March 26, 2022

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Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

love Cab Calloway. thanks!

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago


Sorry, —comment image , but we’ve just got to have the full cartoon (this is really good resolution too / where’s Rotifer at?).




Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
2 years ago

I was curious…

Here’s some of her other artwork… for which she uses her full name, June Valentine-Ruppe.

(yes, it really is the same person.)

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Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Barney… to the painting you posted.
That got me curious too.
The “Pink magazine” logo is a link to its article crediting her with its cover art for the magazine in January of this year and a brief biography……

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….Inside here is a full flip-page version of ‘Barney’s Book of Hugs’ as read by Barney, himself. I turned the sound down.




Famed Member
2 years ago

Wow… you take a little walk in Cleveland… not paying a lot of attention, or looking about…

And suddenly, you see a friend waving frantically.
So you wave back, right?

Next thing you know, she takes a picture… and now, it’s on the internet!

She was trying to tell me that i never even noticed all the famous Cleo and Company stars behind me on the street… and in the air….

including Bassetzilla, Robin Hound…. even Cleo Clifford herself!
She was out for a walk with her humans, the Cliffords.

I walked right past the EWC! I wasn’t even paying enough mind to be afraid of him or even of Frankenbasset’s monster!

I could have talked to Superbasset! And Snoopy was in town!

I missed it all…..but wow… Now I’m in a puzzle.


And a good one! Not that any are bad ones… But look at all the characters… And the solution is pretty doable, I think

I did it, and you can too!

Then… and not before…

you can CLICK HERE to compare!

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Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Color me amped. I found ’em. Always a good day when I get a FTD puzzle right.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

WOW! Ms. Susan! you’re leading the parade!

Last edited 2 years ago by MontanaLady
Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
2 years ago

and i found all 9 tonight! WooHoo!!! see y’all tomorrow, xoxo

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Got them all pretty fast.

changing your gown that fast in broad daylight? To purplie?!? Did Super-Basset help? That innocent-looking (the other way) dog!!!
Or Wonder-Susan strikes again. Where’s your Golden Lasso?

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
2 years ago

Not to worry… It’s color-changing fabric.

Made with special color-changing dye.

No untoward exposure necessary, and certainly not occurring… ever, but especially at this age.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

I got them all this week. It took longer than it should have, though.

Last edited 2 years ago by Alexikakos
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

all nine, nice dress!

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

I found all nine and didn’t even realize it. I was looking for more when I said ‘Hey! that’s nine.’ Not used to that.

Famed Member
2 years ago

I see Cleveland has a guest star today.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
2 years ago

As it happens, I was at a concert last night by an early music ensemble called Apollo’s Fire. AKA the Cleveland Baroque Orchestra. An excellent concert by a group that appears to be having a lot of fun while also giving superbly nuanced and sensitive performances.

2 years ago

Is this more obvious puzzle a compensation for the micro-differences of recent puzzles? It is welcome.

2 years ago

Donna Summer with police backup! Hot hot hot!

2 years ago

Melanie with Miley Cyrus.

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
2 years ago

Miley Cyrus can sing!

Who knew.

Famed Member
2 years ago

When we were quite young, my ex-husband and I opened a shop in an old San Francisco storefront, selling vintage clothing, costume jewelry, and Levis.

We named it “Hot Stuff.”

We worked about 8 days a week, it seemed, from early morning till late night… even through our own break-up, but the partnership remained….
driving all over to find merchandise, visiting every flea market and garage sale we could find.

I had a work room at home, helped by a couple of young ladies who took home clothing to repair. But we were young and energetic, and we loved it.

I had designed our logo and 1930’s-ish neon sign… consisting of a green oval, with horizontal bars, around which wrapped the neon pink art deco lettering.

A young art student purporting to want to help us took photos of the sign and drew pictures of it, so we could have it printed on our cards and bags.

I could draw well enough to design it and lay it out for the neon company, but I wasn’t an experienced draftsperson.

He only charged us $100. How nice.

He soon moved to Los Angeles.

A few months later,note cards, gift bags and wrapping paper turned up in the hip stationery shops, with our logo as the design, though all in pink, and a little squared off.

The way the lettering was entangled with the oval, though, was unmistakably mine.

Gee… I wonder who copyrighted and sold it.

We talked to a lawyer, who said it would be pretty impossible to prove.

Several years later, just as I sold the business to my ex and his partner, Donna Summer came out with this song.

I’ve always wondered what inspired her.

Could be unrelated.

People used to sing it to me, as a “joke”… hahaha.

I don’t hate it, though… it’s a good song.

It does bring back memories.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

My late BIL designed the logo for his antique shop, too – and of course it was copied.

Famed Member
2 years ago

Stel… I posted to you a little too late yesterday, apparently, to tell you, among other things, that I’d responded (a little too late) to your question to me the day before… sigh.

I believe it was about Paul Newman and Robert Redford.

You may or may not want to read it… but I thought I’d give it one more try…. LOL

Last edited 2 years ago by SusanSunshine
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
2 years ago

Just saw it. I hope you know I was only teasing you. Yes, I do know that attraction is purely subjective.

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
2 years ago

Of course!

I was trying to be facetious… I mean.. would i say that stuff seriously about the Beatles?

Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
2 years ago

Dogzilla rises again!

Good morning weekly puzzlers!

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Epilepsy Awareness day

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I prefer my nougat in a Milky Way bar.

Y’all have a calm weekend. (((((HuGz!)))))

Famed Member
Reply to  Old Phart Plods
2 years ago

Now nougat I can get behind.

From: The New Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book
By: Ruth Hutchinson
Illustrated by: Tim Palmer
Published by: HARPER & BROTHERS NEW YORK 1958
Earlier edition published as: The Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book (1948)
Library of Congress catalog card number 58-8873
“Huguenot Nougat”   Credited to: Mrs. Elda Keck
First Mixture
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup boiling water
Boil together until syrup threads from spoon. Beat into it:
3 egg whites
Second Mixture
2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup table syrup
1 cup boiling water
Boil this until thick. Stir into first mixture.
Beat all together, add 1 tablespoon vanilla or preferred flavoring, add 1 cup nuts. When mixture begins to harden as it is beaten, pour into buttered tins. Cool and mark in squares.

Notes from me:
Use real vanilla extract if that is what you’re going to use, and butter for the greasing. Margarine, lard or vegetable shortening taste blends will “flatten” the taste.
Boil the second mixture on the lowest heat possible and stir; there’s a good chance it will burn otherwise.
Maple syrup is table syrup, but table syrup is not, in general, maple syrup.

Last edited 2 years ago by Alexikakos
Famed Member
2 years ago

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Just to get your attention.
Okay ! Okay ! I changed it !


I just learned that this existed yesterday.
This      LINK      leads to Donald Trump’s new social media platform.
I learned it existed because of his complaints about it not being properly reported on as being in existence by mainstream media.
Donnie, baby, the first rule of setting up a social media site is you don’t make it difficult to get on by making it necessary to download a program to do so — join if you want to comment, yes (although even that isn’t strictly necessary / witness here) — , but why would anybody download a program when there are other sites they can just go to?
There are more items about this if you go looking, but I chose to post only the attachment below to give you an idea of how vacuous this site is.
It comes from the site’s “Help Center” (click on it to make it larger / comprehensible is another matter entirely).

10 Donald Trump's Retruth.PNG
Last edited 2 years ago by Alexikakos
Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

But re-li(e)able it’s not.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

Please don’t use that picture to get our attention again. I like to enjoy this comic!

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

please don’t bring politics onto C & C

Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago

I’m with the others.

Let’s use a version of Tevye’s prayer here. “May God bless and keep TFG far away from us.”

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
2 years ago


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