Steve McQueen’s last film, in which a car flies off a parking structure, part of Marina City…. a dual cylindrical condominium complex in Chicago… and into the Chicago River.
Forget the starlets, I was always attracted to the real girls. One even grabbed me, at least for this life. We’ll see if she can still enjoy me in another lifetime or two.
He was in high school, living with Mom, while Dad was in Vietnam, and my sister and I were both away in college so he didn’t have much supervision.
As you’d expect, it skirts the law, and it’s almost but not quite a scam, if you understand the terms… but most people don’t, especially teenagers, and others unfamiliar with contracts.
You only have to buy 8 more selections in 3 years… Easy, right?
Every month and sometimes a few more “special” times, they send you a catalogue with dozens to choose from.
At least one is pre-selected, usually some middle of the road pop album, but they promise there’s at least one cheaper selection.
Two problems: one, those club prices were high…. mostly, IIRC, $7.98 or more, which was a fortune for a high school kid in the 60s.
And two, you had, I think, a few days to reject the selection of the month, and/or choose another record. If you didn’t get the little reply card back to them in the mail within that time, they’d automatically ship it and bill you.
It was almost impossible to meet the time constraints, especially for a kid with no car, who didn’t want his mother to know (though of course she saw the packages, which he never thought would be coming.
He got a pile of unwanted records, and bills for a few hundred dollars, before he somehow persuaded them to stop… Luckily he was a minor, and ended up not having to pay.
I think these “deals” were eventually made illegal.
Well, I read a lot, too…. but I was brought up on libraries, and later discovered used book stores.
The books I bought new, starting in my 20s, weren’t fiction, but cookbooks, and books about antiques, jewelry, fabrics, and such… and I still got most of those from the library.
I can see it, the URL is: https ://
I’ve added a space in between the https and the :// and another between the :// and i.postimg. so the URL is visible and doesn’t try to resolve the link.
But I went back to find the eyeball moon picture, which turned out to be on the 24th, and it was all straight lines except for the sky.
(BTW Nighthawks, if you read this, under that one, in reply to your comment, I redid some lyrics for you … “By the Light, of the Eyeball-y Moon.”)
Then I looked at a painting from a couple of days before that I thought I was confusing it with, but that one was all curvy.
I’m not going to spend all night chasing down a picture… But I think there was one, kind of a tribute to a Van Gogh painting of a cafe on a street like this, that looked kind of similar to this.
I’m getting them mixed up😁.
All I can say for sure is that Nighthawks likes posting paintings of streets, usually narrow, and usually at night with strange skies.
For now they seem to have replaced ladies standing on sidewalks, usually street corners, with dogs.
I’ve spent most of my life selling jewelry…
Mostly but not all costume jewelry.
Not much fine jewelry, because I’m not a gemologist, and don’t have the tools or equipment to weigh or test metals and gems.
But I’ve strung and sold all sorts of beads… glass and semiprecious stones like rose quartz, aventurine, and garnets. And cultured pearls.
I can tell a bit about quality, recognize a lot of stones and a lot of fakes…
That said… Jade is a mystery. Not just to me, but to many jewelers.
Even gemologists argue.
There are so many kinds and colors and levels of quality.
There are mainly two stones called genuine jade… nephrite and jadeite. Jadeite is more valuable… But you can find good nephrite that’s far more valuable than poor quality jadeite.
And there are stones legally called “such-and-such jade” that are not really jade at all.
The color is very important. The surface, the translucency.Jadeite is more translucent than nephrite.
Real jade is colder and heavier than glass or many other stones, and can only be scratched by certain harder gemstones, not steel.
But I can show you pictures of beautiful polished jadeite strands in what I think are good colors, somewhat translucent, selling for $200 or $300.
He really loves his ketchup!
Yeah… It’s not quite purply enough to be raspberry jam, which was my first thought.
Is there any part of that scene that isn’t drooping?
What are all these “comment images” (with no image attached) that keep popping up lately?
I’m guessing that PostImage, which is what Nighthawks and I both use for image hosting, must be having a problem.
The missing pictures I’ve checked all have their URL.
It’s odd, cos their site isn’t down, and pictures on previous days are still showing, which means the URL still works…
I don’t know how it can display those, but not the recent pics. I’ve always thought it was all or nothing.
I could be wrong in saying it’s about PostImage… but I haven’t found any “comment image” posts with any other URLs.
About nine steps down, you’d slide right off and roll into the street.
Like I didn’t need more things to worry about while I was driving…!
Ok… Had to find out.
What a surprise!
Steve McQueen’s last film, in which a car flies off a parking structure, part of Marina City…. a dual cylindrical condominium complex in Chicago… and into the Chicago River.
Not as good as “Bullitt,” but still fun…
I figured it was something staged from the number of looky-loos gathered to watch…
Hi kiddo.
He probably hisses with a forked tongue.
“Girls Love Eats?”
Well, I do.
Forget the starlets, I was always attracted to the real girls. One even grabbed me, at least for this life. We’ll see if she can still enjoy me in another lifetime or two.
I think this comic features a starlet because it’s for girls.
Daydreams and romance for teenage girls… presumably like Helen Chang, who put her name on it so her friends would give it back.
Ladies and gentlemen I give you Telly Savalas rapping disco (and yes, it’s painful)….
And I give it right back.
No, no, it’s yours, I don’t want it back! 🎁
You have to take it!
I won’t pick it up and you’ll get a ticket for littering!
It hurts my head!
You can get the same deal today at Goodwill…
A much better one.
They may cost more than $1 for 11…. I think about 50¢ each… But without the financial entanglement.
My brother did this… Not with tapes but records.
He was in high school, living with Mom, while Dad was in Vietnam, and my sister and I were both away in college so he didn’t have much supervision.
As you’d expect, it skirts the law, and it’s almost but not quite a scam, if you understand the terms… but most people don’t, especially teenagers, and others unfamiliar with contracts.
You only have to buy 8 more selections in 3 years… Easy, right?
Every month and sometimes a few more “special” times, they send you a catalogue with dozens to choose from.
At least one is pre-selected, usually some middle of the road pop album, but they promise there’s at least one cheaper selection.
Two problems: one, those club prices were high…. mostly, IIRC, $7.98 or more, which was a fortune for a high school kid in the 60s.
And two, you had, I think, a few days to reject the selection of the month, and/or choose another record. If you didn’t get the little reply card back to them in the mail within that time, they’d automatically ship it and bill you.
It was almost impossible to meet the time constraints, especially for a kid with no car, who didn’t want his mother to know (though of course she saw the packages, which he never thought would be coming.
He got a pile of unwanted records, and bills for a few hundred dollars, before he somehow persuaded them to stop… Luckily he was a minor, and ended up not having to pay.
I think these “deals” were eventually made illegal.
I got into one of the book clubs. For a book nerd it was great.
You didn’t get shipped a bunch of books you didn’t choose or want?
a couple of times. But i was a big book nerd. i read them all.
Well, I read a lot, too…. but I was brought up on libraries, and later discovered used book stores.
The books I bought new, starting in my 20s, weren’t fiction, but cookbooks, and books about antiques, jewelry, fabrics, and such… and I still got most of those from the library.
No, no, no! Not this again! Argh!
All I see is “comment image”. If Happy 3 is right again, maybe I’ve been spared something that I shouldn’t have been exposed to in the first place. 😉
Got it. Thanks, nighthawks.
I can’t see it either, not even by clicking it or trying “open in a new window.”
Maybe tomorrow.
But if Happy³ doesn’t want to see it, I probably won’t either.
I can see it, the URL is: https ://
I’ve added a space in between the https and the :// and another between the :// and i.postimg. so the URL is visible and doesn’t try to resolve the link.
Thank you.
But it’s visible now.
Still nothing here…
Oh… It just showed up, all of its own accord.
It’s nothing scary or gory or anything like that…
Just drawings of life’s little frustrations.
I say again, Argh! 😀
Didn’t we just see this scene by a different artist? (At least this time the Moon’s a moon and not an eyeball…)
I was about to say the same thing!
But I went back to find the eyeball moon picture, which turned out to be on the 24th, and it was all straight lines except for the sky.
(BTW Nighthawks, if you read this, under that one, in reply to your comment, I redid some lyrics for you … “By the Light, of the Eyeball-y Moon.”)
Then I looked at a painting from a couple of days before that I thought I was confusing it with, but that one was all curvy.
I’m not going to spend all night chasing down a picture… But I think there was one, kind of a tribute to a Van Gogh painting of a cafe on a street like this, that looked kind of similar to this.
I’m getting them mixed up😁.
All I can say for sure is that Nighthawks likes posting paintings of streets, usually narrow, and usually at night with strange skies.
For now they seem to have replaced ladies standing on sidewalks, usually street corners, with dogs.
I believe this is, L-R,
You just barely beat me to it.
In the middle of your night!
Green gumballs are that valuable?
I’ve spent most of my life selling jewelry…
Mostly but not all costume jewelry.
Not much fine jewelry, because I’m not a gemologist, and don’t have the tools or equipment to weigh or test metals and gems.
But I’ve strung and sold all sorts of beads… glass and semiprecious stones like rose quartz, aventurine, and garnets. And cultured pearls.
I can tell a bit about quality, recognize a lot of stones and a lot of fakes…
That said… Jade is a mystery. Not just to me, but to many jewelers.
Even gemologists argue.
There are so many kinds and colors and levels of quality.
There are mainly two stones called genuine jade… nephrite and jadeite. Jadeite is more valuable… But you can find good nephrite that’s far more valuable than poor quality jadeite.
And there are stones legally called “such-and-such jade” that are not really jade at all.
The color is very important. The surface, the translucency.Jadeite is more translucent than nephrite.
Real jade is colder and heavier than glass or many other stones, and can only be scratched by certain harder gemstones, not steel.
But I can show you pictures of beautiful polished jadeite strands in what I think are good colors, somewhat translucent, selling for $200 or $300.
What’s the difference? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
find the musical note
I got it again! Amazing!
I’ve got two.
I found the obvious one…. but I didn’t see another.
As a hint, can you say whether the second is similar, or something quite different?
You’re talking about the vaguely note-shaped body of water on the planet?
Confirming your spoiler.
Hey Muggsy! Take the scenic route!
But the cats still work again later.