The above is not a photograph of a living bird (except second-hand) it is the photograph of a wood sculpture by Joshua Woods Guge
The picture link below (Carolina Wren) will take you to his website. There is a video there of the sculptor explaining his work, and shots of him creating it (go to his gallery, and look at his fish and butterfly sculptures! !).
When I was visiting the Los Angeles County Museum, I walked into a gallery of beautifully prepared taxidermy mounts. As I admired them I slowly became aware that they weren’t stuffed, but beautifullly carved, with each feather perfectly rendered. Quite amazing!
Definitely Vladimir Kazak, but if he gave this one a title, I can’t find it.
If you go looking for more of his work, a good portion of it goes to the erotic and/or disturbing.
sorry to say I won’t be going this year……my ticket source is giving them to his
family. It’s been a grand run. Since 1958 , I’ve only missed about a dozen.
No surgery.
I’m at the leave it alone if nothing changes stage.
But it turned out to be a good thing that someone else was driving.
I got vertigo again!
It’s not just frightening it frustrating!
With my Saucy, we couldn’t even use the word “carrot” in casual conversation without attracting the begging, puppy dog eyes (she thought baby carrots woere some of the best treats EVER). She also learned to spell “walk.”
Muffin would open the back gate when asked. She learned to to it by herself and we had to put a kiddie lock on it until we could train her to only do it when asked. It helped if you were carrying something and needed to get into the back yard.
Moxie (as my avatar) knew all kinds of tricks and words. She knew every house on the block where someone might come out for pets. She’d walk briskly until we got near one and then slow way down.
yes, the octopus will make her appearance next week.
the ideas are starting to run out, folks. If I had run these things one at a time
instead of 3, we’d be set for awhile.
so maybe a couple more Fridays giving us a grand total of 27 before the well runs dry.
He looks like his get are tucked into his belly, or he’s holding the branch with his feathers.
The above is not a photograph of a living bird (except second-hand) it is the photograph of a wood sculpture by Joshua Woods Guge
The picture link below (Carolina Wren) will take you to his website. There is a video there of the sculptor explaining his work, and shots of him creating it (go to his gallery, and look at his fish and butterfly sculptures! !).
When I was visiting the Los Angeles County Museum, I walked into a gallery of beautifully prepared taxidermy mounts. As I admired them I slowly became aware that they weren’t stuffed, but beautifullly carved, with each feather perfectly rendered. Quite amazing!
Plastic bag?
ohhh … much nicer.
“Cosmic Jellyfish (possibly in translation)” By: lumale (French artist Mathieu Vallet)
Definitely Vladimir Kazak, but if he gave this one a title, I can’t find it.
If you go looking for more of his work, a good portion of it goes to the erotic and/or disturbing.
Willow Bader
I sense a theme this week.
i can’t wait!!!
usual seat, NH? we’ll wave.
sorry to say I won’t be going this year……my ticket source is giving them to his
family. It’s been a grand run. Since 1958 , I’ve only missed about a dozen.
sorry. now you’ll get to wave to your buddies.
we’ll wave in spirit.
“The Great Race” By: Will Bullas
No surgery.
I’m at the leave it alone if nothing changes stage.
But it turned out to be a good thing that someone else was driving.
I got vertigo again!
It’s not just frightening it frustrating!
it’s a good thing they want to be sure you really need this surgery.
good luck my friend!
grand news.
again, I apologize for my intrusion into your affairs, I just wanted to make sure
you didn’t make the same mistake my brother did
Not a problem. If it was a secret i wouldn’t post it here. 😀
Have you asked for an ENT or audiology referral for the vertigo? There are several balance tests that may help give you an answer.
Too funny! I watched another 10 minutes of YouTube on the subject of dogs picking up key words.
Dogs are pretty smart, as I’m sure you know.
They recognise small actions, too.
Obviously, picking up your keys is a trigger… but my little dog would only get excited about it if I weren’t dressed to go to work.
It wasn’t a uniform, just any black skirt or slacks and a white blouse. If I picked up my keys in those clothes, she’d get on the bed and pout.
Another dog I knew well learned to recognize certain words, even spelled out. W-A-L-K, for instance, and C-A-R.
One of my brother’s dogs would go to the person you told her to. Not everybody, of course, but him, my SIL, my niece, and a couple of others.
Even me, but I think that was a process of elimination. If you didn’t say “Go to ___ (one of them), “Susan” had to mean “that other person.”
My folks had to spell bath in front of the dogs.
They spud go into hiding. 😀
With my Saucy, we couldn’t even use the word “carrot” in casual conversation without attracting the begging, puppy dog eyes (she thought baby carrots woere some of the best treats EVER). She also learned to spell “walk.”
Muffin would open the back gate when asked. She learned to to it by herself and we had to put a kiddie lock on it until we could train her to only do it when asked. It helped if you were carrying something and needed to get into the back yard.
Moxie (as my avatar) knew all kinds of tricks and words. She knew every house on the block where someone might come out for pets. She’d walk briskly until we got near one and then slow way down.
I think the octopus is the most out of luck in this one.
I think that’s a jellyfish.
yes, the octopus will make her appearance next week.
the ideas are starting to run out, folks. If I had run these things one at a time
instead of 3, we’d be set for awhile.
so maybe a couple more Fridays giving us a grand total of 27 before the well runs dry.
so, any ideas?
this has been a terrific series!
this week’s winner …? too hard to pick only one!!
blueberry cheesecake
oh yum!!! they always say cheese and fruit go together!
Yes, please!
the score is basketball goal 4, kid 1
This one’s actually cute.
I’d been thinking the kid was acting like a jerk to that poor hoop… and then it bopped him back.
I don’t like violence but… you know… Yay.
I have just read the account of Sam Cooke’s death in Wikipedia.
We will never know what really happened, but the official version? Hamlet/Denmark.
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