I doubt that he is from north America. Our birds tend, with a few exceptions, to be less colorful than the rest of the world.
With exceptions. Hummingbirds come to mind there.
It’s from Africa. Saw one near the end of my time in Botswana during a 2001 trip. The Moremi Game Reserve ranger claimed it was the “National Bird of Botswana”. Funny thing, upon arrival in Botswana and on the way to my Mashatu Main Camp accommodations, a kori bustard
(if you click the image, you’ll see a description as well as a pointer to a Lilac Breasted Roller description in the Bird Guide on the left side of the page), a much larger bird, showed up, which the Mashatu ranger also claimed was the “National Bird of Botswana”. 😉 Oh well …
Tried to post the 2 bird images in reply to perkycat‘s comment on 2/24; but, they were only visible to me Awaiting for approval. I’m speculating that was because I used more than one hyperlink in the comment. When I posted them as separate comments, they’re both now visible to everyone.
Oh, and if you’re wondering, the comment before them was because I think that’s a bug (not allowing more than one hyperlink in a comment).
Hello all… I’ve been stuck in another dimension, trying, mostly unsuccessfully, to do a few things on my computer, which, considering its still-current problems, takes about 7.32 times as long as I think it will.
It won’t go online to some websites, including this one, but will go to others… it’s crazy.
I was trying to move a couple of pictures between my tablet and the computer, and vice versa, which usually takes 5 seconds, but not right now.
Anyway, it wasn’t just that I was running away from saying anything about “The Silence of the Bassets”, though I have to confess there’s a bit of that in there too.
What the heck… I know if I don’t confess some of you will just assume it anyway.
It’s true that this film is just not my cup of… well, anything, I’m afraid.
I hear it’s very well acted… How could it not be, with Jodie FostArf and Tony Hounding in starring roles?
The poster is beautiful… I find it more possible to look at than the human one especially with that animated moth.
As long as I don’t have to stare at it for too long, until my imagination takes over.
Where, pray tell, do the humans display animated movie posters?
They don’t have the special cases designed for the basset theaters, that show them in all their moving glory.
Considering the high number of human films produced every year, and how many are sheer drivel… shocking, inane, perhaps extremely violent, beyond anything the wildest basset would participate in filming….
I’m rather glad not to be subjected to an animated view every time I pass a theater.
Meanwhile, some tropes from this film have made their way into the culture… I too can make a few lame jokes about kibble beans and Chianti…
But I can’t really think about it too deeply.
If you enjoy being terrified or grossed out by a movie, as an escape… Be my guest.
I’ll be in the Scaredy Cat Row, or behind Montana Lady’s couch, depending on whether we’re seeing it at the BassetPlex IV or on video.
we saw this movie one time when it first came out… never again! scaredy cat row for me ever since!!! i have that nice big couch set up with the dvd player and pop-kibble machine, all behind the couch. 🙂
I’m quite a bit like you and Susan when it comes to scary and/or gory movies. But I did see this one (because of the insect) and didn’t find it particulaly scary at all, just a bit creepy…
Meanwhile, I remembered tonight that I couldn’t stay away completely, because, in a week full of things to celebrate or note, it’s another anniversary….
Cleo and Company’s ninth!
From March 16th 2014 to March 16th 2023 feels like the blink of an eye but it’s been nine years!
Congratulations, Nighthawks… And Stel too, and of course, our stars, Claude, Clara, and the amazingly talented Cleo Clifford.
Not the same for all of you, I know… but filling my brain…
Sunday, the 12th, this year was the first day of Daylight time, which, with apologies to those who hate it, is like a holiday to me, with my late hours.
Tuesday, the 14th, was Pi Day, and on the 15th were two birthdays we don’t actually celebrate here but end up being noted… Montana Lady’s mountain man, and in my family circle, my late brother’s, which some of us end up calling each other about.
The 16th is Cleo’s anniversary and the 17th, of course, is St Patrick’s Day.
Not this week, but not far behind, next Monday, the 20th is the Spring Equinox this year…
Let’s hope it’s really bringing Spring!
Most years it feels like spring long before its official start, but this year it seems to be lagging.
Meanwhile the little springs in my brain are in danger of springing out, trying to remember all that…
Along with remembering to roll out the garbage cans into the street tonight before I go to bed, cos it’s Wednesday night.
Thanks, Susan!! I used to remember every year, but now, it’s all I can do to remember putting the garbage cans to the curb, as well. (thanks for that reminder!)
…and, that’s all I got!
It’s confusing… “heart” usually means the sctual heart, or the center of something.
The “artichoke hearts” above, and the ones you buy in a jar, usually marinated, or sometimes in a can, are really just tiny, presumably immature, whole artichokes, well trimmed.
They’re not grown in the middle of big artichokes.
If you buy them fresh, they’re labeled “baby artichokes”, not hearts.
When you eat a full size artichoke, the best part, the solid part left after you take off all the leaves and scrape out the inedible fuzzy “choke”, is called the “heart.”
A solid disk of tender, tasty vegetable… Your prize after scraping all the leaf bottoms with your teeth and eating their bits of “meat”.
Everybody and every recipe I’ve seen calls THAT the heart.
You occasionally find THOSE hearts, stacked in a can or jar.
If you just won the lottery, you can buy them, but they’re labeled artichoke “bottoms.” Not hearts.
Meanwhile, poor artichokes.
That give their all, but people only want their hearts, their bottoms, and their babies.
♥ Another all-time favorite♥
Haven’t heard this great classic in a verrry long time ♥
I’m living with an infestation of soil/fungus gnats right now. They are drawn to my screen when i go to bed at night. Squish it!
That’s one for the big screen!!!
Somebody once sent me that gif in an email, long ago.
With the while background, I thought at first there was a real bug on my screen.
I’d better not save it now… I don’t need any more bugs in my computer.
Lilac-breasted roller

I doubt that he is from north America. Our birds tend, with a few exceptions, to be less colorful than the rest of the world.
With exceptions. Hummingbirds come to mind there.
It’s from Africa. Saw one near the end of my time in Botswana during a 2001 trip. The Moremi Game Reserve ranger claimed it was the “National Bird of Botswana”. Funny thing, upon arrival in Botswana and on the way to my Mashatu Main Camp accommodations, a kori bustard

(if you click the image, you’ll see a description as well as a pointer to a Lilac Breasted Roller description in the Bird Guide on the left side of the page), a much larger bird, showed up, which the Mashatu ranger also claimed was the “National Bird of Botswana”. 😉 Oh well …
Indigo Bunting. We were visited by such a beauty in Michigan.
And yes, they really are this bright.
Must have fallen onto StelBel’s palette.
Wilson’s bird-of-paradise

I LOVE these colorful birds!!!
reminds me that summer is only 3 months away!
This one must be a Jewish bird, wearing a yarmulke.
Actually, I don’t think it’s a yarmulke, much as I’d like it to be, because it seems to have a brim.
I think because it’s a Wilson’s Bird of Paradise, it’s wearing a hat like Mr. Wilson’s.
You’re both wrong. It’s bald! The brilliant turquoise is skin!
Then his skin has map lines on it, like a phrenology chart?
I think they’re lines of feathers (Avian male pattern baldness?)
Or at least what’s become of the cat.
Tried to post the 2 bird images in reply to perkycat‘s comment on 2/24; but, they were only visible to me Awaiting for approval. I’m speculating that was because I used more than one hyperlink in the comment. When I posted them as separate comments, they’re both now visible to everyone.
Oh, and if you’re wondering, the comment before them was because I think that’s a bug (not allowing more than one hyperlink in a comment).
I enjoyed all the add-ons but don’t have time tonight to play all the music
Hello all… I’ve been stuck in another dimension, trying, mostly unsuccessfully, to do a few things on my computer, which, considering its still-current problems, takes about 7.32 times as long as I think it will.
It won’t go online to some websites, including this one, but will go to others… it’s crazy.
I was trying to move a couple of pictures between my tablet and the computer, and vice versa, which usually takes 5 seconds, but not right now.
Anyway, it wasn’t just that I was running away from saying anything about “The Silence of the Bassets”, though I have to confess there’s a bit of that in there too.
What the heck… I know if I don’t confess some of you will just assume it anyway.
It’s true that this film is just not my cup of… well, anything, I’m afraid.
I hear it’s very well acted… How could it not be, with Jodie FostArf and Tony Hounding in starring roles?
The poster is beautiful… I find it more possible to look at than the human one especially with that animated moth.
As long as I don’t have to stare at it for too long, until my imagination takes over.
Where, pray tell, do the humans display animated movie posters?
They don’t have the special cases designed for the basset theaters, that show them in all their moving glory.
Considering the high number of human films produced every year, and how many are sheer drivel… shocking, inane, perhaps extremely violent, beyond anything the wildest basset would participate in filming….
I’m rather glad not to be subjected to an animated view every time I pass a theater.
Meanwhile, some tropes from this film have made their way into the culture… I too can make a few lame jokes about kibble beans and Chianti…
But I can’t really think about it too deeply.
If you enjoy being terrified or grossed out by a movie, as an escape… Be my guest.
I’ll be in the Scaredy Cat Row, or behind Montana Lady’s couch, depending on whether we’re seeing it at the BassetPlex IV or on video.
we saw this movie one time when it first came out… never again! scaredy cat row for me ever since!!! i have that nice big couch set up with the dvd player and pop-kibble machine, all behind the couch. 🙂
a big thank you to NH!
I’m quite a bit like you and Susan when it comes to scary and/or gory movies. But I did see this one (because of the insect) and didn’t find it particulaly scary at all, just a bit creepy…
I don’t actually think off it as scary, exactly because it doesn’t have that tension, like, thinking a mad slasher will pop out.
No, creepy is exactly how I expect it to be…
Only maybe more so than you found it…. And the premeditated evil seems deeply disturbing.
Meanwhile, I remembered tonight that I couldn’t stay away completely, because, in a week full of things to celebrate or note, it’s another anniversary….
Cleo and Company’s ninth!
From March 16th 2014 to March 16th 2023 feels like the blink of an eye but it’s been nine years!
Congratulations, Nighthawks… And Stel too, and of course, our stars, Claude, Clara, and the amazingly talented Cleo Clifford.
You can all take a bow!
If you’re wondering what I meant about this week…
Not the same for all of you, I know… but filling my brain…
Sunday, the 12th, this year was the first day of Daylight time, which, with apologies to those who hate it, is like a holiday to me, with my late hours.
Tuesday, the 14th, was Pi Day, and on the 15th were two birthdays we don’t actually celebrate here but end up being noted… Montana Lady’s mountain man, and in my family circle, my late brother’s, which some of us end up calling each other about.
The 16th is Cleo’s anniversary and the 17th, of course, is St Patrick’s Day.
Not this week, but not far behind, next Monday, the 20th is the Spring Equinox this year…
Let’s hope it’s really bringing Spring!
Most years it feels like spring long before its official start, but this year it seems to be lagging.
Meanwhile the little springs in my brain are in danger of springing out, trying to remember all that…
Along with remembering to roll out the garbage cans into the street tonight before I go to bed, cos it’s Wednesday night.
i’ve read all the messages to MMM to him, and he lol’d to each of them. thank you all for putting yesterday at the top of his big day!
It’s not rocket science, but Happy Birthday MMM!

Thanks, Susan!! I used to remember every year, but now, it’s all I can do to remember putting the garbage cans to the curb, as well. (thanks for that reminder!)
…and, that’s all I got!
thanks, Susan.—-I appreciate that. I guess I kinda forgot that our anniversary date was near.
Hard to believe it’s been 9 years…..and a very enjoyable 9 years!!
happy anniversary NH & Stel, and the crazy Cliffords!
Nine Years? WOW!!
I once had an artichoke that had a heart attack—I think its arti was choked
It’s confusing… “heart” usually means the sctual heart, or the center of something.
The “artichoke hearts” above, and the ones you buy in a jar, usually marinated, or sometimes in a can, are really just tiny, presumably immature, whole artichokes, well trimmed.
They’re not grown in the middle of big artichokes.
If you buy them fresh, they’re labeled “baby artichokes”, not hearts.
When you eat a full size artichoke, the best part, the solid part left after you take off all the leaves and scrape out the inedible fuzzy “choke”, is called the “heart.”
A solid disk of tender, tasty vegetable… Your prize after scraping all the leaf bottoms with your teeth and eating their bits of “meat”.
Everybody and every recipe I’ve seen calls THAT the heart.
You occasionally find THOSE hearts, stacked in a can or jar.
If you just won the lottery, you can buy them, but they’re labeled artichoke “bottoms.” Not hearts.
Meanwhile, poor artichokes.
That give their all, but people only want their hearts, their bottoms, and their babies.
No wonder I’ve never tried artichokes — way too much flippin’ work!
But it’s fun.
And you’re rewarded with tasty artichoke….
Plus whatever you dip them into, which in my case is a little mayonnaise.
Where’s Alexi?
i was wondering the same thing. couldn’t remember if he told us he would be gone?
wasn’t here yestiddy either
stel……… no, no, NO!
Geeeeez, ML…..I gotta post a scary one ONCE in a while…..
(I try not to do it too often, except, of course, there’s always the month of October)
Maybe Montana Lady and I can find an October cruise to… to… um…. where don’t they “celebrate” that so-called “holiday”?
Oooh… It’s Panda Day?
So the day before St. Pat’s, the traditional holiday food is Panda Express?
Sounds right to me!
Corned beef and bamboo?
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