November 12, 2021

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Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago

12, am I right?

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  DennisinSeattle
3 years ago

I get 10. Puppies.

Last edited 3 years ago by Liverlips McCracken
Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
3 years ago

Closer to the 12 Dennis sees.

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
3 years ago

Me too… I get 10.

I was convinced there were 11, but while I was having a lull in my internet service, I doodled outlines around them…

While some are hard to distinguish, I think I separated them.

Oh… I guess I can share that,

If you want to see it….
comment image

This is just a rough doodle, not perfect outlines… as they say… your mileage may vary.

Last edited 3 years ago by SusanSunshine
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

You are tooooooo clever, Ms. Sunshine!!!! Good idea!

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago

Hard to make heads or tails of them…so to speak.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago

That is the place i would like to be.
Me and my dog, with no place that i need to be.

Famed Member
3 years ago

@ SusanSunshine From Monday and Tuesday.

Your observations about T.P. and Paper Towels as a 2nd grader, were spot on.


Two How Are They Made videos, and one for fun.
The T.P. machine in action. (5 Minutes 34 seconds)

The P.T. machine in action. (3 minutes 18 seconds)

This one is just for fun.
Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Two leopard cubs.
They’re cute; right now. (1 minute 45 seconds)


The picture link from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” below is about Orangey. He had a long and distinguished career.


Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

Somewhere in between bringing the two sheets together into two-ply paper, and winding it onto the wide rolls, a notched blade must come down every so many fractions of a second and perforate it, usually every 4″, so that it will tear into squares.

I was watching for it to happen but didn’t see it.

It can’t be done to the sheets separately, because the perforations line up exactly, and anyway, you can see that they went through both layers together.

Once it’s rolled, there’s no way to do it.

The things you have to think of, to design the simplest objects!

Think about just designing a zipper.

BTW, like most TP, the brand I prefer has had 4×4″ sheets for years and years…

Companies say they don’t profiteer off pandemic buying and shortages… uh huh…

but not only does it cost at least 20% more than it did in 2019…
the sheets are now 3.8″ wide.


It doesn’t sound like much… but when you save 0.2″ of paper from every length cut from those wide rolls, you might get a whole extra roll every 20 rolls… millions of times. It adds up!

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
3 years ago

Regardless of details:
As you said, at 3.8″ width per roll instead of 4″, they are now cutting 21 rolls per 80″ of raw “log” (and that accepts your rolls are still cut at 4″ long per sheet).
To keep it simple, selling price of each roll was and remains $1.00.
So at best the price increase is 5% per roll on base.
At an accepted increase from 100,00 to105,00 rolls per day production rate …. … … yes it does indeed add up.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alexikakos
Famed Member
3 years ago

comment image

Famed Member
3 years ago

@ —comment image From Wednesday.

The attachment is the menu of the “Bar Pisellino” (side by side with, to me, surprising information / I changed the top description to a caption)
Note the cost of a Martini — $17.00 —.
If that is not a tax-in price, that $17.00 will be subject to combined New York state and city taxes of 8.875% and do not forget the bottom of the menu:
a 10% NYC “Covid Surcharge will be added to your bill
So that martini could end up being $20.19 plus tip.
As high as I go, depending on service, is tipping 15% on the total owed at the till. So my total, if I lived in New York City, could be as high as $23.22 (OUCH ! !).
There’s got to be less expensive bars.
As a side note, Selena Gomez’s television address as Alex Russo is only about five blocks north.
As for today:
Somebody has been reading too much Alan Dean Foster, I think.

Bar Pisellino Menu and Boroughs.PNG
Last edited 3 years ago by Alexikakos
Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

I would rather have a $7 martini and tip 20%.

Famed Member
Reply to  DennisinSeattle
3 years ago

I don’t go to bars, but I suppose neighborhood bars still charge that.

I agree that 15% is a very low “maximum” tip. Anything less is embarrassing around here.

A month or two ago, my nephew and his wife, a restaurateur, were visiting from Los Angeles, and took me to a new, rather hip, restaurant, in my local area, considered way out in the sticks compared to San Francisco.

I don’t normally go to places like that…

Entrees, mostly vegetarian, were around $30-$35…small plates designed to be augmented with several $20 appetizers, which we shared.

They each casually drank a couple of chic cocktails in the $14-$16 range.

So it’s not just New York City.

Famed Member
3 years ago

@ —comment image From Wednesday.

“Breaking Away”: The “Serenade Scene” lyrics..


from Friedrich von Flotow’s Martha

M’appari tutt’ amor,
Il mio sguardo l’incontrò;
Bella si che il mio cor,
Ansioso a lei volo;
Mi ferì, m’invaghi
Quell’ angelica beltà,
Sculta in cor dall’amor
Cancellarsi non potrà:
Il pensier di poter
Palpitar con lei d’amor,
Puo sopir il martir
Che m’affana e stranzia il cor.
M’appari tutt’amor,
Il mio sguardo l’incontrò;
Bella si cheil mio cor
Ansioso a lei volo;
Marta, Marta tu sparisti
E il mio corcol tuo n’ando!
Tu la pace mi rapisti,
Di dolor io morirò.

The attachment is from the end credits.

Breaking Away Opera Credit.PNG
Famed Member
3 years ago


@ —comment image

You made “Rum Ribs” on Monday.
I could well be wrong, but I doubt you bought any rum to make them with, so my warped mind came up with this little ditty, and I’m told (use your best “acting-excited-disk-jockey” voice):
“It’s going to be number 1-oh-1 with an —comment image” ! !”
“No Rum Rum Rum”
MontanaLady makes her “Rum Ribs” without rum
No rum- rum- rum- rum  No rum- rum- rum
They taste really good but they have no rum
No rum- rum- rum- rum  No rum- rum- rum
Since they have no rum
“Rum-less Ribs” they are
And though they do taste good
No rum- rum- rum- rum  No rum- rum- rum
As I said: “warped mind”   🙂 — and recipes are only guidelines anyway.
These are offered their due apologies:
Songwriters: Ellie Greenwich / Jeff Barry / Georges Aber / Philip Spector
All right, people. All right. I’m gone for the day.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
3 years ago

No rum-rum-rum ribs! They really tasted good! I don’t get out as often to shop anymore, and you have to go to a state liquor store to buy the rum, so this is the easy way out. LOVED your ditty!

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
3 years ago

When the hatch flew up on Robocar and the cannon popped out, I thought for sure that Cleo was going to respond in kind. She probably wishes she would/could have. But I imagine that she was out of ammo, and they were on their way to Projectiles R Us to stock up.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
3 years ago

The Little Nash Rambler song sounds a lot like The Teddy Bear’s Picnic.

Famed Member
3 years ago

The risks of self-driving cars are still being discovered. This one seems to have taken some tips from Cleo.

Famed Member
3 years ago

Cleo! You’ve met your match!


Famed Member
3 years ago

I liked the Caddie vs Rambler song before I ever saw the animation. The animation confirms that some things are better left to the imagination.

Famed Member
3 years ago

What happens when somebody just walks in front of a self-driving car and wanders back and forth for 20 minutes? Are they equipped with the ability to back up and go around? Maybe call for help? Decide that the person is doing it on purpose and run over them 2 or 3 times to make sure they don’t do it to somebody else? “I can’t do that, Dave.”

Famed Member
3 years ago

Hullo, Cleophiles and Clevelanders…

I’d hope that facing that huge cannon would teach Cleo how an unarmed little squirrel feels, facing the size and firepower of a basset with a bazooka.

Actually, though…. I think she does get it… the problem is that she doesn’t care.

In fact I’m sure she’s glad to realise that a squirrel would feel so overwhelmed.

Meanwhile, maybe the real ones don’t have cannons… but the idea of driverless cars is scary to many of us anyhow.

I mean, sure, they’re technical marvels… but hey… so are computers… and they never make any mistakes, right?

People get killed on escalators, even elevators… moving devices without human operators…

usually not because the machine makes a mistake, but because some human does something stupid, and the machine neither sees it nor “knows” how to correct for it.

This particular robot is armed and dangerous… but even a cannon-less car without a human inside is a ton or two of moving steel… or these days, probably steel, plastic and fiberglass…

that only knows what it’s been programmed to know, and only responds to a finite set of events.

Even with AI, and being able to use a certain sort of logic… I don’t trust that a computer can totally predict human illogic.

So far, the law in most places says that an alert human MUST be behind the wheel, even when a car is on autopilot… but I’m sure that will change.

When they’re finally allowed out on their own, it will be after they’re proven to respond well to known types of dangers…

but it will always be the unforeseen that scares me.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
3 years ago

That has me drooling on my keyboard!

Famed Member
3 years ago

Last Scene: That’s a good look for Clara.
She should run and jump in the BOOM car and declare herself to be …


Old Phart Plods
Famed Member
3 years ago

Kewl new vid!

TGIF Cleo phans! Snow today here…woohoo!

Happy 90th Mom!
comment image

Y’all have a great day. (((((HuGz!)))))

Famed Member
Reply to  Old Phart Plods
3 years ago


Reply to  Old Phart Plods
3 years ago

Happy bday, Old Pharts Plods’ Mom. You are 1 year ahead of mine (89th bday last Sat)

Famed Member
Reply to  dorothea
3 years ago

happy birthday again, Dorothea!

Famed Member
3 years ago

The new version of the “3 R’s”
Readin’, Ritin’, and Rithmatic
is now
Robot Road Rage

Famed Member
3 years ago

Any more questions, Claude??

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