March 28, 2023

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Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

The song that inspired teenage runaways to all start calling themselves “Ruby.”

I mean the girls, anyway.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

I like “Leaving Home” – and if any of you are familiar with “Endeavour”: The scene where Joan Thursday leaves her parental home brought that song to my mind.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

They are clicking their claws instead.

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

And Kung Kat Fighting!

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

hahahaaaaaaaaaa. good one, stel.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

I bet they are in the middle of a chicken fight with another pair of giraffes (not shown).

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

Another laugh out loud picture! That doesn’t even look comfortable.

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

From 2013 comes this:
comment image
I doubt either is real, but if one is, it’s got to be this one.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

That wouldn’t have happened with eyeglasses.
The picture further above shows what he thought he saw…

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

Photoshopping a photoshopping…

Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

“I asked you to scratch my neck, but this is going too far.”

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

Um… yeah… uh huh.

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

That’s some outstanding photoshopping.

Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

Good ones from the Far Side.

Famed Member
1 year ago

@ —comment image    Susan Sunshine

From this April’s Reader’s Digest.
It struck me that there is probably a good deal of truth in it.

Hair Dresser Observation for Susan Sunshine.PNG
Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

My brother, who is so hair-free now that he shaves his head, went to a hair salon years ago to ask about getting “a perm.” Apparently someone had suggested it to him. The hairdresser took one look at him and said she could do it if he wanted to “look like Bozo the Clown.”

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

I’ve done “guy perms” when it was fashionable, and never Bozo-ed anybody…

But the ones I refuse are bald on top, because while I can cut their hair that day so it lies down on the sides,

as soon as it grows a quarter inch, about 2 weeks, it will stick out at the edge of the bald spot …

That’s what curls do!

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

Thanks Alexi…

It’s not just that they want to look like certain celebrities, when their hair is totally unsuitable…

They want to do it by quickly running a comb or a brush through their hair every morning…without blow-drying or setting it.

Never mind the perms, the hair products, or the huge posse of stylists and assistants standing just outside every frame,

ready with brushes, sprays, and an arsenal of other tools to make sure every hair does what is supposed to do, including defying gravity.

Yes, even the men.

One thing that either bugs or amuses me, depending on my mood and the attitude of the client, is that when men choose styles from pictures… either hair style books or celebrities…

They usually pick one where the hair on the sides is far longer than they want theirs cut, and stands away from the sides of the head with the use of a blow-dryer, a round brush, and gel or spray.

But they can’t see it!

They insist on short sides, even a #2 clipper guard (¼”), or a fade, and no hair over their ears… ensuring that they can never ever get the style they say they want.


And the women… well….

For example, I have one older client… well, I haven’t done hair since COVID started, and I’m getting up there, so probably not any more…

But at a still very lively 90, she had shown me a faded clipping of Elizabeth Taylor for about 30 years, where her hair is tall on top, and stands straight out sideways on the sides, teased to within an inch of its life, sprayed to a hard shell…

She pulled it out and reminded me every time that this is the look she wants… Only no teasing, no spray.

Luckily, she loves my cuts anyway.

She’s still a friend and still begs me to start cutting hair again…. but she may never understand that magic is beyond me.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

I’m easy then.
Short sides, clipped side burns, short top and just enough left in front so I can sweep it to my left with the part on the right.
Also, the only thing I use for “styling” is water.
Not to brag or anything but I’ve been complemented by several barbers over the years about the quality of my hair.
One of them told me that if you want to see if you will go bald in the future look at your maternal uncle(s) or grandfather.
He’d been in business for years, and it was a realization he had come to over time.
As an anecdote, in my late twenties I got a white streak in my hair located right above the middle of my forehead; it came from my mother’s side of the family.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

It’s a scientific fact, and most barbers know…

The gene for male pattern baldness, the far most common kind of hair loss, is carried on the X chromosome, but doesn’t affect females.

Since women don’t have Y chromosomes, boy babies get an X from the mother and a Y from the father.

You can’t inherit normal male pattern baldness from the male side of the family.

Your mother can carry it, but won’t show it, so yes… it will be displayed by her male relatives, if they inherited the gene.


Just remember though… A woman has two X chromosomes. Either or both may carry it.

So if your maternal grandfather is bald there’s around a 25% chance you won’t be.

Also, there are other forms of baldness.

There are even a few kinds you can inherit from the male side, but those are rare.

Last edited 1 year ago by SusanSunshine
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

Have you heard of Mediterranean pattern baldness? Is it a real thing? All the Turks I know grow bald on top.

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
1 year ago

The only “Mediterranean pattern” baldness I’ve heard of by that name is a joke some people make…

They say it because the shape of the “recessionary area” (which i jokingly call it with my balding clients) kind of looks like the Mediterranean Sea.

But as for more observable baldness in Turkish men, I don’t think there’s a specific gene…

But I CAN tell you that I’ve read conflicting information about which country’s males are most likely to go bald.

Some research says the Czech Republic tops the list, other studies say Greece.

Both of those countries are fairly near Turkey, so perhaps the whole Eastern Mediterranean area tends toward more baldness than some other places.

Bear in mind, though, that the differences are not huge, which might be why different results are found.

In Greece it’s something like 41 point something percent eventually go bald, and in the US it’s 39%…

You probably wouldn’t notice, just looking around.

What is enough to be noticeable is the lower incidence of hereditary baldness in Native American, followed by Chinese, then other Asian, men.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

My hair a strong wave and tendency to curl. I keep it cut short since that’s the only way I have any chance of controlling it. I don’t like to fuss, shampoo, comb and let it dry. If I’m at the beach and don’t comb, just towel off, I get the little Orphan Annie look (if she were over 60). Thank goodness my stylist knows how to cut my hair. I’ve had some really awful cuts in my day when my hair sticks straight up and I can do nothing with it. I don’t mind Annie so much, but I draw the line at Alfalfa.

Famed Member
Reply to  Saucy1121
1 year ago

The trick is usually in shaping it, so only the parts you want to be full stay that way.

I did my curliest regular client in a very tapered cut, a bit of a wedge on top of close sides and back…

But a bit of length at the very bottom so it doesn’t look like a overly short cut.

It came in tight near the neck, but still curled below that. She loved it.

I called it her Blondie cut, cos my inspiration was Blondie in the comics, even though my client had dark brown, and later, gray, hair.

She moved away around 2016 or 17. Last time we talked, she complained about the cuts she got in her new location.

We’re out of touch these days… But I hope she’s trained somebody by now. LOL

Famed Member
1 year ago

The bassets in the poster look so happy and carefree!

1 year ago

I like the dancing bassets on Stel’s poster.

Famed Member
1 year ago


West Side Bassets!

I love it, Stel!

Look at the two little pairs of dancers… bassets at their most graceful.

And that brilliant red background…

Such drama, in a poster.

Good job on the lettering, too!

A perfect fit for the mood and setting.

I think we talked about it before…

I surmised, and I believe you corroborated, that it wasn’t a font, but had to be hand built from the pieces you picked up at Titles R Us..

a tricky task, when not all the right shapes come in the kit!

Tony and Maria… what a couple… as the sky falls away.

A Montague and a Capulet, translated to New York City in the 1960s.

The appealingly wholesome and handsome Richie Barker…

(An aside: I thought he’d be a heartthrob for years, but it didn’t really happen.

I read that he hated his own work in films, even though everyone else, including the crtics and the adolescent me, loved it.)

Meanwhile, what male basset wouldn’t cross family lines to fall for the beautiful young Natalie Woof?

(We don’t have to mention, do we, that her lovely howling voice actually belonged to Marnie Vixon? No, let’s not.)

Street gangs, finger snapping, knives… this wasn’t your parents musical….

Just look at Georgie Chakibble! Stretching his little basset legs to the sky!

Hey, if the Mexican human Antony Quinn can play the quintessential Greek, Zorba…

Greek basset Georgie can play the leader of the Puerto Rican basset gang!

And the music. Wow… this wasn’t like any other.

i skipped around like Maria…

“I feel pretty… Oh so pretty! ♪ ♫ ♪

I feel happy and yappy and free…♪ ♫ ♪

And I pity

Any kitty who’s not a dog like me!” ♪ ♫ ♪

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

we can recognize marni vixon’s beautiful singing voice in an instant! so glad she was there to fill in the singing parts.

Famed Member
1 year ago

No Officer Krupke?

Famed Member
Reply to  P51Strega
1 year ago

to quote the song:
Gee, Officer Krupke,
What are we to do?
Gee, Officer Krupke,
Krup you!’

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Tsk tsk.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

How they got that one by…
The movie was made in the last years of the “Hays Code” ( Official name: “Motion Picture Production Code” / written by William Harrison Hays 1879 – 1954) which was in effect from 1932 to 1968, its official year of repeal.
In 1918 Hays became the national head of the Republican party and helped Warren Harding win the 1920 election.
He was appointed as Postmaster General by Harding in 1921.

Famed Member
Reply to  P51Strega
1 year ago

Famed Member
1 year ago

Black Forest cherry torte.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte – “Kirsch” not only referring to the cherries involved, but the Kirschwasser in the filling. Don’t eat too much of it and drive…

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

I know his makes a really good birthday cake.
From: .
The Good Housekeeping Illustrated Cookbook (Reader’s Digest Edition) .
By: Zoe Coulson.
Published by: Hearst Books New York (1980) .
ISBN 0-87851=037-0.
“Black Forest Cherry Torte”
2 15- or 16- ounce cans
pitted tart cherries, drained
about 1/2 cup kirsch
Chocolate Cake Layers
(page xxx / see recipe and second spoiler box below)
2 cups heavy or whipping cream (whipping cream 35% milk fat / heavy cream > than 35% milk fat )
1/2 cup confectioners’
1 square semisweet
chocolate, grated
12 maraschino cherries,
well drained
2 squares semisweet
chocolate made into
chocolate curls

Begin 4 hrs ahead
12 servings

Torte instructions

1  In medium bowl, place
cherries and 1/3 cup
kirsch; leave at room tem-
perature for 2 1/2 hours,
stirring occasionally.
2  Meanwhile, preheat
oven to 350° F. Prepare
cake layers as recipe directs
but pour batter into 3
greased and floured 9-inch
round cake pans. Stagger
pans on 2 oven racks so no
pan is directly above
another. Bake cake layers
20 to 25 minutes until
toothpick inserted in cen-
ter comes out clean. Cool
on wire racks 10 minutes;
remove layers from pans
and cool them com-
pletely on wire racks,
about 2 hours.
3  With fork, prick well
top of each cake, then
drain cherries well and
sprinkle cherry liquid
over cake layers.

4  In small bowl with
mixer at medium
beat heavy or whip-
ping cream, confectioners’
sugar and 2 tablespoons
kirsch until the cream
stands in stiff peaks.
5  Place one cake layer on
cake platter. Spread
with one-fourth whipped-
cream mixture; top
with half of cherries.
6  Repeat with the second
layer and then top with
the third one.
7  Frost side of cake with
half of remaining
whipped-cream mixture.
8  With spoon, gently
press grated semisweet
chocolate onto whipped-
cream mixture all around
the side of the cake.
9  Garnish with dollops of
remaining whipped-
cream mixture; top each
dollop with a drained
maraschino cherry
10  Pile chocolate curls
in center; keep
refrigerated. (Chocolate
curls may turn slightly
gray in color.

Cake layers derived from “Chocolate Cupcakes“recipe
Begin early in day / 8 to 10 servings
2 cups cake flour
1 3/4 cups sugar
3/4 cups cocoa
1 1/4 cups milk [whole milk — (3.25% milk fat)]
3/4 cups shortening
3 eggs
1 1/4 teaspoons baking
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
extract (real, not artificial)
1/2 tablespoon double-
acting baking
Coffee Cream-
Cheese Frosting
or Fluffy Boiled Frosting
(page xxx / not needed so not listed / if you want, them I’ll post them)
‘CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES / CAKE’ instructions (they’re at the bottom).
Preheat oven to 350° F.
Place liners in 2 dozen
3-inch muffin-pan cups or
grease and flour cups.
Into large bowl,
measure all cupcake in-
gredients except frosting.
3  With mixer at low
speed, beat until well
mixed, constantly scraping
bowl; at high speed, beat 5
minutes, scraping the
bowl occasionally.
4  Spoon into muffin-pan
cups, filling each half
full. Bake 20 minutes or
until toothpick inserted in
center of one comes out
clean and dry.
5  Cool in pans on wire
racks 10 minutes, then
remove from pans and
cool completely on racks.
6  Prepare frosting then
dip tops of cupcakes
into frosting and turn
slightly to coat (again, not needed).
CHOCOLATE CAKE: Preheat oven to 350° F.
Grease and flour two 9-inch round cake pans. Prepare batter as above but pour into pans; bake 30 to 35
minutes. Cool layers in pans on wire racks 10 minutes;
remove from pans and cool completely on racks. Fill
and frost the chocolate cake layers with your choice
of either…. (frosting choices not needed here)


Notes from me:
Sort out the instructions between the three recipes involved. It’s easily done, but it’s a bit of an annoyance.
Editorial comment:
Kirsch is not quite as bad as Everclear, but it’s getting down to Everclear’s level when it comes to potability.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago – 40% ethanol – 60% ethanol or higher

Kirsch isn’t flavored. And it isn’t bad at all if you use the good stuff (which you definitely should).
An authentic cheese fondue needs Kirsch.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

oh,…. if i could only bake or cook again!

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago


Famed Member
1 year ago

comment image

 Bee trying out for the Quidditch team…

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
1 year ago

Love this!

Famed Member
1 year ago

when MMM came to the san fernando valley, and we had one of our first dates (in 1962), we got tickets for the famous grauman’s theatre to see this fantastic movie!!! i still have the tickets.

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
1 year ago


So you’ve been dating since preschool?

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

when he proposed, he said he didn’t want to marry a teenager! so we set the date in 1964. a 1 year engagement.

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