May 18, 2023

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Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago


Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

I like this song, but a couple days ago it came up on my car radio in the early morning. Not ready! I switched to the BBC news.

Famed Member
1 year ago

Reply to  mabrndt
1 year ago

Love Stevie, but his cover of Bill Withers does not have the soul of Withers.

Famed Member
Reply to  DennisinSeattle
1 year ago

Why I posted videos related to these songs:

  • As far as I can tell, the strip is based in Cleveland.
  • Claude is wearing a Cleveland Cavaliers sweatshirt in this animation. (Hmm, that was indented a second time in the preview; guess the comment software is broken if it isn’t)
  • The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is in Cleveland.

The first video in each shows the lyrics of each song, that was the main reason for choosing that video – the lyrics (other videos performing the song may exist).
If there is a second video in the post, it was what was presented at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction of the song’s composer (connecting it to Cleveland).

The first song was written by Bill Withers circa 1971, and its lyrics video shows him performing it around that time. The second video of it shows Stevie Wonder performing it at Withers’ induction in 2015, with Withers (then around 77) seated next to him (he seemed to really enjoy it based on his smiles).

The second song was written by George Harrison circa 1968. He was inducted posthumously a second time in 2004, when its second video was performed (Prince about halfway through really makes his guitar weep in what IMHO is one of the handful of best performances so far at the Hall).

While Gordon Lightfoot, the composer of the third song, has yet to be inducted, the destination of the ill-fated ship is Cleveland. So, I posted it as well.

Famed Member
Reply to  mabrndt
1 year ago

I live no where near Cleveland and haven’t attended any induction.

Famed Member
Reply to  mabrndt
1 year ago

Don’t see a third clip. I assume it is “Edmund Fitzgerald”?
May be copyright issues.

I was living out in the wilds of South Oklahoma when I first heard “Edmund”, I got the vinyl and the libretto as soon as I could find a copy. I think I had to special order the libretto at a music store in the city. As it turned out, “Edmund” is my second least favorite song on the album.
I learned more about music from that book than from any other source. Gord has some interesting techniques. This album is the main reason I purchased a twelve-string guitar.

Famed Member
1 year ago

Reply to  mabrndt
1 year ago

First one does not sound like George. Second is a much better cover, maybe an improvement.

Famed Member
Reply to  DennisinSeattle
1 year ago

First one was kinda awful, IMHO.

2nd version has George’s son Dhani, whose voice has a similar timbre…

Plus other musical icons, who were or are famous for a reason.

Can’t compare the likes of Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne, with whom George himself chose to collaborate, and Steve Winwood, and Prince, all joining voices and instruments…

to some unknown guy who thinks he can imitate George Harrison!

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

I said that!

Well, I called him “some unknown guy who thinks he can imitate George Harrison!”

Last edited 1 year ago by SusanSunshine
Famed Member
1 year ago

Famed Member
Reply to  mabrndt
1 year ago

It was reported on fb that during the latest ceremony they range the bell 30 times.
If it’s not true it should be.

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
1 year ago

I don’t do social media (other than maybe comic strip comments); so, I can’t comment about the accuracy of what’s posted on fb (though I have heard rumors it’s total trash; oops, I guess that was a comment about its accuracy).

Following the loss of the ship in 1975, the National Transportation Safety Board did an investigation and issued a report documenting its findings. The Crew Information says there were 29 crew members. Pretty sure that’s how often the bell was rung. I highly doubt they knew of a stowaway.

Famed Member
Reply to  StelBel
1 year ago

Pangolin / Pinecone: they share 5 out of 8 letters.

Yeah, I know it’s a coincidence.

But if those two words aren’t related, here’s pictorial evidence that they ought to be!

Famed Member
1 year ago


Reply to  Tigressy
1 year ago

Filling in for Montana Lady while she’s gone?

Famed Member
Reply to  DennisinSeattle
1 year ago

If not for Cyrano de Basset,…

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

Cyrano de Basset: When a basset is known for the size of his nose, you know it must be MONUMENTAL. A huge success, indeed!

Last edited 1 year ago by Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

The clips from Cyrano were really good, now I must see it. Substituting a short guy for a guy with a big honker works well. And what human could compete with Cyrano de Bassett in the nose department?

1 year ago

Montana Lady: repeating my msg from late yesterday:

Great to hear from you ML! Your Rocket Man has all my best wishes for a swift recovery. I’m, glad your daughter is there cause I know you can’t be a full-time nurse!



Famed Member
1 year ago

rum cake

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Two things I like in one recipe (it has wine, too)! !
From: ;
Creative Cooking DESSERTS
Published by Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc. 1992
Compiled and edited by: Marian Hoffman.
Designed by: Ruth Ann Thompson.
“Lemon-Rum Cake”
Serves 12

3/4 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 cups sugar
6 eggs, separated
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (real not artificial)
1 3/4 cups plain yogurt
1/4 cup rum
2 cups sifted cake flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1/2 cup chopped almonds
Wine Syrup
1 cup dry red wine
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch ground cloves
1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2.  Cream butter, sugar, egg yolks,
lemon rind, and vanilla together in
bowl until light and fluffy.
3.  Combine yogurt and rum in small
bowl. Sift flour, baking powder, and
salt into separate bowl.
4.  Alternately add flour mixture and
yogurt mixture to butter mixture;
beat well after each addition. Beat
for 1 minute more, until mixture is
5.  Combine almond extract with egg
whites; beat until stiff but not dry.
Fold egg whites gently into cake
batter along with chopped almonds.
6.  Pour batter into 10-inch tube pan;
bake for 30 minutes. Cool in pan on
wire rack for 10 minutes, then turn
out onto rack and cool completely.
7.  Combine all ingredients for wine
syrup in saucepan; cook over low
heat for 5 minutes. Cool; pour in thin
stream over cake. Let stand for 1
hour before serving.
Notes from me:
The oven temperature is crucial with this much sugar and alcohol.
The weather outside will also affect baking time.
Keep an eye on it.
Tube pan:
comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by Alexikakos
Famed Member
1 year ago

chicken salad sandwich

Famed Member
1 year ago

Oh wow…. I remember this one…..

Beautiful poster!

Once again, faithful to its times.

And it captures so well, the loooong snout at the… um…
the heart of Cyrano’s story… so to speak.

The human poster is so narrow… 

they didn’t need the width, cos the human, long-nosed as he may be, can’t match snouts with a basset hound...

so there’s much less room for soldiers and battle.
I know that when this ran before, I told about reading it in fourth grade, and how it taught me that books can break your heart.

My teacher, to encourage my writing, sometimes lent me books and poems to read…. including a children’s translation of Cyrano de Basset.

She told me the hero wins the lady with his writing.

Ha! Some encouragement that turned out to be.

Cyrano, for a “hero”, was an unlikable braggart and peacock…

I felt a little sad about his unrequited love… but couldn’t understand his helping his rival.

I could have understood it, if he were doing it to be rid of Roxanne…

she was spoiled and manipulative, and frivolously fickle.

But no…. he wanted her anyway. A glutton for punishment.

It took forever to read, even in a children’s edition.

It was long before I realised you didn’t have to finish every book you started.

At that age, I felt that you’d unleash, if not divine wrath, at least the scorn of every teacher and librarian, who could tell by looking at you that you were returning some unread chapters.

So I soldiered on… even though I couldn’t follow the plot, with all its complications: mixed loyalties, multiple levels of French nobility and soldiers… one betraying another… and endless boring battles.

And SURE… he finally wins the lady…. and immediately dies.


I have no idea why they even translated it for children…

the parts I could follow were boring and heartbreaking … even in a presumably much-edited version.

I never had any desire to read the whole thing.

But as a play, and a film, now, with 87.3% of the plot and its subtleties removed, and a far more likeable hound at its center…

it’s a fun swashbuckler, and a lot more romantic.

Much as I like the basset version… and want to see it on this tour, of course…. I’m also tempted by the newer human film.

Peter Dinklage is very handsome… no problem with his nose as all.

Why in the world does he fear rejection?

Because he comes up a little short?

A silly human prejudice, I suppose.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

I experienced Cyrano first from a Classics Illustrated comic. Maybe not the best way but I hope at least Nighthawks would approve…

Famed Member
1 year ago

MMM had a good night!! hooray! today he sees the urologist to see what level his prostate cancer is at, and what they will treat him with.

thanks for all your support messages!


Reply to  MontanaLady
1 year ago


Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
1 year ago

His appointment is probably over by now.

Sure hope all the news is positive!

Take care… wishing well to you all.

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
1 year ago

It’s good to hear from you.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
1 year ago

I’m late as usual, but I just fund out about You and Perkycat. My wishes for a speedy recovery for your Mountain Man and Mr. & Mrs. Perkycat!

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