly…. in the days when cartooning was an important medium.
Not that it isn’t, still. But today there’s so much competition for entertainment, and the comics aren’t as likely to be given a whole page on the newspaper, and discussed at dinner parties and on the radio.
This strip is from when Snuffy Smith was still a supporting player in the Barney Google strips.
He ended up being more popular than Barney, and taking over.
When i was a kid, we had Snuffy Smith in the Sunday paper, and the only thing I knew about Barney was a song my mother sang little snatches of.
I really liked Bassettown… even though the first time I saw it, I had no idea what was going on half the time.
I ending up seeing it I think twice more…. not because I wanted to have another chance to follow the convoluted plot, but because whoever I watched it with at the time wanted to see it.
I admit, though, that it didn’t hurt when it came to understanding the action!
Faye Dunabasset manages to be sleek and fashionable, and Jack Nicholhound cool and smart, both for when the story is set and for when the film was made, all at the same time.
The art direction was impeccable, the sets and costumes a perfectly 1970s version of the 1930s.
Fun to watch if you didn’t mind a little murder now and then.
The story has more twists and turns than a box of corkscrews …
And so much in common with actual events that people think it’s historically accurate..
But it’s quite different from the truth, and even made the real life hero into a villain. Still a suggestion of the way things worked, even if the true story was different.
Every day?
If not, close.
I’m thinking it looks like an illustration for a novel….
Everybody in town wonders and speculates about the mysterious floating A in the canal….
it might be a ghost story, since the mysterious A is transparent and ghostly-looking
Since I made the previous comment, I tried to research this painting, and it was mysterious.
It’s acknowledged to be AI.
Prints of it were for sale, with no mention of the artist’s name, location or bio.
Then I found a site that said “Suima” above the picture…. No indication of whether that was the title, the artist’s name or the company selling the work.
I googled it, and found out that it’s actually the name of a purposely anonymous AI artist.
She’s known to be female, lives in Japan, and may or may not be Japanese. She’s been producing AI art since she learned about it in 2023, but wont provide any other information, or photos… even her real name.
Suima is a Japanese word meaning disastrous flooding, also kelpie or water demon.
I know the guy in the middle (or his father or his brother…)
Probably both, and his other brother too
And his little dog, too…
Nope. Not buying it!
It’s true. I watch many ancient history videos.
Sharks got weird at times.
The problem is, we only have the teeth and jaws.
And it turn out that it wasn’t even a proper shark. It’s related to the ratfish.
What a weird creature!
I can’t help but think that there must have been “plate” on the roof of its mouth to prevent it from piercing it every time it closed its jaws.
I love that last sentence.
I don’t doubt the fossil — I’m just betting it’s being misinterpreted.
Got nine of ’em!
I’m so impressed.
Your reading skills are top notch!
This scene takes place beginning at 2:48
Everybody line up!
That’s what happened at a friend’s house… Not once but TWICE!
Only not ducks.
First ‘possums…. she fed one, then a few showed up.
Eventually she was buying them huge bags of kibble.
A mutual friend and I convinced her it was bad to feed wildlife…
She tried to stop but they broke her screen door and ate her dog and cat food, and sometimes got on the kitchen counters and stole fruit.
She was going to call animal control but they strangely disappeared.
Some time later a raccoon showed up.
She didn’t tell me till she was feeding a mob of raccoons.
I told her the raccoons probably ate the ‘possums.
I’ve known raccoons… they may be cute but they’re predators.
Years before, they had killed all of another friend’s teenage daughter’s 4H rabbits.
One bit a neighbors dog
I told her to call animal control before they came after her cats.
She did, and they all got trapped.
I think she still blames me.
That’s great.
Who helped grandma get up?
“Life is good!”
Taken by Ruth M. Anderson, photographer for the Hispanic Society of America, in Asturias, Spain, in 1925.
I want to say the second longest hitting streak is by either Pete Rose or Tony Gwynn, at somewhere between 41 – 44 games.
Think I got it.
I was about to post my solution, when I refreshed and saw yours.
And I hadn’t even numbered all the socks.
But we found the same lonely one.
Oof. If I counted right, that’s a triple twisting triple somersault he just landed, which is insane. Or more accurately, he is insane.
“Hey! – I can see my house from up here!”
If I tried that, I’d be more like:
“Hey! I can see the hospital bed from up here!”
but just for a second
and from October , 1938

absolutely love the ink work
Yes, the line work and inking in these vintage strips was amazing.
Done carefully, and eleganly…. in the days when cartooning was an important medium.
Not that it isn’t, still. But today there’s so much competition for entertainment, and the comics aren’t as likely to be given a whole page on the newspaper, and discussed at dinner parties and on the radio.
This strip is from when Snuffy Smith was still a supporting player in the Barney Google strips.
He ended up being more popular than Barney, and taking over.
When i was a kid, we had Snuffy Smith in the Sunday paper, and the only thing I knew about Barney was a song my mother sang little snatches of.
Around here, there was a Barney Google Ice Cream Shoppe, lasted about 7 years or so, situated across from my old High School.
Wow ! ! !
This young man obviously has a removable spine.
Part cat; no doubt.
there are human beings
and then there is this guy
Confidence when dealing with lions.
Clearly some well-fed lions.
I saw that one at a drive in.
Great detective flick.
One of my all time favorite lines…. even though the common attribution to Groucho Marx has been pretty much debunked.
I was still happy to find another favorite still linked to his name..
“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.”
But I recently found out he probably didn’t say that either.
He was just so good at that sort of thing, that if people hear a good pun anywhere, they assume he gets the credit.
It’s official — according to the internet nobody has ever said anything…
I really liked Bassettown… even though the first time I saw it, I had no idea what was going on half the time.
I ending up seeing it I think twice more…. not because I wanted to have another chance to follow the convoluted plot, but because whoever I watched it with at the time wanted to see it.
I admit, though, that it didn’t hurt when it came to understanding the action!
Faye Dunabasset manages to be sleek and fashionable, and Jack Nicholhound cool and smart, both for when the story is set and for when the film was made, all at the same time.
The art direction was impeccable, the sets and costumes a perfectly 1970s version of the 1930s.
Fun to watch if you didn’t mind a little murder now and then.
The story has more twists and turns than a box of corkscrews …
And so much in common with actual events that people think it’s historically accurate..
But it’s quite different from the truth, and even made the real life hero into a villain. Still a suggestion of the way things worked, even if the true story was different.
The attatchment (from today’s London “Daily Mail) will probably cause a few groans (it’s worthy of Susan).
Boo! 😀
sorry Hap–I have to admit to a hearty LOL