I found “Dumbo” online.
1) Open the U.R.L. in a new window.
2) Click the “I’m not a robot” box (and, if necessary the “select all with “x” / sometimes it’s used most times not)
3). Wait for the countdown timer to finish.
4) When the “Dumbo” link appears click on it
5) Play as usual.
Today’s puzzle is a painting by John Steuart Curry, the well known regionalist artist from Kansas.
I recently read that while to some, he was a respected representative of his native state, and received commissions for artwork to adorn state buildings, others in Kansas didn’t appreciate his work, and fought to keep it from being shown.
They didn’t like that he painted mostly bleak scenes (like tornadoes!), and especially portraits of John Brown, the abolitionist, who some considered a hero, and others, an embarrassment.
I’m not sure I understand the Frazz strip… is she more worried about tornadoes just because the painting is hung closer to where she lives…. (which afaik is Michigan)…?
Wherever it’s displayed… we are lucky enough to have a version right here on Cleo that they don’t have in any museum!
It’s a stereo version with TEN differences between the panels!
Let’s prove we’re worthy of this special treat by finding all ten!
Got all ten! Doing happy dance!!! And thanks for your solution to confirm I was on the correct path Susan…
I don’t know if you are tongue-in-cheek referencing the Frazz comic, but… It was one published in GoComics a few weeks/months ago. I had seen the painting nighthawks started with before (maybe here on a prior “Find the Ten Differences”), so I had some inkling of the “chicken” reference. Now, it all comes together for me and makes sense with the cross-over. Nice tie-in by nighthawks!
Yes, we’ve had the painting here before, and also the puzzle, but the latter was years ago, I believe back in Sherpa days.
Someone… I think Alexikakos… posted the painting just a week or so ago, saying he learned of Curry from (IIRC) that day’s Frazz strip. I didn’t go to GoComics to read the comments on Frazz.
I did comment that we’d seen the painting before, here on Cleo.
I’m guessing that’s what inspired Nighthawks to post both today.
This is my first time seeing the Frazz… and yes, that was a real question in my post.
I understand about the chicken… but not why thinking the painting was in Kansas (farther away) made her less scared of tornadoes…. and only finding out it was in Michigan (where she lives) made her realize she needed a safety plan.
I wouldn’t think she’d feel that the location of an artwork would have any effect on the likelihood of a local weather event.
It very well could be that I saw both here at C&C recently, and at the time I never got the connection with the painting’s chicken and the Frazz comic… until now…
It’s a small world, it all goes ♫♪”round and round and round in the circle game…”♪♫
They’re helping the top pair to ant elope…
That’s a foul!
Gnus to me….
But kudus to the young couple, anyway!
I dunno.
Makes me feel “antsy”…
Ice flowers.
Skeleton flower.
Yes, it’s called skeleton flower…
We had a picture of it here before.
It’s fairly rare… native to cool, shady woodlands, in higher elevations of Japan and China.
Those beautiful petals are only transparent when wet…
and surprisingly unremarkable when dry.
Wish I could flatten my spare tire.
They blew ’em up with lung power alone? Awesome young lungs!
Definition of a twisted artist…
Clearly the guy center back, Arms Akimbo, is tripping (the light fantastic).
Time to see an optometrist to update your prescription…
I get it, I can’t draw a straight line either 😉
And politicians…
Good lord! 😀
The entomology chorus. “I’ve seen a house fly, I’ve seen a horse fly, I’ve seen a dragon fly…”
They look like they’re cheering the “Light Calvary” (I have that video playing now).
I found “Dumbo” online.
1) Open the U.R.L. in a new window.
2) Click the “I’m not a robot” box (and, if necessary the “select all with “x” / sometimes it’s used most times not)
3). Wait for the countdown timer to finish.
4) When the “Dumbo” link appears click on it
5) Play as usual.
This site is a bit odd. sometimes it will take you to the show you want immediately and sometimes you need the above.
Depends if Disney lawyers are watching or not…
She knows her place!
“I finished putting the towels away for you. You’re welcome.”
I like how (s)he knows to leave one in there to lie on.
“Who keeps putting towels in my bed!”
Been there.
find the kitty cat
Got it fast.
Yup! right there!
Aww…. It’s a cute kitty.
I’m sure you can all find it…. But if you’d like to see whether we found the same one…
Irony is a wonderful thing.
yep. nobody likes wrinkles
3 stories in this podcast.
Cued up. Will be my first bedtime viewing!
Thank you.
The Canadiens are great friends and allies; I hate to see anything happen to ruin that.
Big boy! Girl?
I would guess girl based on how he is holding the dog with his right hand and arm.
Today’s puzzle is a painting by John Steuart Curry, the well known regionalist artist from Kansas.
I recently read that while to some, he was a respected representative of his native state, and received commissions for artwork to adorn state buildings, others in Kansas didn’t appreciate his work, and fought to keep it from being shown.
They didn’t like that he painted mostly bleak scenes (like tornadoes!), and especially portraits of John Brown, the abolitionist, who some considered a hero, and others, an embarrassment.
I’m not sure I understand the Frazz strip… is she more worried about tornadoes just because the painting is hung closer to where she lives…. (which afaik is Michigan)…?
Wherever it’s displayed… we are lucky enough to have a version right here on Cleo that they don’t have in any museum!
It’s a stereo version with TEN differences between the panels!
Let’s prove we’re worthy of this special treat by finding all ten!
After you do … compare your finds with mine….
Yay, got ten. Beautiful work in making changes that fit so well with the style of the painting.
I was just coming back to ask if anyone had complemented Nighthawks on his skillful tampering with these old paintings…
Got all ten! Doing happy dance!!! And thanks for your solution to confirm I was on the correct path Susan…
I don’t know if you are tongue-in-cheek referencing the Frazz comic, but… It was one published in GoComics a few weeks/months ago. I had seen the painting nighthawks started with before (maybe here on a prior “Find the Ten Differences”), so I had some inkling of the “chicken” reference. Now, it all comes together for me and makes sense with the cross-over. Nice tie-in by nighthawks!
You’re very welcome, Baconboy!
Yes, we’ve had the painting here before, and also the puzzle, but the latter was years ago, I believe back in Sherpa days.
Someone… I think Alexikakos… posted the painting just a week or so ago, saying he learned of Curry from (IIRC) that day’s Frazz strip. I didn’t go to GoComics to read the comments on Frazz.
I did comment that we’d seen the painting before, here on Cleo.
I’m guessing that’s what inspired Nighthawks to post both today.
This is my first time seeing the Frazz… and yes, that was a real question in my post.
I understand about the chicken… but not why thinking the painting was in Kansas (farther away) made her less scared of tornadoes…. and only finding out it was in Michigan (where she lives) made her realize she needed a safety plan.
I wouldn’t think she’d feel that the location of an artwork would have any effect on the likelihood of a local weather event.
It very well could be that I saw both here at C&C recently, and at the time I never got the connection with the painting’s chicken and the Frazz comic… until now…
It’s a small world, it all goes ♫♪”round and round and round in the circle game…”♪♫
I’m settling for nine tonight…
I think I have found all nine post haste. I’ll await confirmation with baited (sic) breath. Cats are all over me.
TEN?!?! I have been led astray. Bamboozled! Once more into the breach!
Found it! Ha Ha! Thought you had me, didn’t you?
“Someone get the chicken!!! She’s literally laying money nowadays!”
1910’s movie theatre courtesy PSA.
‘Flat’ Earth proof!
That also means all the oceans and lakes are still.
Last time i checked the Pacific was still there…
It is.
If the earth were flat, cats would have pushed everything off the edge by now.