I must not stare at this for hours… I must not stare at this for hours…I must not stare at this for hours…I must not stare at this for hours…I must not stare at this for hours…
Sorry, I hate to be “that person”… but I’m not fond of this sort of sentiment.
Why set up opposition to any group based on stereotypes?
I have friends of all generations, including a very close millennial friend who is a very hard worker, and I certainly know boomers who are total slackers.
The perfect example of the woman in this song, I’d say, is famously Gwenneth Paltrow, and she’s 50… a Gen-Xer.
Besides, it’s a moving target.
He sings about a 27-year-old… probably wrote it a few years ago, cos the average millennial (b. 1982-96) is now mid 30’s.
By next year age 27 will be Gen Z, born in 1997, but few will get that the lyrics are outdated.
My friend born in 1929 got told “Ok Boomer” when she was about 90, by somebody else who didn’t know the generations.
She asked me what it meant. I said you could take it as a compliment, “accusing” you of being born in the late 40s or the 50s, though the other person didn’t mean that.
Yeah yeah, it’s a joke… but it hurts people’s feelings.
A quote from the YouTube channel of the Watermark Community Church whose conference it opened:
“This video was a parody that opened a talk at the Church Leaders Conference encouraging people to see past the stereotypes and recognizing the unique potential that millennials have! ”
As a side note: Micah Tyler is himself a millennial by the commonly accepted definition.
“OK Boomer” is one of the few generational slams I like. It came out at a time when my peers were so anti-millennial on everything, that I was happy that they had a response.
Remember THIS STELBEL POSTING from Thursday the fourth?
I went and got the book from the library. The illustrations themselves tell the story, and it’s more complex than you might think; funny too.
The illustrations are water colour on Arches paper (Arches is a brand name for a paper mill in France who specialize in high end art paper).
They are all as well executed as StelBel’s posted one, and the detail throughout is excellent.
I won’t tell the story, but as I said it’s quite funny and the expressions given to the characters, both animal and human leave no doubt as to what they’re thinking.
If you can find a copy (ISBN 978-0-395-55113-4) it’s worth the chuckles.
Poor doggy. In Australia I am told it is illegal to dock dog’s tails. We had two bullmastiffs with lovely tails, in spite of what you see on Pooch Cafe.
The United States is ridiculously behind the rest of the world in the matter of tail and ear docking.
It’s banned in most of Europe, and the UK, though some countries have exceptions for certain working breeds when performed by a veterinarian, but only if not done for cosmetic purposes.
Outright banned in Australia, New Zealand, Iceland even some Middle Eastern countries.
Yet in the US, in most states, it’s legal, and some vets still tell people it’s beneficial, while studies show that it’s harmful.
You can still dock newborn puppies’ tails at home, if you want to, as well or even put rubber bands around them to make them fall off.
Disgusting and horrifying!
I don’t like to even think about it.
Even the working dog claims are bogus… it makes no sense when it only applies to certain breeds, and other breeds with similar “jobs” have intact tails, and no problems.
Ears are almost always cropped for cosmetic reasons… any other claims about its value are lies.
In the US, you can still get a dog “debarked”, as well, along with declawing dogs and cats, both of which have been shown to cause lasting psychological damage, among other ill effects.
I remember signing a petition in the 20th century to help get a bill on the ballot in California to ban all these kinds of animal mutilation.
I just grilled spot prawns last night. It’s a local prawn, mostly found in Alaska. I marinated them in yuzu juice, olive oil, and garlic-chili paste for half an hour.
Spot prawns, like fresh sturgeon and razor clams, are things I stop for when I see them on the fishmongers signs out front.
Must be a female. She has a head.
And lipstick…
I must not stare at this for hours… I must not stare at this for hours…I must not stare at this for hours…I must not stare at this for hours…I must not stare at this for hours…
Here it is in action.
Personally I’d think twice about going on it.
I’m not afraid of heights, but all it takes is one little wind gust…
I didn’t look hard enough the first time. I edited in this one at 09:28 E.D.T.. I shut off the music.
One word: NO!
Whatever it is you’ve been telling these birds, I don’t think they believe you.
blunebottle posted the U.R.L. to this on “Brevity” yesterday.
I was laughing through the whole thing.
Sorry, I hate to be “that person”… but I’m not fond of this sort of sentiment.
Why set up opposition to any group based on stereotypes?
I have friends of all generations, including a very close millennial friend who is a very hard worker, and I certainly know boomers who are total slackers.
The perfect example of the woman in this song, I’d say, is famously Gwenneth Paltrow, and she’s 50… a Gen-Xer.
Besides, it’s a moving target.
He sings about a 27-year-old… probably wrote it a few years ago, cos the average millennial (b. 1982-96) is now mid 30’s.
By next year age 27 will be Gen Z, born in 1997, but few will get that the lyrics are outdated.
My friend born in 1929 got told “Ok Boomer” when she was about 90, by somebody else who didn’t know the generations.
She asked me what it meant. I said you could take it as a compliment, “accusing” you of being born in the late 40s or the 50s, though the other person didn’t mean that.
Yeah yeah, it’s a joke… but it hurts people’s feelings.
A quote from the YouTube channel of the Watermark Community Church whose conference it opened:
“This video was a parody that opened a talk at the Church Leaders Conference encouraging people to see past the stereotypes and recognizing the unique potential that millennials have! ”
As a side note: Micah Tyler is himself a millennial by the commonly accepted definition.
“OK Boomer” is one of the few generational slams I like. It came out at a time when my peers were so anti-millennial on everything, that I was happy that they had a response.
Odd that they use a Boomer tune.
Laws are being passed to stop that kind of crap,
I wish.
It takes forever… I’ll believe it when they’re on the books.
I think two states so far ban tail docking.
“TUESDAY” by David Weisner
Remember THIS STELBEL POSTING from Thursday the fourth?
I went and got the book from the library. The illustrations themselves tell the story, and it’s more complex than you might think; funny too.
The illustrations are water colour on Arches paper (Arches is a brand name for a paper mill in France who specialize in high end art paper).
They are all as well executed as StelBel’s posted one, and the detail throughout is excellent.
I won’t tell the story, but as I said it’s quite funny and the expressions given to the characters, both animal and human leave no doubt as to what they’re thinking.
If you can find a copy (ISBN 978-0-395-55113-4) it’s worth the chuckles.
Poor doggy. In Australia I am told it is illegal to dock dog’s tails. We had two bullmastiffs with lovely tails, in spite of what you see on Pooch Cafe.
The United States is ridiculously behind the rest of the world in the matter of tail and ear docking.
It’s banned in most of Europe, and the UK, though some countries have exceptions for certain working breeds when performed by a veterinarian, but only if not done for cosmetic purposes.
Outright banned in Australia, New Zealand, Iceland even some Middle Eastern countries.
Yet in the US, in most states, it’s legal, and some vets still tell people it’s beneficial, while studies show that it’s harmful.
You can still dock newborn puppies’ tails at home, if you want to, as well or even put rubber bands around them to make them fall off.
Disgusting and horrifying!
I don’t like to even think about it.
Even the working dog claims are bogus… it makes no sense when it only applies to certain breeds, and other breeds with similar “jobs” have intact tails, and no problems.
Ears are almost always cropped for cosmetic reasons… any other claims about its value are lies.
In the US, you can still get a dog “debarked”, as well, along with declawing dogs and cats, both of which have been shown to cause lasting psychological damage, among other ill effects.
I remember signing a petition in the 20th century to help get a bill on the ballot in California to ban all these kinds of animal mutilation.
It’s 2023 and nothing has been done.
If I could give multiple “thumbs up” to your comment, I would.
You’re very welcome.
i agree!!!
I just grilled spot prawns last night. It’s a local prawn, mostly found in Alaska. I marinated them in yuzu juice, olive oil, and garlic-chili paste for half an hour.
Spot prawns, like fresh sturgeon and razor clams, are things I stop for when I see them on the fishmongers signs out front.
i can’t imagine any dog being bad enough to deserve being docked. the owners, on the other hand ……
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