Somebody had a good deal of fun building that !
You can walk through the Tardis’ walls at points and exit the Tardis into the Earl’s Court.
To get back into the Tardis find the correct angle to approach the police box (you sometimes have to find the box / depending on where you come out), click on it, and poof! you’re in.
I’ve never gotten into “Dr. Who”, but the person who did this obviously is, and the enthusiasm shows.
I got out the door (clicked on the door handle), went outside and checked things out. Took a bit to get back into the box, but IN I did get, eventually.
So cool, and so amazing!
But you guys… a tardis is blue… and it’s a police box.
A phone box is way smaller… I know it doesn’t matter once you’re inside, but outside it could get awkward, like, say, when you’re asking someone to follow you in.
Plus people are probably more circumspect in their behavior towards a police station than a telephone booth. I think it would feel safer.
The majority of sites I found call this an Indian water usage political cartoon.
I cannot read the cartoonist’s signature, and nor could I find an attribution or date.
Edit at 07:11 hrs. E.S.T.
I looked again when I got up.
It’s been around since at least 2013.
Still can’t find the cartoonist though.
Wendell Minor , Edward Hopper Paints His World 2014
Cover illustration for Edward Hopper Paints His World by Robert Burleigh, Henry Holt and Co., Gouache and watercolor on paper
Norman Rockwell Museum Collection, Gift of Wendell Minor
The above caption comes from HERE. You’ll have an easy scroll down to reach it.
Liverlips McCracken
2 years ago
What a svelte, dare I say chiseled, look Cleo presents as she goes for the gold yet again. She is a lean, mean, fightin’ machine! Enterprising, too. Just look at the way she so casually psyches herself into hoisting that bar overhead in a smooth snatch move.
I like how in a comic, the label can become the truth…
Cleo didn’t have to do anything to make the weights lighter but label them so.
That would be so useful in real life!
Buy a 2 lb bag of oranges, or whatever, come home and label it 5 lbs.
I could label my wallet fatter and my jeans thinner.
Maybe you could even change maps and distance markers… suddenly friends and family, and places to go, are many miles closer or farther away, as you wish.
Your dear friend lives next door; Paris or London is just down the street.
(Of course, you might have to put a whole city back after a few hours, or a lot of people will get lost on the way home.)
But if it works really well, maybe occasionally, with a good eraser and a big marker, that Costco size box of crackers you don’t know whatever possessed you to buy could instead hold a chocolate cake…
Actually, the Armistice was signed some days before Nov. 11th. It was just delayed (according to the treaty) to make it significant. Think of how many lives were lost on both sides due to that stupidity.
It’s stuffing month, and as (counting today as day 0 “zero”) American Thanksgiving is on day 13 from now I’ll post the four stuffing (2 per comic) recipes from “Cheap Thrills Cuisine” and “Kitchen Capers” beginning today and continuing daily until Monday.
On Tuesday, I’ll again post the link to Atco’s “Stuffing Balls”, and on Wednesday my mother’s stuffing recipe.
I cannot imagine any of the regulars not knowing this but a visitor or two may not.
With any domestic fowl, be it turkey, chicken, duck, or goose, a good “thumb” type guide for the amount of stuffing necessary is 1/2 cup of stuffing per pound of bird.
If the bird in question is “x” pounds and “y” ounces (even if y = 1) for stuffing purposes the bird is x + 1 pounds.
Are we sure that isn’t the Tardis that keeps appearing on these London streets?
My thought exactly!
Have you seen the latest episode?
A little blurb about the shop at 43 Roseberry Avenue.
It’s new enough that the “Tardis” is still there.
Yersterday we had a red phone booth and a red tree, today we have a red phone booth and a red bus.
you’ve been seeing red lately
Go to googlemaps, search for “the tardis london” – and walk right into it via streetview:,-0.1929841,2a,75y,113.21h,85.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-HQcEB5ZefAAAAQIt-ILiA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Yikes… I went in… cool…
but you can’t go out the door.
I can; no problem there.
I get here:,-0.1927168,3a,75y,113.21h,85.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sosmPoEbHf4xKsx-vZEvbNw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
Somebody had a good deal of fun building that !
You can walk through the Tardis’ walls at points and exit the Tardis into the Earl’s Court.
To get back into the Tardis find the correct angle to approach the police box (you sometimes have to find the box / depending on where you come out), click on it, and poof! you’re in.
I’ve never gotten into “Dr. Who”, but the person who did this obviously is, and the enthusiasm shows.
I got out the door (clicked on the door handle), went outside and checked things out. Took a bit to get back into the box, but IN I did get, eventually.
So cool, and so amazing!
I got out the door, did a tour of the area, then got stuck in traffic.
But you guys… a tardis is blue… and it’s a police box.
A phone box is way smaller… I know it doesn’t matter once you’re inside, but outside it could get awkward, like, say, when you’re asking someone to follow you in.
Plus people are probably more circumspect in their behavior towards a police station than a telephone booth. I think it would feel safer.
Only that one (broken camouflage abilities) is always blue.
Anyway.. I like that the bus mirrors the shape, and almost the size, of the building.
It’s like they’re cousins.
The majority of sites I found call this an Indian water usage political cartoon.
I cannot read the cartoonist’s signature, and nor could I find an attribution or date.
Edit at 07:11 hrs. E.S.T.
I looked again when I got up.
It’s been around since at least 2013.
Still can’t find the cartoonist though.
Pretty sad situation.
I think it is probably fair to say that Spike wanted some help with his dish.
“My name is Revenge. – And I’m cold. Serve me. Premium Kibble will do.”
From 1979; which explains the presence of the U.(niversal)P.(roduct)C.(ode).
the bigger tip that it’s as recent as ’79 was the price—I used to buy them for 10
cents—except when those incredibly cool ‘Giant’ issues came out
Wendell Minor , Edward Hopper Paints His World 2014
Cover illustration for Edward Hopper Paints His World by Robert Burleigh, Henry Holt and Co., Gouache and watercolor on paper
Norman Rockwell Museum Collection, Gift of Wendell Minor
The above caption comes from HERE. You’ll have an easy scroll down to reach it.
What a svelte, dare I say chiseled, look Cleo presents as she goes for the gold yet again. She is a lean, mean, fightin’ machine! Enterprising, too. Just look at the way she so casually psyches herself into hoisting that bar overhead in a smooth snatch move.
Mind over matter! Good thinking, Cleo!
just leave it to Our Cleo to come up with this ‘fix’!
I like how in a comic, the label can become the truth…
Cleo didn’t have to do anything to make the weights lighter but label them so.
That would be so useful in real life!
Buy a 2 lb bag of oranges, or whatever, come home and label it 5 lbs.
I could label my wallet fatter and my jeans thinner.
Maybe you could even change maps and distance markers… suddenly friends and family, and places to go, are many miles closer or farther away, as you wish.
Your dear friend lives next door; Paris or London is just down the street.
(Of course, you might have to put a whole city back after a few hours, or a lot of people will get lost on the way home.)
But if it works really well, maybe occasionally, with a good eraser and a big marker, that Costco size box of crackers you don’t know whatever possessed you to buy could instead hold a chocolate cake…
or even a new puppy — but do let it out! Quick!
It’s Remembrance Day here in Canada.
Soldiers who died in war are remembered.
Guess what it is in the US…
on the eleventh day of the eleventh hour of the eleventh month, an armistice was signed to end the war!
today we honor those very brave souls!
Actually, the Armistice was signed some days before Nov. 11th. It was just delayed (according to the treaty) to make it significant. Think of how many lives were lost on both sides due to that stupidity.
It’s stuffing month, and as (counting today as day 0 “zero”) American Thanksgiving is on day 13 from now I’ll post the four stuffing (2 per comic) recipes from “Cheap Thrills Cuisine” and “Kitchen Capers” beginning today and continuing daily until Monday.
On Tuesday, I’ll again post the link to Atco’s “Stuffing Balls”, and on Wednesday my mother’s stuffing recipe.
I cannot imagine any of the regulars not knowing this but a visitor or two may not.
With any domestic fowl, be it turkey, chicken, duck, or goose, a good “thumb” type guide for the amount of stuffing necessary is 1/2 cup of stuffing per pound of bird.
If the bird in question is “x” pounds and “y” ounces (even if y = 1) for stuffing purposes the bird is x + 1 pounds.
Thanks vets
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