I’ve never had one but I’ve known several pretty well, including one I “babysat” for several weeks.
They seem to love everybody of every species… even tolerating nipping puppies and ear-pulling babies.
They also will eat anything you give them, in any quantity… along with anything you give anybody else, if nobody’s looking.
If the other dogs momentarily turn up their noses at some kibble they don’t like, the golden will meander over and eat it all before anybody realizes it.
They’re so voraciously hungry, I’m always surprised they don’t eat the little birds and kittens, but I’ve never seen one harm another creature.
Same with one of my husband’s (Birthday Boy today) acquaintances at the Botanical Garden here in Munch – the squirrels mistake him for a tree, climbing up his trousers all the time.
That’s why I said what I did yesterday… or was it the day before?
When it comes to that stuff…
Ie, details of traffic signals and signage, even rules of the road, we, or at least I, have very little idea of what is correct in England, even more so, what was correct 90 to 100 years ago.
It makes many of these impossible.
Plus there are little things that look like mistakes anyway, but probably aren’t, like houses in the distance with no windows or doors on one side.
The artist is Robert LaDuke for a certainty, but I cannot find a title for it that I consider reliable.
Some sites title it “Empire,” but a search for ‘Robert LaDuke: “Empire”‘ brings up a totally different painting.
Here are five things that entertained me when I watched four and educated me when I listened to one of them.
🙂 Kids ! ! ! 🙄
The only word for this is “cute.”
A VERY heavy metal Beatles cover (and really well sung).
I had no idea this job actually exists (and it does take skill).
Albert Einstein’s picture is a link to the 2005 “Quirks and Quarks” CBC radio show celebrating 100 years since the “Miracle Year” of 1905.
It’s 54 minutes of MIND BLOWING STUFF ABOUT EINSTEIN (I’m not kidding I’ve listened to it twice this week / I missed it in 2005 / some of his personal life outside of science, he was an accomplished violinist for instance, is revealed).
Click on the “Play Episode” arrow.
I can’t believe they would have those ‘working’ razors right there where kids could get to them. Maybe after this kid, they changed things. Thinking about when he goes back to school. Those dogs were cute.
I wonder where the heck that is!
Maybe not in the US.
I have never seen unpackaged clippers in a store where anybody, not just children, could pick them up or test them… or where there were more than a couple of models.
Even with a license, buying professional ones, which are way more expensive, I haven’t found them on open display, especially plugged in, and accessible.
You have to go to a beauty supply store, where you need credentials to shop.
They may have 2 or 3 brands, maybe a couple of models each, usually in closed boxes.
I’ve never had a salesperson offer to plug them in, so you can listen to them or feel how smoothly they run.
You usually just buy new ones in the same brand you had, sometimes without opening the box, so your old guards will fit, or because you’re loyal to Oster or Wahl or whatever.
I did once have a very wriggly little girl in my chair, who leaned forward and picked up my clippers, while I was adjusting the back of her cape.
Her mother was standing right there and said nothing.
Normally, they wouldn’t have been plugged in, but I was about to clean up her neckline with them when the cape slipped.
She turned them on, and when I heard them buzz I said “please put those down.”
She was startled, and dropped them on my station, still running.
Mother did nothing.
They worked fine, but later I discovered that she had somehow managed to cut halfway into the cord with the blades, making them unsafe.
$10 at that time for a kid’s haircut, and I had to replace my $120 clippers.
And had she hurt herself, it could have been lots worse.
I always unplugged them after that, even for a few moments.
Coda to the Scott Adams “Dilbert” mess.
Dilbert ended its main stream run on March 12, and is now available by subscription only.
I don’t know if the strip’s name is officially renamed “Dilbert Reborn” or if that’s just a description.
Scott Adams says Dilbert will become “spicier.”
As about 15 seconds into one of his “Real Coffee with Scott Adams” episodes he dropped an obscenity, I think we can safely assume that will be taken over to Dilbert.
As I said, I was never a great fan of the strip, and now I wouldn’t go looking for it.
If I want superfluous obscenities, I’ll read Stephen King.
I was a huge fan when Dilbert started. We had these idiotic presentations and workshops to learn the company “vision” and “Quality Plan” and a bunch of other meaningless mantras they insisted we recite. Dilbert was almost needed then to open their eyes. For a very long time now (decades?) it’s just been blathering coworkers. I think Adam is so far removed now, from the office life he’s supposedly portraying that it’s meaningless. I haven’t particularly enjoyed it a long time and I won’t miss it (I have books from the early days). I certainly don’t like the man he’s become.
the simplest way ( assuming my leg isn’t being pulled) is to click on the little rectangle
in the lower right of the comment box and it will allow you to choose something from
your files
As for posting a picture from your computer as an attachment (and you can only attach one per comment) if you’re running Windows, please see the attachment below (I hope it’s clear).
Interesting, I learned about the box in the lower right from Alexi & ‘hawks. I’ve been finding the picture I want to post, using Copy (Ctrl^C), then clicking in the comment box and selecting paste (Ctrl^V). It works for PC’s with Windows.
Read and accepted. I didn’t mean to be over-sensitive, your humor is very-much appreciated. BTW, I gave you a shout-out in yesterday’s Ballard Street. Apparently you’ve been letting patrons of the TIKI stagger out unfit to walk.
His name is Bob, and he lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
What else would you expect from a Golden?
Very true.
I’ve never had one but I’ve known several pretty well, including one I “babysat” for several weeks.
They seem to love everybody of every species… even tolerating nipping puppies and ear-pulling babies.
They also will eat anything you give them, in any quantity… along with anything you give anybody else, if nobody’s looking.
If the other dogs momentarily turn up their noses at some kibble they don’t like, the golden will meander over and eat it all before anybody realizes it.
They’re so voraciously hungry, I’m always surprised they don’t eat the little birds and kittens, but I’ve never seen one harm another creature.
I wonder what the birds think of Bob. Do they see him as huge? Furry? Warm? Benevolent? A tool?
Same with one of my husband’s (Birthday Boy today) acquaintances at the Botanical Garden here in Munch – the squirrels mistake him for a tree, climbing up his trousers all the time.
I guess the squirrels were after your friends nuts.
Ouch sorry, I guess I couldn’t resist the low hanging fruit.
Yes they were. He held them in his hands…
(rim shot)
happy birthday, mr. tigressy! you youngster… and many more!
Thank you, Lovely Rita! He appreciates it.
Happy B-day Mr. Tiger. I’m not as lovely as Rita, but I wish you well.
I misread your message, Tigressy, I thought it was the squirrelly guy’s birthday.
Happy Birthday Mr. Tigessir…
Hey bird dog get away from my chick,
hey bird dog your better get away quick…….
he’s a bird………
13. Round-about sign is composed of three arrows in
circle, not solid circle as shown.
That’s why I said what I did yesterday… or was it the day before?
It makes many of these impossible.
Plus there are little things that look like mistakes anyway, but probably aren’t, like houses in the distance with no windows or doors on one side.
OTOH, being 2 dimensional, they can slip through a half-inch-open window
BTW if I never said it, congratulations on your spoiler tags too!
I don’t mean for that to sound the least but patronizing… I’m just happy everybody’s getting it.
thanks a heap to our SUSAN!
I think that’s the best answer.
I wonder if these puzzles are from a driver’s training manual?
What’s wrong is that Nighthawks never has the answer!
Boy, if I get started on the topic of “what’s wrong” we’ll be here for a week.
Oh, you mean with the picture? No idea.
Thanks for the laugh! Yes, I think I could contribute a week’s worth, too.
What’s wrong? The clock shows exactly 9:00, but the sign says only “round about”.
And how about that penguin walking down the high street?
mommy dearest!
Robert LaDuke

The artist is Robert LaDuke for a certainty, but I cannot find a title for it that I consider reliable.
Some sites title it “Empire,” but a search for ‘Robert LaDuke: “Empire”‘ brings up a totally different painting.
Planes, trains, & automobiles.
do grate minds still think alike?
When I finally got this, I realized that you probably wanted to add to your collection…..
G 🐅 N
G 🐅 N
Gooood boy.
Once I saw your comment, I had to go back and read ‘em again a couple more times before I got it.
“Watch out for diabolical masterminds…”
Here are five things that entertained me when I watched four and educated me when I listened to one of them.
🙂 Kids ! ! ! 🙄
The only word for this is “cute.”
A VERY heavy metal Beatles cover (and really well sung).
I had no idea this job actually exists (and it does take skill).
Albert Einstein’s picture is a link to the 2005 “Quirks and Quarks” CBC radio show celebrating 100 years since the “Miracle Year” of 1905.
It’s 54 minutes of MIND BLOWING STUFF ABOUT EINSTEIN (I’m not kidding I’ve listened to it twice this week / I missed it in 2005 / some of his personal life outside of science, he was an accomplished violinist for instance, is revealed).
Click on the “Play Episode” arrow.
I can’t believe they would have those ‘working’ razors right there where kids could get to them. Maybe after this kid, they changed things. Thinking about when he goes back to school. Those dogs were cute.
I wonder where the heck that is!
Maybe not in the US.
I have never seen unpackaged clippers in a store where anybody, not just children, could pick them up or test them… or where there were more than a couple of models.
Even with a license, buying professional ones, which are way more expensive, I haven’t found them on open display, especially plugged in, and accessible.
You have to go to a beauty supply store, where you need credentials to shop.
They may have 2 or 3 brands, maybe a couple of models each, usually in closed boxes.
I’ve never had a salesperson offer to plug them in, so you can listen to them or feel how smoothly they run.
You usually just buy new ones in the same brand you had, sometimes without opening the box, so your old guards will fit, or because you’re loyal to Oster or Wahl or whatever.
I did once have a very wriggly little girl in my chair, who leaned forward and picked up my clippers, while I was adjusting the back of her cape.
Her mother was standing right there and said nothing.
Normally, they wouldn’t have been plugged in, but I was about to clean up her neckline with them when the cape slipped.
She turned them on, and when I heard them buzz I said “please put those down.”
She was startled, and dropped them on my station, still running.
Mother did nothing.
They worked fine, but later I discovered that she had somehow managed to cut halfway into the cord with the blades, making them unsafe.
$10 at that time for a kid’s haircut, and I had to replace my $120 clippers.
And had she hurt herself, it could have been lots worse.
I always unplugged them after that, even for a few moments.
Joy to the World
Apropos of nothing:
Coda to the Scott Adams “Dilbert” mess.
Dilbert ended its main stream run on March 12, and is now available by subscription only.
I don’t know if the strip’s name is officially renamed “Dilbert Reborn” or if that’s just a description.
Scott Adams says Dilbert will become “spicier.”
As about 15 seconds into one of his “Real Coffee with Scott Adams” episodes he dropped an obscenity, I think we can safely assume that will be taken over to Dilbert.
As I said, I was never a great fan of the strip, and now I wouldn’t go looking for it.
If I want superfluous obscenities, I’ll read Stephen King.
I was a huge fan when Dilbert started. We had these idiotic presentations and workshops to learn the company “vision” and “Quality Plan” and a bunch of other meaningless mantras they insisted we recite. Dilbert was almost needed then to open their eyes. For a very long time now (decades?) it’s just been blathering coworkers. I think Adam is so far removed now, from the office life he’s supposedly portraying that it’s meaningless. I haven’t particularly enjoyed it a long time and I won’t miss it (I have books from the early days). I certainly don’t like the man he’s become.
I can’t remember how to post a personal photo. Can someone remind me please!
the simplest way ( assuming my leg isn’t being pulled) is to click on the little rectangle
in the lower right of the comment box and it will allow you to choose something from
your files
I put a SERIES OF ATTACHMENTS HERE in answer to your spoiler box problems on St. Patrick’s Day.
As for posting a picture from your computer as an attachment (and you can only attach one per comment) if you’re running Windows, please see the attachment below (I hope it’s clear).
Thank you.
Interesting, I learned about the box in the lower right from Alexi & ‘hawks. I’ve been finding the picture I want to post, using Copy (Ctrl^C), then clicking in the comment box and selecting paste (Ctrl^V). It works for PC’s with Windows.
Oh, right… Like anybody should have believed that Cleo would make a good canine sidekick like Bullet.
Bullet was 100% there for Roy Rogers. Obedient, brave, loyal…
Calm under fire, willing to give his all, appreciative of small treats, words of praise, little pats on the head.
Even in real life, he was proud to be Roy’s devoted pet and servant.
Cleo is out for Cleo.
Disobedient, a bit whiney, loyal to her appetite.
Appreciative of… hmm… not a lot, really.
More like demanding… of pizzas, new weaponry, and of way more autonomy than dogs are usually granted
Expects her “owners” to be 100% there for her.
Proud to have such devoted servants.
She thought it would be amusing to take this role.
But now she sees it more clearly.
She had assumed that Roy would be the one to go take down the bad guys, while she sat in safety, and fired the pistols.
And that when it got tiresome, it would be time for a nap.
Where is that catering truck, anyway? Time for elevenses.
Darn 1950s set… There isn’t even a microwave in her trailer.
Before I go… A note to P51Strega…
Please please read my reply to your yesterday comment.. I completely misunderstood! So sorry!
Read and accepted. I didn’t mean to be over-sensitive, your humor is very-much appreciated. BTW, I gave you a shout-out in yesterday’s Ballard Street. Apparently you’ve been letting patrons of the TIKI stagger out unfit to walk.
Uh oh… I should have gone there!
I do, probably most nights, even if I don’t comment… But not for a couple of days.
As acting sheriff, I so try to stay beyond reproach!
chocolate caramels
last night we just watched a ‘muppets’ episode. the guest stars were roy and dale. funny, they never mention cleo starring as bullet.
Well, it was apparently only the one day… And as you see, she left quite early.
Roy needs to stick with German Shepherds! Cleo is a ‘wonder’, but not the way Roy needs her to be, unless she has a weapon.
I would expect Cleo to whip out a bazooka and take of the problem.
My big sister was a Sister of St Joseph, an order centered in Pennsylvania.
so she is experiencing a feast day in heaven, too!
Imagine how disappointed my husband was when it wasn’t a public holiday here in Germany anymore!
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