Clint Walker is the actor’s name in the credits. He played a character named Samson Posey. As you can see, he was in fact a physically large, imposing man. I assume Ali was on the set to visit his friend Jim Brown, who played Robert Jefferson in the movie.
There are sand sculpture contests where people create even more complicated creatures…. but I’m this case the glassy round eyes, with black “liner”, and the pink nose make me think it’s AI.
Plus the fur tufts inside the ears look too delicate to be modeled in snow, which doesn’t hold details very well.
In the early seventies, when I was stationed in Turkey, some of us built a large hand fiving the “peace” sign (two fingers, not one) that was around 12 feet tall. Unfortunately, I not longer have my photo of it.
One thinks of the middle east being mostly a hot desert, but Ankara is at about the same latitude as Denver, and it’s on a high landmass. Winters are similar.
He illustrated Poe’s works but I only got two, “The Pit and the Pendulum” and “A Descent Into the Maelström.” His Grimm fairy tales escaped me entirely.
Before I get any farther distracted, commenting on everything else, I suppose someone must want the solution to today’s puzzle.
I didn’t see any comments about it, but I just know you’re all trying hard to find nine differences…. And we should do that before that poor starving puppy dog has to stand outside too long in the cold.
Or, knowing that particular puppy dog, before she gives up on making sad, pleading faces at the nice lady inside, and just comes in through the door with an AK-47 to demand some dinner.
Alexi. I enjoy much of your input, and it’s often enlightening. Yeah, this is funny in a way, as are so many thousands of other things from many sides of the political spectrum. But I respect the years of work that Nighthawks and StelBel have put into C&C too much to want to see it hijacked by politics or religion or other controversies. That’s my opinion, and I’ll delete this and back off if Nighthawks wishes it so. He can even get in touch with me directly, as Susan can share my email with him (probably my address and picture as well).
I have known about the Trump family all my adult life. When i was in the service i had a roommate from Foxborough, that let me know all about him, and his pop. I have despised him since long before he was a TV star or a politician.
Please, stop posting this shit. Please?
Disclaimer: this is completely my opinion. I don’t represent Nighthawks or Cleo and Company in any capacity.
That said… no matter what my politics, which are a pretty open secret, or which side anyone is on…
I think we’re all meant to understand that this site is neutralterritory.
I also completely understand why Canadians are particularly riled, and that it’s hard to hold your tongue… It’s even hard for me.
But there are plenty of websites and even political cartoons on GoComics where posting about it is welcome.
I’m suffering from… I’ll call it battle fatigue. Reading about it night and day.
It’s very hard to find a peaceful place where we can laugh and relax and try to forget our differences, however briefly. People are more than their politics.
If everywhere we go, we run off everyone who disagrees with us, there will be no common ground in the world, no place to learn anything from each other.
The world will devolve even more than it has into armed camps, with no communication, no change or growth, no chance to reunite.
The chasm has already split families and close friends, and without effort, will do nothing but widen.
Not only that … Please.
Besides being a talented cartoonist who deserves recognition, Nighthawks has indeed given time, effort, and even money to keep this website going.
You were not elected, and are not entitled, to make anyone feel unwelcome, or reduce site traffic to only those who agree with you.
If Nighthawks’ chooses to do that, whether for political or any other reasons, it’s his right, not yours.
If you want to put all the effort into creating your own site, where you can do that… Feel free.
Does anybody know what this (?warehouse?) is about?
There is obviously a glitch that needs to be fixed, but I have no idea what those things do when they’re working properly.
However, if, like here, a second bot is trying to do the same, they can get stuck in a loop, like here. I would think that the programming will trip an alert if the same avoidance routine is run too many times in succession.
Oh yuk! Ma, quit it!
He may be embarrassed by Mama’s kisses, now that he’s practically a full grown bear… but he can’t manage to look more fierce than happy!
And apparently for its proximity to a good window installation company.
Kinda rare in the 1100s.
That looks a lot like a setting from one of Clint Eastwood’s spaghetti westerns .
I think you have one.
Um … Actually…
But he’s in fact visiting
Here he’s talking
Clint Walker is the actor’s name in the credits. He played a character named Samson Posey. As you can see, he was in fact a physically large, imposing man. I assume Ali was on the set to visit his friend Jim Brown, who played Robert Jefferson in the movie.
You guys!
Clint Walker was Cheyenne on TV!
Big tall guy… Taller than Ali!
He towered over the villains.
Starred in that series for years, rotating with couple of others, like Sugarfoot.
The artist was still in his Day-Glo® period…
Somewhere in NOLA?
I think I drank some overpriced bourbon in there…
Easy. 🙂
It is
I hate not knowing!
We never will know it all. That’s what makes the search so rewarding and so frustrating at the same time.
Not AI, of course🙄
I mean, snow kitty buses are on every corner, right?
Very cute. Wish I could believe it.
Dad, 1953
This I might be able to believe.
There are sand sculpture contests where people create even more complicated creatures…. but I’m this case the glassy round eyes, with black “liner”, and the pink nose make me think it’s AI.
Plus the fur tufts inside the ears look too delicate to be modeled in snow, which doesn’t hold details very well.
Virginia Beach, VA has a yearly Neptune Festival. Part of the festival is sand sculptures.
I think I’ve seen pictures from it.
Pretty impressive… whether it was that festival or a different one.
In the early seventies, when I was stationed in Turkey, some of us built a large hand fiving the “peace” sign (two fingers, not one) that was around 12 feet tall. Unfortunately, I not longer have my photo of it.
One thinks of the middle east being mostly a hot desert, but Ankara is at about the same latitude as Denver, and it’s on a high landmass. Winters are similar.
Walt Disney’s “MIDNIGHT IN A TOY SHOP” (this occurs at the 4 minute 33 second mark).
A six-legged spider! What’ll they think of next?
The gardener was still in his Day-Glo® period…
I bet I’d know him if he closed his mouth!
“The Godfather”.
He does look different with his mouth open…. And also with a clowning sort of expression… I think of him as rather moody looking.
In fact at first I thought it
But when I realized who the actress was, I knew he would have been too young.
He’s about a dozen years younger than she is, and i doubt has been in a movie with her. Or maybe any movie… I’m not sure.
Disco spiders!
Fair warning.
To me it looks like an African mask.
Sisyphus — the early years…
Pink Panther “Prehistoric Pink” (this occurs at the 2 minute 43 second mark).
I thought the style was Pink Panther.
I posted a science on the end of yesterday.
Th Milkyway galaxy is a serial cannibal!
I took the time to watch it. It was time well spent.
He illustrated Poe’s works but I only got two, “The Pit and the Pendulum” and “A Descent Into the Maelström.” His Grimm fairy tales escaped me entirely.
Before I get any farther distracted, commenting on everything else, I suppose someone must want the solution to today’s puzzle.
I didn’t see any comments about it, but I just know you’re all trying hard to find nine differences…. And we should do that before that poor starving puppy dog has to stand outside too long in the cold.
Or, knowing that particular puppy dog, before she gives up on making sad, pleading faces at the nice lady inside, and just comes in through the door with an AK-47 to demand some dinner.
So be sure you’ve given it your best….
Then you can check your solution
She does seem to have caught the young man’s attention.
I believe I’ve got them all. Now to check …
And I’m wrong. Missed one, and one of yours I had counted as two. Yours is correct. Dang!
Now I’m staring at mine, trying to figure out which one could be two!
I got eight.
I can see the one I missed now!
Got ’em!
Be careful what you wish for!
That reminds me of a bad joke I heard in the early seventies and thankfully, rarely recalled since. Now I have to forget it again.
I kind of think this is pretty much it (yeah….I know….it’s politics).
Alexi. I enjoy much of your input, and it’s often enlightening. Yeah, this is funny in a way, as are so many thousands of other things from many sides of the political spectrum. But I respect the years of work that Nighthawks and StelBel have put into C&C too much to want to see it hijacked by politics or religion or other controversies. That’s my opinion, and I’ll delete this and back off if Nighthawks wishes it so. He can even get in touch with me directly, as Susan can share my email with him (probably my address and picture as well).
I knew I was taking a risk posting the above, but if I may further risk your ire, this is what I think Trump sings everytime Elon walks into the room…
You don’t risk my ire, you only draw my pity. I’ll respond no more, out of respect for this site and the people on it.
I have known about the Trump family all my adult life. When i was in the service i had a roommate from Foxborough, that let me know all about him, and his pop. I have despised him since long before he was a TV star or a politician.
Please, stop posting this shit. Please?
Disclaimer: this is completely my opinion. I don’t represent Nighthawks or Cleo and Company in any capacity.
That said… no matter what my politics, which are a pretty open secret, or which side anyone is on…
I think we’re all meant to understand that this site is neutral territory.
I also completely understand why Canadians are particularly riled, and that it’s hard to hold your tongue… It’s even hard for me.
But there are plenty of websites and even political cartoons on GoComics where posting about it is welcome.
I’m suffering from… I’ll call it battle fatigue. Reading about it night and day.
It’s very hard to find a peaceful place where we can laugh and relax and try to forget our differences, however briefly. People are more than their politics.
If everywhere we go, we run off everyone who disagrees with us, there will be no common ground in the world, no place to learn anything from each other.
The world will devolve even more than it has into armed camps, with no communication, no change or growth, no chance to reunite.
The chasm has already split families and close friends, and without effort, will do nothing but widen.
Not only that … Please.
Besides being a talented cartoonist who deserves recognition, Nighthawks has indeed given time, effort, and even money to keep this website going.
You were not elected, and are not entitled, to make anyone feel unwelcome, or reduce site traffic to only those who agree with you.
If Nighthawks’ chooses to do that, whether for political or any other reasons, it’s his right, not yours.
If you want to put all the effort into creating your own site, where you can do that… Feel free.
for sure. let’s keep this Neutral Territory
I know it’s tempting Alex, but hold it in and stay neutral on these things.
It just causes unwanted conflict and we don’t need that.
Now here’s a happy pup! !
Safe alley, obviously.
Fawn runs and jump like that, but she doesn’t do the little dance in the end.
Does anybody know what this (?warehouse?) is about?
There is obviously a glitch that needs to be fixed, but I have no idea what those things do when they’re working properly.
Go into parking.
Considering the boxes, it’s at an Amazon warehouse. Having done some programming myself, I can understand what’s causing the glitch.
Amazon warehouse bots. Basic avoidance systems: Stop; Turn 90°; Move 2m; Turn back 90°; Forward.
However, if, like here, a second bot is trying to do the same, they can get stuck in a loop, like here. I would think that the programming will trip an alert if the same avoidance routine is run too many times in succession.
Happens to people, too…