Actually, the same ranger who claimed that about the kori bustard (not sure which, if either, that or the lilac-breasted roller, actually is)was driving. At each protected game reserve, the group had been assigned a ranger to guide them while there.
I thought I was late, but it seems not many of you are any earlier.
Was it too much green beer last night?
This doesn’t seem like that sort of crowd.
Anybody having corned beef sandwiches today?
I bought a nice (I hope) piece of corned beef to cook, because of a sale I just couldn’t resist… But I won’t make it for a while yet. Maybe next week.
They package it to keep for a long time… But just because it says June something, I don’t know that I believe it.
More importantly, for this particular discussion…
Has anybody done the puzzle?
Stel said last week that she was going to make it harder, then she promised she wouldn’t.
What does everybody think? Cos I think it was a mixture… easier at first but with a couple of tricks thrown in.
And as sometimes happens… it took me longer to find the last two than the first eight…:
But when I did, they didn’t seem as difficult to see as some I’d already found.
BTW… Some of what I talked about trying unsuccessfully to do on my computer the other day was to get the puzzle image on it so that I could make my usual solution.
Alas I’m still stuck on the tablet.
The image fades a bit when saved a couple of times on the tablet…
My “square circles” will show you the correct location of the differences…
But if you notice any lack of clarity, remember to check the same spot on the original puzzle.
In any case, after you’ve enjoyed the picture, which I thought was very funny (except for not having Cleo in it, of course)… and tried to find all TEN (don’t forget there are ten) differences…
Go ahead and check my findings,
by clicking right HERE!
I love the couple celebrating wildly at bottom right, the enthusiastic dancers on the lower left…
the guys hanging out against the wall, and the shy wallflower refusing an offer to dance.
Does the wallflower refuse or demure?
Perhaps I am reading too much into a simple drawing, but here is what I see: She would love to dance. Mental picture of gliding across the floor in this guy’s arms. She likes him, thinks he is handsome, likes that he is asking her. She is deathly afraid that she will trip over her own paws just standing up, she can’t dance well, everyone will laugh at her.
The guy equivalent would be “Gee she’s cute. I wish I could ask her her to dance. She will probably refuse. Maybe I can work up the courage. Just one more dish of punch.”
Something about the smile on her muzzle and the turning away as an over-exagerated defensive body language where crossed arms or a partial turn would suffice. Perhaps she is building a castle wall for her prince to conquer.
In the romantic comedies, he would win her heart with clever banter and they would dance the night away. In reality, he would say “Suit yourself” and walk off.
Or, it’s just a drawing of a dog.
…the overwhelming preponderance of differences being in the lower half. I work from the top down and felt terrible as the first song ended and I was halfway down the page with only a few differences accounted for.
I’m sure Stelbel will be ever so sorry when she sees how she has failed you…
Only so many opportunities present themselves as suitable places to make a change.
I don’t make the puzzle, but I do other picture “tampering”, so I know the process.
Sometimes those darn potential differences hide in there, just daring anyone to coax them into appearing…
And when that desperate search is on, probably the last thing on the puzzle maker’s mind is
“Gee, I wonder whether this will fit with the order in which P51Strega prefers to solve the puzzle.”😁
I myself work left to right. You might want to try that.
But I admit that I never find them all in one pass, so I end up going in all directions.
Sorry, I’m not looking for sympathy, and it’s not a complaint about Stellbel’s excellent puzzle. I’m merely recounting my tribulations in solving the puzzle. Sharing a bit of my life as other fine folks do here. I spend enough time photoshopping pictures to understand the challenges of making changes and blending them in.
I need no sympathy, I am satisfied with my life. I don’t expect, or even desire every puzzle, every challenge to be shaped for me. The very fact that they aren’t often leaves a tale to tell. If telling those tails upsets others, I will refrain in the future.
Often a joke contains a message, and that felt like 60% message/40% joke. I’ve been labeled a complainer elsewhere in life and I’ve tried to live that down.
“You don’t say.”
He’s got a bunny with four ears on his head!
“Cattle Drive” By: C.R. Townsend
“Serengeti Plains (giraffe)” By: Kristin Moger
“Everything I need to know, I learned from my dog.”
I don’t know who the dog is, but he’s Royal Dixon.
Another 2001 photo

(click image for description).
Hopefully they did not try to tell you that this is the national bird of Botswana.
Actually, the same ranger who claimed that about the kori bustard (not sure which, if either, that or the lilac-breasted roller, actually is) was driving. At each protected game reserve, the group had been assigned a ranger to guide them while there.
Hello, nice to meet you.
I’m not hungry, but thanks.
Love some of the details in this drawing, irrespective of the differences.
Me too…
I mentioned a few at the bottom of my solution comment…
A couple more funny things I didn’t mention, lest they be almost spoilers
Hullo Cleo Pals and People of the Puzzle…
I thought I was late, but it seems not many of you are any earlier.
Was it too much green beer last night?
This doesn’t seem like that sort of crowd.
Anybody having corned beef sandwiches today?
I bought a nice (I hope) piece of corned beef to cook, because of a sale I just couldn’t resist… But I won’t make it for a while yet. Maybe next week.
They package it to keep for a long time… But just because it says June something, I don’t know that I believe it.
More importantly, for this particular discussion…
Has anybody done the puzzle?
Stel said last week that she was going to make it harder, then she promised she wouldn’t.
What does everybody think? Cos I think it was a mixture… easier at first but with a couple of tricks thrown in.
And as sometimes happens… it took me longer to find the last two than the first eight…:
But when I did, they didn’t seem as difficult to see as some I’d already found.
BTW… Some of what I talked about trying unsuccessfully to do on my computer the other day was to get the puzzle image on it so that I could make my usual solution.
Alas I’m still stuck on the tablet.
The image fades a bit when saved a couple of times on the tablet…
My “square circles” will show you the correct location of the differences…
But if you notice any lack of clarity, remember to check the same spot on the original puzzle.
In any case, after you’ve enjoyed the picture, which I thought was very funny (except for not having Cleo in it, of course)… and tried to find all TEN (don’t forget there are ten) differences…
Go ahead and check my findings,
I love the couple celebrating wildly at bottom right, the enthusiastic dancers on the lower left…
the guys hanging out against the wall, and the shy wallflower refusing an offer to dance.
I think I’ve got ’em for once. I’ll check against your solution, and be back with the results forthwith.
Two minutes later … … … Excelsior!
9, you got me, should of have seen the one I missed, I’m sure I got the hard ones though! sad old basset!
I only got 90% of them this week.
Does the wallflower refuse or demure?
Perhaps I am reading too much into a simple drawing, but here is what I see: She would love to dance. Mental picture of gliding across the floor in this guy’s arms. She likes him, thinks he is handsome, likes that he is asking her. She is deathly afraid that she will trip over her own paws just standing up, she can’t dance well, everyone will laugh at her.
The guy equivalent would be “Gee she’s cute. I wish I could ask her her to dance. She will probably refuse. Maybe I can work up the courage. Just one more dish of punch.”
Something about the smile on her muzzle and the turning away as an over-exagerated defensive body language where crossed arms or a partial turn would suffice. Perhaps she is building a castle wall for her prince to conquer.
In the romantic comedies, he would win her heart with clever banter and they would dance the night away. In reality, he would say “Suit yourself” and walk off.
Or, it’s just a drawing of a dog.
i had to quit with 7 this week. 🙁
Not quite…
But you made a spoiler box! YAY!
spoiler box, thanks to YOU!
I got nine, but it seemed really tough…
You poor thing.
I’m sure Stelbel will be ever so sorry when she sees how she has failed you…
Only so many opportunities present themselves as suitable places to make a change.
I don’t make the puzzle, but I do other picture “tampering”, so I know the process.
Sometimes those darn potential differences hide in there, just daring anyone to coax them into appearing…
And when that desperate search is on, probably the last thing on the puzzle maker’s mind is
“Gee, I wonder whether this will fit with the order in which P51Strega prefers to solve the puzzle.”😁
I myself work left to right. You might want to try that.
But I admit that I never find them all in one pass, so I end up going in all directions.
Sorry, I’m not looking for sympathy, and it’s not a complaint about Stellbel’s excellent puzzle. I’m merely recounting my tribulations in solving the puzzle. Sharing a bit of my life as other fine folks do here. I spend enough time photoshopping pictures to understand the challenges of making changes and blending them in.
I need no sympathy, I am satisfied with my life. I don’t expect, or even desire every puzzle, every challenge to be shaped for me. The very fact that they aren’t often leaves a tale to tell. If telling those tails upsets others, I will refrain in the future.
My goodness.. I thought you meant to be funny, so I joked back to you!
Far from reading it as an actual complaint, I was in fact, so far from thinking that you would make one, that I had no idea you were serious.
I’m sorry… facetiousness is my weakness.
One reason I’m hard to insult is that I take insults as jokes when they’re not!
I wouldn’t have made light of it, much less been so heavily sarcastic, had I not thought you already did.
Please forgive me!
Often a joke contains a message, and that felt like 60% message/40% joke. I’ve been labeled a complainer elsewhere in life and I’ve tried to live that down.
that was certainly a FUNNY video!!!
Classic. I’d even say iconic, even though the word is overused.
From I think the very first season of Saturday Night Live, cos Chevy Chase plays the shark, and he left in the 2nd season.
With the original cast, which to me, except for a few later standout performers, has never been equaled.
lacy oatmeal cookies
sloppy joes
looks GOOD!
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