“The Beautiful Bird Revealing the Unknown to a Pair of Lovers (Le Bel oiseau déchiffrant l’inconnu au couple d’amoureux) (from the Constellation series)” By: Joan Miró 1941
The above comes from HERE. There is a short article giving more about Joan Miró.
Apropos of nothing (unless you’re a Tom Hanks fan):
Tom Power will spend the entire hour of “q” (10:00 A.M. Atlantic Daylight Time / earliest / and then 10:00 A.M. through the other four time zones) interviewing Tom Hanks.
There will be discussion of his career, but he is also on a book tour promoting his first novel “The Making of Another Motion Picture Masterpiece a novel”.
I’ll provide a link as soon as I get one, but if you explore CBC Radio 1 live you should be able to find it.
Edited in at 09:18 E.D.T.
As promised here is a U.R.L. to the Tom Hanks interview (I left it raw).
Open it in a new window so you don’t lose this page.
The start arrow is a short scroll down.
StelBel, you are right on target for music for me tonight. 🙂
Good night people and pets.
Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago
For a look at some truly jaw-dropping images created by space scientists and astro-photographers, most of which are NOT an “artists conception,” go here: Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive 2015. One of the images used in the Starman theme video came from there, and in fact I downloaded it as part of the rotation for my desktop.
I love this song. I don’t care who does it.
I love this song!♥♥♥
“The Beautiful Bird Revealing the Unknown to a Pair of Lovers (Le Bel oiseau déchiffrant l’inconnu au couple d’amoureux) (from the Constellation series)” By: Joan Miró 1941
The above comes from HERE. There is a short article giving more about Joan Miró.
Apropos of nothing (unless you’re a Tom Hanks fan):
Tom Power will spend the entire hour of “q” (10:00 A.M. Atlantic Daylight Time / earliest / and then 10:00 A.M. through the other four time zones) interviewing Tom Hanks.
There will be discussion of his career, but he is also on a book tour promoting his first novel “The Making of Another Motion Picture Masterpiece a novel”.
I’ll provide a link as soon as I get one, but if you explore CBC Radio 1 live you should be able to find it.
Edited in at 09:18 E.D.T.
As promised here is a U.R.L. to the Tom Hanks interview (I left it raw).
Open it in a new window so you don’t lose this page.
The start arrow is a short scroll down.
Starbasset; wonderful movie and a real star-making turn 😉 for Ruff Bridges. People finally saw him as a fine actor after it was released.
I’ve been a fan since the Big Lebowski.
Of course Ruff Bridges made the Big Bowwowski.
StelBel, you are right on target for music for me tonight. 🙂
Good night people and pets.
For a look at some truly jaw-dropping images created by space scientists and astro-photographers, most of which are NOT an “artists conception,” go here: Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive 2015. One of the images used in the Starman theme video came from there, and in fact I downloaded it as part of the rotation for my desktop.
No way you can watch this and not smile. 🙂
You’re right
what a ”happy3” bunch of goats!
This does take me back…..
“STARBASSET” is a lovely film….
rather “cute” for a sci fi movie but I really enjoyed it.
Ruff Bridges…. as a sweet, sensitive alien….
and the lovely Karen Alhound, afraid of, but soon in love with him.
She follows him into danger….
but have no fear (SPOILER ALERT): it’ll be all right.
The US government, of course, plays the heavy….
why is it always portrayed as trying to kill off every alien that comes here?
Would our armed forces actually do that?
I certainly hope not.
Nobody watching these films ever wants them to shoot at Starman….
or capture ET, or harm any of the other alien creatures senselessly attacked.
Stel has kindly posted the human version, too, of course.
I say “kindly” because the human versions are always at least somewhat inferior, so she does the human producers a favor to display them.
I mean, Jeff Bridges (whoever he is) is no Ruff Bridges…
and no relation, I’d venture, although one really can’t assume, can one.
The BassetPlexIII is going to be showing this one.
I remember when it opened, as a smaller, less extravagant theater than the BassetPlexII…
or especially, the never-forgotten single-screen palace that once stood in its place…. the original Basset Cinema Royale… sigh..
But it’s good to have available… because it can show revivals, third runs, basset art films….
anything outside the scope of what is needed by the big theater, which requires higher ticket prices or more attendance to be profitable.
That’s how we get to see some of these gems.
And this one will have some virtual showings, which are safe for those of us who still avoid sitting inside theaters.
We can go together, but safely… hard to explain but it’s comics forum magic.
It’s been a long time, but I’m going to talk to the management, and to StelBel…
to try and wangle us bargain tickets and kibblecorn like we used to get!
It’s always waiting for you at the window!
Butterscotch Brownies with caramel icing
I thought they were called “blondies.”
It’s also strawberry month.
what a great movie, stel !!! and the videos were great, too! .
Keep an eye on these three. They’re up to something.
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