That one caught me by surprise!
Very graphic!
The above (aswx) thanks to Buddy.
He and QTπ are wrastlin’ on the bed.
I may need to curb that when he gets bigger…
Great film, obviously, and an imposing visage peering out from Stel Bel’s poster.
Liverlips McCracken
2 years ago
Perhaps unusually for folks of my generation, I was never a fan of Andy Kaufman. The only thing he ever did that I thought was funny was his role in Taxi as Latka Gravas.
I was never a big fan of him either, save for a couple of bits he did (I do like the Mighty Mouse one). I never even cared for him on Taxi. I was impressed by Jim Carrey’s portrayal of Kaufman in the movie, though.
I liked him…. especially his odd persona, and his ability to confuse audiences.
He was a perpetual mystery, to the point where you didn’t know whether he was a genius or legitimately off his rocker.
He was truly a performance artist, not just a comedian.
I wasn’t crazy about Latka on Taxi because they took his character and fit him into a scripted sitcom role.
It was funnier to me when he originally invented him as a nameless character in stand-up, and you never knew what he would do.
I didn’t like his alter ego Tony Clifton at all… but you weren’t supposed to.
Then the wrestling really kind of turned me away… especially wrestling women.
But it was always interesting to see what he would do next… including his tangled relationship with another comic…
Bob Zmuda… I’d forgotten his name, so I just had to look it up….
who supposedly showed up at engagements as Andy sometimes, or especially as Tony Clifton, and nobody knew it…. even on David Letterman.
That was a trick he borrowed from another Andy…. Andy Warhol, who sent a doppelganger to speaking engagements and called it performance art.
I liked Jim Carrey in the film… it was impressive.. except I never thought he had Kaufman’s total (and no doubt fake) meekness thing down…
I could always see through to the Jim Carrey underneath, in those scenes, because he has a lot more ego and self-assurance that he can’t quite drop…. and a drive to be funny.
Kaufman acted like he didn’t know he was funny… he always sort of played innocent onlooker to his own work.
Click on one of the buttons that says “order test kits” and you’ll be taken to a US Post Office site…
There’s a Post Office form that asks for a name and address, plus your email if you want delivery updates. No credit card or more sensitive info.
I got four last month and it took weeks… but I ordered four more today, and already have a delivery notice for Friday.
These tests are reliable positive indicators. If you test positive, you need to isolate for ten days, and if you’re a senior or have underlying conditions, call your medical provider ASAP for treatment options.
If you have symptoms and get a negative result, you should test again in 24 hours and/or get a PCR test (the kind that goes to a lab) from a testing site or your medical center.
Don’t assume that one or two people won’t ever need eight tests. Just get them while you can.
You’ve got the cheaper gasoline, we’ve got the cheaper (for home use) or even free tests…
“Thanks” to the prices for gas and the like, we’re about to run out of about everything here in Germany soon. Not only flour and sunflower oil. Guess where most of the wheat and the sunflowers are grown…
I don’t think that anybody will starve here because of that, but the prices for groceries already went sky high.
F*ck any war.
Roman Forum, Ides of March Peter Zelei Images/Getty Images
BING Picture of the Day, 3.15.2022
(Click on photo to enlarge.)
Beware the Ides of March
We’re at the Roman Forum for the Ides of March, a date made famous as the time of Julius Caesar’s assassination. According to the ancient historian Plutarch, Caesar had been warned by a seer that his life would be in danger no later than the Ides of March, something that William Shakespeare dramatizes in his famous tragedy of Caesar’s life and assassination. While historical fact and fiction can diverge, we do know that before March 15, 44 BCE was over, a group of senators had intercepted Caesar here in the Forum as Caesar was on his way to the Senate House. They stabbed him 23 times, killing him. Afterward, Rome descended into civil war, ending the Roman Republic, and leading to the rise of the Roman Empire.
The Forum was a city square in which Rome’s commercial, political, and religious activity took place, along with the occasional assassination. It was a site of ceremonies and celebrations. It was where Mark Antony’s famed funeral oration for Caesar was given, and where Caesar’s body was burned before the public. Today the area is a popular tourist attraction, drawing more than 4.5 million visitors in an average year.
[human version]
Mr. Dimond, any time is good.
And now you’re just taunting me….
Ya think…? Nah.
Time to call Ghostbusters?
What and how?
Here’s a link with more info on the artist and the sculptural city-scape nebulas she creates:
The man-made NEBULAS: Artist creates enormous glowing space sculptures that seem to float in mid-air | Daily Mail Online
Ya heard that one before then?
Or maybe “Oh Pablo… I bet you say that to all the girls.”
i love how her ‘breathe’ is taken away, too.
“Good heavens! Pablo got an ‘F’ in art! … Well, I’m just going to go down to that school myself and meet this teacher face to face!”
That one caught me by surprise!
Very graphic!
The above (aswx) thanks to Buddy.
He and QTπ are wrastlin’ on the bed.
I may need to curb that when he gets bigger…
Which will happen “overnight” when you least expect it.
I was unsuccessful when I tried to look up “ASWX”. A little help here, please…..?
No meaning… I think just random letters struck while being jostled, in the grip of the wild, double-puppy whirlwind.
Not deleted, but instead, left to stand as a testament to its strength.
Happy³ … Feel free to correct me if I have it wrong…
But my other post was based on that same impression…
and meant to serve as a warning to tame the savage beast while it’s still possible….
BEFORE you’re unable to type ANYthing ever except random letters.
One big fat paw. He hit those letters and the CapLoc. One paw on a puppy that i can tuck under my arm.
Buddy is going to be a Big Boy.
OK….now I get it! Thanks to both of you!
Great film, obviously, and an imposing visage peering out from Stel Bel’s poster.
Perhaps unusually for folks of my generation, I was never a fan of Andy Kaufman. The only thing he ever did that I thought was funny was his role in Taxi as Latka Gravas.
I was never a big fan of him either, save for a couple of bits he did (I do like the Mighty Mouse one). I never even cared for him on Taxi. I was impressed by Jim Carrey’s portrayal of Kaufman in the movie, though.
I liked him…. especially his odd persona, and his ability to confuse audiences.
He was a perpetual mystery, to the point where you didn’t know whether he was a genius or legitimately off his rocker.
He was truly a performance artist, not just a comedian.
I wasn’t crazy about Latka on Taxi because they took his character and fit him into a scripted sitcom role.
It was funnier to me when he originally invented him as a nameless character in stand-up, and you never knew what he would do.
I didn’t like his alter ego Tony Clifton at all… but you weren’t supposed to.
Then the wrestling really kind of turned me away… especially wrestling women.
But it was always interesting to see what he would do next… including his tangled relationship with another comic…
Bob Zmuda… I’d forgotten his name, so I just had to look it up….
who supposedly showed up at engagements as Andy sometimes, or especially as Tony Clifton, and nobody knew it…. even on David Letterman.
That was a trick he borrowed from another Andy…. Andy Warhol, who sent a doppelganger to speaking engagements and called it performance art.
I liked Jim Carrey in the film… it was impressive.. except I never thought he had Kaufman’s total (and no doubt fake) meekness thing down…
I could always see through to the Jim Carrey underneath, in those scenes, because he has a lot more ego and self-assurance that he can’t quite drop…. and a drive to be funny.
Kaufman acted like he didn’t know he was funny… he always sort of played innocent onlooker to his own work.
There is too much here for me to respond to before bed!
Hah! Then you must return in the morning!!!
Ooooh… Citizen Canine is one of my all time favorite films…
And I’m not alone… it’s often voted by critics the best movie ever made!
The images from it are stuck in my head forever!
Canine as a young pup.
Canine as a tail-waggingly eager young newspaperman… bright-eyed and ….well, not exactly idealistic…
then as a portly publisher, and gradually, a scandal-plagued would-be politician.
All the adult ages played by the same amazing dog … Orshound Welles, who directed it himself.
And this is the film where, as a teenager, to the horror of my friends, I got a crush on Joey Mutten.
OK, maybe not Joey Mutten, himself….
But his character… Puppediah Leland… loyal friend, and keeper of Canine’s conscience.
“Susan,” they would say (cos that was my name back then, too)…
“He’s not attractive! He was the evil uncle, in ‘Shadow of a Snout!’”
But … I had never seen “Shadow of A Snout.”
And that scene, in this film, as he types his true opinion of Canine’s mate, alone in the newsroom… till…
OK, no spoilers… but it cemented him in my memory…
I love the name “Puppediah” to this day.
Orshound Welles himself was brilliant and dynamic…
after a wild upbringing, he succeeded at everything, very very young.
He co-wrote, directed, and starred in Citizen Canine when he was less than four years old…
only 26 in people years!
wow! that young?
Yes, yes, I was.
It was in my college film class…
I was so excited to discover that one could actually take classes about movies.
Movies!! For credit!
I mean, who knew?
Oh… You mean Orshound Welles….
Yeah… him too.
Before I leave.. which should have been hours ago…
an update about FREE Covid-19 test kits for US citizens:
These are rapid antigen tests, with results in 15 to 30 minutes, no lab involved.
The US government purchased enough test kits to make FOUR MORE available FREE to every US household.
It doesn’t matter how many are in the household.
If you previously ordered four, you can order four more…
If you haven’t ordered any, you can make two orders of four.
Go here:
Click on one of the buttons that says “order test kits” and you’ll be taken to a US Post Office site…
There’s a Post Office form that asks for a name and address, plus your email if you want delivery updates. No credit card or more sensitive info.
I got four last month and it took weeks… but I ordered four more today, and already have a delivery notice for Friday.
These tests are reliable positive indicators. If you test positive, you need to isolate for ten days, and if you’re a senior or have underlying conditions, call your medical provider ASAP for treatment options.
If you have symptoms and get a negative result, you should test again in 24 hours and/or get a PCR test (the kind that goes to a lab) from a testing site or your medical center.
Don’t assume that one or two people won’t ever need eight tests. Just get them while you can.
And don’t worry about those households with more than 4 members – they had it coming.
(sarcasm off)
A lot of us think it’s kind of a weird way to allot them…
But there’s nothing we can do about it right now, so worrying would be pointless.
There are other ways to get them, besides…
For one, insurers are required to provide or reimburse for 8 kits per month per covered individual, NOT household….
And there are other resources available to help the uninsured and the low income.
Don’t even get me started on the uninsured, and the need for universal healthcare in the US.
Reimbursement is slow or impossible for people who don’t have the resources to even temporarily cover the $20 to $30 per kit.
This is just an attempt to distribute a lot of tests quickly, and spread them among the population asap.
It will at least help to jump-start home testing, especially as the mask mandates drop…
Hopefully, more ways will follow.
You’ve got the cheaper gasoline, we’ve got the cheaper (for home use) or even free tests…
“Thanks” to the prices for gas and the like, we’re about to run out of about everything here in Germany soon. Not only flour and sunflower oil. Guess where most of the wheat and the sunflowers are grown…
I don’t think that anybody will starve here because of that, but the prices for groceries already went sky high.
F*ck any war.
thanks, Susan. i just ordered 4 more.
You’re welcome!
Glad if it helped.
Thank you, Susan!!!!!
ordered on the 15th and got them today, 17th, wow, first order took almost two months!
Same here.
Ordered Monday the 14th, got a notice, as I mentioned, saying they’d be here Friday…
But they arrived Wednesday, the 16th.
That is one cranky lookin’ canine!
Good Tuesday morning to all you puppy picture poster phans!
Y’all have a great day! (((((HuGz!)))))
Sahara Dust and (soon) Blood Rain Day here…
Happy National Beware of Ides Day!
Et tu, Brute…?
Roman Forum, Ides of March
Peter Zelei Images/Getty Images
BING Picture of the Day, 3.15.2022
(Click on photo to enlarge.)
Beware the Ides of March
We’re at the Roman Forum for the Ides of March, a date made famous as the time of Julius Caesar’s assassination. According to the ancient historian Plutarch, Caesar had been warned by a seer that his life would be in danger no later than the Ides of March, something that William Shakespeare dramatizes in his famous tragedy of Caesar’s life and assassination. While historical fact and fiction can diverge, we do know that before March 15, 44 BCE was over, a group of senators had intercepted Caesar here in the Forum as Caesar was on his way to the Senate House. They stabbed him 23 times, killing him. Afterward, Rome descended into civil war, ending the Roman Republic, and leading to the rise of the Roman Empire.
The Forum was a city square in which Rome’s commercial, political, and religious activity took place, along with the occasional assassination. It was a site of ceremonies and celebrations. It was where Mark Antony’s famed funeral oration for Caesar was given, and where Caesar’s body was burned before the public. Today the area is a popular tourist attraction, drawing more than 4.5 million visitors in an average year.
(BING accompanying photo description)
Now if history would only repeat itself in a certain area on the other sider of the world!
“Afterward, Rome descended into civil war, ending the Roman Republic, and leading to the rise of the Roman Empire.”
it’s also MMM’s 81st Birthday, today!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to MMM. I hope you both have a wonderful day.
thanks, perky!
Hoppy, hoppy, hoppy!!! 😀
thanks, happy3!
Happy b’day, indeed! Once more around the sun!
thanks, LL. i’ll pass that on!
Happy Birthday!
thanks to you, Tigressy.
Haps Birfday to MMM.
There’s some leftover pie
thanks, Plods!
Happy Birthday, Mountain Man!
you folks make his day! thanks!
Happy birthday MMM!
Or I guess to us, it’s just MM.
Anyway, please tell him we wish him the best!
will do, Susan. thanks!
Happy Birthday to ML’s MM !!!!!! Yayyyy!!!
Stel……thanks so much!
nice poster, Stel. i’ve always appreciated the many talents of Oshound Wells!
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