Hi, dear Susan – wikipedia.org tells me among others: “The males barely differ from the females externally. With the help of a microscope, the males can be identified by a tuft of hair on the second-to-last sternite. The sternite is found on the ventral or thoracic side.” I love this tuft of hair -Smile-
Hi, Steve.. we call them here in Germany Marienkäfer – and now I am really curious about the name of this little bug and found this – hope you like –
from Wahrig Herkunftswörterbuch (Etymology Dictionary)
Marienkäfer (translated with Google):
One of the few animals with a religiously motivated name is the ladybug, which is also associated with the Virgin Mary in other European languages: In British English, it is called ladybird and in American English ladybug (after Our Lady, Maria), Danish mariehøne, Croatian bubamara (from buba “beetle” and a derivation of the name Maria), Spanish mariquita, and Northern French bête de la vierge “virgin animal.” These names may have originated from the seven spots often found on the wings, which were associated with the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary. According to another interpretation, our ancestors believed that the Virgin sent the ladybug to exterminate pests and save the harvest. Since the ladybug also protects against witches and misfortune in popular belief, it is also seen as a lucky charm. Although not referring to the Virgin, but to God, the Russian equivalent is bož’ja korovka, which literally means “little cow of God”.
There name is also Siebenpunkt-Marienkäfer or Siebenpunktkäfer – seven points or – you would say seven dots? I have so much fun hier to improve English! Thank you for your help!
It was the same thing, but with a full grown man.
H got a little traumatized himself.
My takeaway for all three videos, never turn your back to a predator.
While we stayed in South Korea for 2 months in 2010 (April and May) we were extremely lucky: Cherry-blossom festivals everywhere we went over a couple of weeks!
It is a terrific movie. No way can I name all twelve, but I can name several.
Without placing them in the above:
E.G. Marshall, Henry Fonda, Jack Klugman, & Martin Balsam. I recognize at least two more but can’t ID them. I thought I remembered Lee J. Cobb, but he isn’t shown above.
Those jeans are (supposedly) fashionable again in 2025.
The difference is, not as street wear for teenage girls, but as high fashion for women in their 30s with $450 -$1000 to spend on “couture” ready-to-wear jeans.
Don’t specifically have any pictures of rodents (Though I could find some easily enough), but instead (Because I’m lazy this morning and I had my online repository open already) have a Clouded Leopard.
(Actually, I don’t really know how to tell these guys apart…)
But we call them ladybugs, whether they like it or not.
I doubt they know or care what humans call them, so they’re all ladies to me…. even the boy ladies.
While in their own little buggy universe, they carry on quite obliviously, doing whatever nature calls them to do.
Hi, dear Susan – wikipedia.org tells me among others: “The males barely differ from the females externally. With the help of a microscope, the males can be identified by a tuft of hair on the second-to-last sternite. The sternite is found on the ventral or thoracic side.” I love this tuft of hair -Smile-
Hope you will have a wonderful day! 🌞
It must be a very… appealing tuft of hair, to the lady ladybugs!
You bet…it will
Hi, Steve.. we call them here in Germany Marienkäfer – and now I am really curious about the name of this little bug and found this – hope you like –
from Wahrig Herkunftswörterbuch (Etymology Dictionary)
Marienkäfer (translated with Google):
There name is also Siebenpunkt-Marienkäfer or Siebenpunktkäfer – seven points or – you would say seven dots? I have so much fun hier to improve English! Thank you for your help!
You are doing good! 🙂
You do very well!
“Seven-spotted Ladybird Beetle” is a name North American entomologists would recognize.
I wondered why we called them all ladies.
That’s a lot of information I didn’t know — thanks!
Oh, I love these little beetles! 🐞
I was very small I was told it was lucky if one landed on me.
So in spite of my squeamishness about other bugs, I never minded ladybugs.
I don’t think they’re feeding him enough…
He agrees with you.
Great. Traumatize another little kid
That’ what i figured you would say. Did you see the vid i posed late yesterday?
I just clicked away the request to log in and had no problem watching the video.
It doesn’t get that far for me.
Some Facebook pages do.
If I get to Facebook and it says to log in, I can sometimes ignore it, and click directly on the page…. but sometimes that doesn’t work.
For that link, though, I only get an error message, exactly as I said.
I just went back and tried again…. Same.
“Page not working.”
It was the same thing, but with a full grown man.
H got a little traumatized himself.
My takeaway for all three videos, never turn your back to a predator.
Bad kitty! No no
Someone moved Mount Fuji!
While we stayed in South Korea for 2 months in 2010 (April and May) we were extremely lucky: Cherry-blossom festivals everywhere we went over a couple of weeks!
Trick question! There’s only eleven!
It is a terrific movie. No way can I name all twelve, but I can name several.
Off we go…into the wild blue yonder….
I was going to research it, but I didn’t have to….
The file name is Policeman-59th-Street-1964-New-York.
The actor looks familiar, but no name comes to mind.
Not an actor… A policeman.
See my post above…. we probably commented around the same time.
What could possibly go wrong.
Everything! 😀
I love the cartoon physics in these animations 🙂
Those jeans are (supposedly) fashionable again in 2025.
The difference is, not as street wear for teenage girls, but as high fashion for women in their 30s with $450 -$1000 to spend on “couture” ready-to-wear jeans.
Let’s see…she looks to be about 14 in 1977. That would have made me…mumble, mumble…let’s not talk about it anymore.
I was 12 in ’77.
Graduated in 76.
Me, too.
Me too.
15 most of it.
I was 25.
I was…..um…. never mind.
Just coming into your prime.
Okay, got him!
Sure, if you it accept that it’s a mouse.
Just in case you’d like to see where I found him….
And one rodent.
Don’t specifically have any pictures of rodents (Though I could find some easily enough), but instead (Because I’m lazy this morning and I had my online repository open already) have a Clouded Leopard.
I’ll loo at those all day.
Maybe if he wouldn’t drink so much, he could be a regular leopard.
Have a bunny.
And a handsome one at that!
I’m woking on it. Ive got two life coaches helping me learn.
Charlemagne’s Throne in Aachen. From then until 1531, it served as the coronation throne for thirty-one Kings of Germany.
Happy first day of
And to you as well.
They tell me it has sprung.
Doesn’t quite feel like it… But soon!
The forsythias are in full bloom here.
Good for you. We only have three sythias in bloom here.